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Everything posted by Bass_Akwards

  1. I for one think it's pretty uncool to keep all your fish under your hat. Get a livewell, not a scale.
  2. Met Alton at the Denver BPS Spring Classic after he won the big one. Such a nice guy it's almost insane. These anglers are some of the nicest people in sports and some of the best interviewees out there. Jones, Ike, KVD, Skeet and others are absolutely seasoned vets when it comes to answering all these questions, and you can just tell by listening to them, how bright they are. You can't be a dummy and be one of the best anglers on the planet. It just doesn't work that way. Nice 1 Glenn! Can't wait to see who you interview next.
  3. Try aproaching the pads with stealth and then try flipping. I'd pound the area with 4 baits and see what works. 1. 5'' Senko. Watermellon W/ BL Flake weightless and weedless. 2. A backwards rigged Fat Ika. Black with Blue Flake 3. Outcast tackel Pro Staff Jig 1/8 oz with a baby Peca Craw or Zoom Jr. Chunk 4. Texas Rigged Black W/ blue Flake Sweet Beaver. The added weight of the Texas rig might trigger a better reaction bite with that faster fall. When they aren't biting as much on a slower fall I like to add some weight. It doesn't hurt to hit the area for 20-30 minutes and then let it cool down for a while before you hit it again.
  4. When you were in the middle of the inlet, did you take the time to go over to the shallows where those guys were fishing and look at what was going on, both on and near the banks at all? Did you notice if the bass were spawning or not?
  5. Aren't there TONS of saltwater baits used in bass fishing? Saltwater uses jerks and divers/crankbaits and such just like in fresh water LMB fishing. I've always wanted to huck on of these babys though. Would be fun figuring out the correct colors and retrieve to ultimately slay some big mama's on them. http://www.fishing-tackle-manufacturers.com/picture/fishing-accessories/saltwater-fishing-lure.jpg
  6. Right there with ya Stasher 1!
  7. Gunna be fun looking at this thread in few months to see who hit their mark, and who didn't. 60 degrees here in Boulder today and every pond is iced over. Complete torture!
  9. So what are you saying? When it's ice out you guys are done here? You don;t believe that for a second do you? I'd say Cabin Fever is last on the list of reasons I come here. It definately makes cabin fever bearable, no doubt, but I come for the fishing information, and to learn about other people in the bass fishing community. Their thoughts, their fears, their stories, their tryumphs and even their losses, are great to read about and sometimes humbling. I love reading about the similarities and differences between myself and the other anglers here in terms of our attitudes, and fishing styles and techniques, and strategys on and even sometimes off the water. It's fun to take all of that and use that knowlege to improve my fishing and God for bid maybe even be a better person in life. That's what's fun for me about this place.
  10. LOL@ "Mr. VD!" Bwahahahahaahaha! The fun is in guessing if that guy was on crack or herion.
  11. The Ika obviously isnt a tube, but rig that sucker weedless and rig it backwards and it's as killer of a lure as any tube if not more so.
  12. Lake El Salto - Air temps around 100. Water Temps in the 90's - 2pm - Slight breeze - Blue Sky All you hear everywhere around you when you fish these conditions are the talapia on the water surface running from the big bass. It's constant and almost sounds like a very small wave crashing. These bass are constantly feeding and the bait fish are constantly running. It's complete carnage all day long. El Salto has 90 foot drops, huge humps, amazing shallows, rediculous cover, and you can literally fish an underwater graveyard complete with tombstones that house tons of monsters. Ideal.
  13. I need a bait caster that's not going to be a pain in the *** and has a descent braking system. Something better than average at leas I know absolutely NOTHING about reels and some super cool people on this board offered me these really good deals. Which one should I buy? What's the best bang for my buck here? I can read about these reels, but hearing from people that actually use the stuff is 100x better. All prices include shipping. Thanks in advance. Abu Garcia Pro Max - $45.00 (I think) cabelas tournament zx baitcaster - $50.00 BPS bionic plus $35.00 Both Quantum- E600PT for $50 or an E860PTXM for $60. Both are about 5-6 years old Quantum Accurist II (AC500CX) $45.00
  14. Good stuff guys! So fun to read. I've struggled with this one but I gotta say, I think I'm a hook set guy. The hookset to me is everything that happens after the strike and before the fight. In that case, the 2 seconds after I feel that "bump" and the anticipation of what's possibly on my lure PLUS the actual YANK of my rod to feel that fish all loaded up right before the actual fight is just epic fun for me. It's only about 3-5 seconds total, but d**n do I love it.
  15. Never read it but I can't imagine the entire book is dedicated to ONLY tourney tactics and strategy. I bet there's lots of stuff in there about the same ole " lures, techniques, seasonal movements, etc" Just a guess. Let me know if you read it and what you thought please.
  16. That hurts. Man I wish I could go.
  17. Hell yea it makes a difference to bass. live Crayfish are a big bass KILLER! They work in the toughest of fishing conditions. Cold muddy water. Clear water. After a cold front. You name it. If you have some really active crayfish where the thing is just pulling and yanking your line all the time under water, that's a great trigger for the bass. The crayfish gets that defensive and stressed posture going and the big mama bass react and bite.. Make sure to not throw the crayfish for to long. If it gets tired it won't be as good of a bait as a lively one. Also try both tail hooking them and beak hooking them to see if one doesn't get hung up as much. What's sweet about beak hooking is it doesn't effect the way the crayfish swims as they use their tails to get around and what's even cooler is you can walk the crayfish along the bottom by beak hooking. When their beak hooked and you bring them toward an area where they dont want to go, like an area with lots of preditors present, or a nice juicy 12 pound bass is hanging around, they start resisting and going nuts by kicking and wiggling and struggling. That's when you know there's bass somewhere close, and thats when your adrenaline kicks in, and THAT'S why I fish in the first place. The more adrenaline the better.
  18. When bass fishing, what's the best? The strike? (whatever your favorite strike is) Setting the hook? Or Fighting the fish?
  19. Boulder Colorado 10 day forcast for highs and low's is below. Complete torture! Highs during the day might be good enough to melt some ice, but then it gets below freezing at night. As close to ice out as you can get without actually being able to fish. Haven't made a cast since Oct and I'm very close to crying. Tues - 50/31 Wed - 49/30 Thurs - 48/32 Fri - 49/30 Sat - 50/31 Sun - 49/32 Mon - 48/32 Tues - 47/28 Wed - 47/28
  20. Just trying to get to know a little about everyone on BR while I sit here with the worst cabin fever I've ever had. I was just wondering what you guys like to do almost as much, as much, or even more, than have a good day bass fishing? If the answer is nothing, I want to know that too. For me, there's 2.5 things that rival a good day bass fishing. 1. Mogul Skiing on top of fresh powder on a beautiful mountain top. 2. Going far in a big poker tournament. 2.5 The two times a summer I break 80 on the golf course. How about you guys?
  21. Big bass tend to follow changing oxygen levels during the year just like elk migrate to summer and winter pastures.
  22. Depends. For me, I'm after the big ones. Big ones like to hang out on the further most outlying pieces of structure, that still relates to thier eventual spawning area. It also needs to have immediate access to deeper water.
  23. Great interview with the machine. I can literally FEEL this guys brain working at 1000 miles an hour. The machine is a force of nature. Lastly, how amazing would it be to be a fly on the wall, or in this case, perhaps a frog on a lilly pad, next to the bass boat the Machine and Clunn are fishing on together? Are you kidding me? Imagine the conversation on tournament strategy and tactics, not to mention bass behavior. Good LORD!
  24. Lipless cranks and jigs on the most remote outlying pieces of structure that the bass associate with their eventual spawning area. Access to deeper water for the big hogs is key. Jerkbaits with long pauses.
  25. God I love this website. :)
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