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Everything posted by Bass_Akwards

  1. Wahahahaahahaha! Nice bro. Seriously? If KVD was fishing and catching fish on my spot it might take a DAY or TWO for the site to heat up again? That sucks if that's true. I belong to a private 27 acre lake fishing club and every time I show up to the lake the same guy is already out there fishing. He's usually already fished for an hour or two and I know he's already been to many of my favorite spots so I always wonder what to do in that situation. He's a decent stick and I feel like I don't catch as many fish on the days he's been out there before me. I'm just hoping I'm mistaken.
  2. Hi all. Quick question for ya. Let's say you get to your favorite pond or lake and drive the boat to your favorite honey hole, shoreline or point but when you get there you see someone is already fishing it and in fact catching a couple bass while fishing it. How long after that person leaves that spot before you can feel confident that area will have heated back up again and you can catch multiple bass in that spot, maybe even including the bass you watched the other angler catch? Thanks!
  3. Hey all. Your thoughts on whether it's a better idea to fish a baitcaster backed with braid and then a 6 foot fluoro/mono leader? Or no braid at all? If the former, what's your favorite combo of Braid and leader and with what knott? THANKS!!!
  4. Thanks all! Amazing suggestions. Going with "Eye Surrender ESE" W/ Amber lens. Great reviews as far as durability and quality. The amber lens is supposed to be absolutely amazing for sight fishing and seeing the bottom in relatively deep water. The price was the kicker. About $60. If these are anywhere near as good as the reviews I'll be stoked for 60 bucks. If they're just average or even lame, I'll go with Costas. Thanks for the help.
  5. Thanks! Searched "Polarized sunglasses" before making this post. Last thing I saw was from a couple years ago. Trying just "sunglasses" now. Looking for a pair that is great on both cloudy and sunny days if thats possible. Thanks! I've heard both sides. Many people have suggested that you really do get better quality, when it comes to polarized sunglasses, when you spend up. I can't wait to see if others agree or disagree with that.
  6. Hey all! Would love your recommendations as to which polarized sunglasses are your favorites and why. I really need a well built brand that allows the wearer to see as deep into the water column as the wearers eyes allow. I have really good eyes but the pair I have now kinda sucks, especially in lower light. Thanks!
  7. Hey all! I know it's subjective as heck but can I get some opinions on the "best" 7'0''ish MH action rod on the market today? Saw the pinned post called "Best Rod Thread" but it stops in 2018. Need some more recent opinions please and thanks. Personally I like a rod with some backbone as I make long casts from the boat and catch bass from 30 or 40 yards out or even more. Tough to set the hook from that far with a wispy rod. Especially on a soft plastic bite as opposed to something like a crankbait. All opinions are helpful, especially if a bunch of people agree on the same rod. Thanks!
  8. Thanks All! I'd be willing to bet good money that the answer is that we don't cull enough 10-13(or should it be 14) inch bass. Lake has plenty of crappie, bass, perch, bluegill, for forage and is in good shape otherwise. Appreciate the help! Anyone know a general process for culling a 27 acre lake? Amount of bass that need to be taken out and in what time frame in general? What size LMB's need to be taken out? Thanks!
  9. Hey all! I hope I'm posting in the correct forum, if not, sorry! Anyway, I joined a private fishing club in 2012 and every time I spent 2+ hours on the water I'd catch 1 if not 2 or 3 LMB that were 18-20+ inches. (3-5 pound class) This lasted the first two years I was at the club. It was great, especially for Colorado.. Then, my third year 2015, I noticed neither I, nor my friends, were catching as many 18''+ size. We'd get maybe 1 or even none of the 18 inch or bigger class when we'd go out for a few hours. We would however catch dozens of LMB in the 12-15 inch range. We thought "Great! in two or three years all those 15 inchers are gunna grow to be 17-21 inchers!" Well that never happened for some reason. Either that or I got much worse as a fisherman or the fish grew bigger brains or both. I have 6 friends who belong to the club and their all experienced, good fishermen. How are we not catching those 17-21 inch class anymore? What the heck happened? Is it us? Is is the lake? I know lakes go through cycles but after three years of barely catching any 18 inch LMG after catching 1-5 of them every time out for a couple years makes me wonder. We've tried the same techniques we've always used. We've tried different techniques and baits as well. Bigger baits, smaller baits, different speeds and depths of water column and everything else. Still, 90% of our LMB are 12-15 inches the last couple years. Maybe twice a year I or my buddies will catch a 18-20 inch bass. Any suggestions as to what is happening here? Thanks!
  10. Ha. I really didn't say that well. My bad. $5.00 each BAG. A bag has 3 in them. Are there other swimbaits even close to the D Walker that you get 6 or 10 to a bag for near the same price as 3 Walkers? Sorry and thanks!
  11. Hey all! Thanks in advance. So, last year I used an Owner Flashy Swimmer underspin with a River2Sea D Walker swimbait. Those D Walkers are $5.00 each. Anyone have a good recommendation for a D Walker Substitute that might come in a 10pk or 6 pk or something so I might save a little cash? Thanks again!
  12. Hey all. Ever used a baitcasting reel that you bought for $125.00 or less and absolutely loved it? I'm in the market and would love peoples advice on their favorite baitcasting reel(s) and why they love them so much. I need a good all around reel. I fish a ton of Jigs and plastics but I'll also throw everything else as well. I'll use the new reel with a 7' medium-heavy rod for LMB and wiper. Thanks!
  13. Seems like the LMB in the lake are healthy and the right weight for their length. We're just not catching the number of 17-20 inchers we used to per outing as well as per season. Just looking to try and create a larger average size LMB in the lake then we have now and get back to what we used to have or even better. Also I'd love to grow some absolute hawgs in the 6-10 pound range as well. Bass in my lake eat frogs, crawdads, bluegill, perch, bass, crappie, and surface bugs. There's PLENTY of food for the bass to eat.
  14. Thx team 9. Forgot to ask this earlier but assuming you're correct, does that include the 6-10 inchers the fly fishermen at our club catch all the time? Or should those be tossed back into the lake? The reason I'm asking is because I was just told (after I posted this) by a club member that we're supposed to take out everything from about 11 inches up to 14 inches and leave the smaller ones alone. Thanks!
  15. Hi all. I belong to a private fishing club in Colorado. I just talked with a local fish biologist who works for the county about having his people come to our club a few times to take bass that we catch, so they can put them in ponds that are meant for only kids to fish. My question is what size LMB should we be taking out of our lake, in order to grow bigger bass for the future? I joined this lake 10 years ago and for the first 3 years I couldn't go an hour without catching a 17 or 18 incher, with the average bass being about 15 inches. The past couple years the size LMB we catch most frequently is between 13-14 inches. I fished for 4 hours the other day and caught 33 LMB. Most were between 12-14 inches with several 15 inchers, and a 16 incher. Thats pretty standard the past few years. Nice quantity, descent quality for sure but not like it used to be. What size bass should we be taking out now so that we can get back to catching, or at least growing, a lot more 17 and 18 and 19 inch LMB? I caught a 21.5 inch 5.1 pounder in there last year so i know there's some nice ones swimming around but we plain and simply aren't catching as many of that size as we used to and it's obvious. THANKS!
  16. Hi all. My biggest fishing weakness is sometimes not being able to switch gears when it's slow or when I know the bass are there but they're not biting. What's your process for switching gears when the bite is off? 1. How much time or how many casts do you generally go without catching a LMB before you switch baits/tactics? 2. If you start the day fishing "fast" and the bite is off, do you go to another "faster" bait? OR Do you start to slow down? OR do you do something else? (keep using the same bait but switch bait size, or switch to different types of structure or cover etc) What do you do if your secondary bait or tactic fails? 3. If you start the day fishing "slow" and the bite is off, do you go to another "slow" bait? OR do you start to speed up? OR do you do something else? What do you do if your secondary bait or tactic fails?
  17. Hi all! I'm about to buy a bunch of jigs. Haven't needed any in a couple years as I had a tackle box full. Looking to see if there's a consensus on what the best jig is for $3.50 or less. If no consensus that's fine, I still want to know everyone's favorite! Thanks!
  18. I love making super far casts. At the same time I fish a lot of trees and other stuff that can tear up line pretty fast. Lastly, I have 3 spinning reels. This means I need a super thin, super strong line that can still cast far with a spinning reel, yet pull 5 pound bass out of a mess of brush. So far my favorite line by FAR in the Seaguar invisX flouro. To me, it's amazing because it's a 12 pound test that is so thin, I can fish it on any spinning reel. The .011 diameter is very impressive and casts a mile with a fat Ika on the end. Problem is, it's 18-20 bucks for 200 yards. I've tried the yo-zuri hybrid and could only get away with 6# test on my spinning rods. Anything stronger was to difficult to cast far distances. If InvisX is the best I can do for the money, so be it, but any suggestions other than the two I've already tried would be great. (unless someone can honestly tell me the 6# yo-zuri is as strong as the 12# seaguar) Thanks!
  19. Hey all. I searched the forums but couldnt find what I was looking for. Anyway, I need a knot for tying my backing line to my main line. I use expensive main line so I like to use about 75 yards of crappy yellow line as backing to fill up my reel a little before using the good stuff. With the lame knot I use now, the line catches on the knot when it gets 30 yards or so from the backing. Any suggestions for a little knot that wont catch when the line gets low and near the backing? I've seen the blood knot and thought it was okay but I want something different. (unless the blood knot is everyones first choice) Thanks!
  20. Use google earth man. There's tons of great ponds around denver and the suburbs. A good stick can catch some nice fish in many of them I'm consistently catching 17 18 and 19 inch fish in places many anglers tell me they only catch 15 and 16 inch max. I was fishing a group of ponds on Monday night and as usual, asked everyone I saw in the parking lot after "how'd you do?" I guess people could be lying but one guy said he didnt catch anything one guy said he caught three bass but nothing over 15 inches a couple guys had "more than 5 bass" but nothing over 15 inches. This is insanely typical. I ask anglers d**n near every time I go out "How'd you do tonight?" "Anything over 15 inches?" "Anything over 2 1/2 pounds?" (I never ask what they use as I hate when people ask me that) If I ask 100 fishermen at my local ponds these questions 89 of them will give me these same answers. Meanwhile I'm catching 18 inch, 3 pound fattys and 16 inch fighters, and 20 inch whales!!! I watch guys fish all the time. we're shore fishermen so it's easy to do. I watch how and where they cast. Where they chose to stand when casting. The choices of bait their using etc and I just laugh. 7 out of 10 anglers at the local pond get how to "fish". They get what a soft plastic is and get what cranks and jerks are, they all have their favorite lures and baits from childhood, but when you watch them fish, it's easy to see why they never catch the bigger bass in the lake or pond. I'm not saying any more than that. The point I'm trying to make is, don't ask people where the "good fishing" is. Most people have no clue, and will tell you there's not any giant bass in a place where there IS giant bass but they just don't know it, and won't know it until they see me pull in two 4 pounders. :-) The guys who know where to land the piggies aren't just going to tell you where they do it either. It takes a lot of research and a lot of casts to find those lakes and ponds that hold nice bass and then even more casts and time and money and energy to find the honey holes and special, tender little nooks and crannies on those bodies of water. Get out there and put in the work and you'll find some killer bass hopefully. PM me and I'll give you a nice body of water to fish for starters.
  21. I live in Boulder and was just wondering how everyone else in Colorado and the front range in particular was doing this year? I've been fishing since March 5th and have had days where I only caught 3 bass in 4 hours That's happened twice. . Most days I'd say I average about 10 bass in the 14-15 inch range. With a few that are 16, 17 or 18 inches. I've caught 17 bass over 3 pounds so far since March and 6 over 4 pounds. Heaviest was 4 pounds 11 ounces.. and 20 and 1/2 inches. Zero in the 5 pound category. I've posted many of the fish on "Catchbook" which is a great fishing APP everyone should get into. The fattest fish I've caught so far in 2013 was an 18 inch 4 pound 4 ounce TOAD. This fish was PACKED with eggs. On Friday I caught 23 bass in 4 hours with many being over 2 pounds. One was 3 pounds 3 ounces One was 3 pounds 10 ounces. Next night I fished the same spots and only caught 8 fish, ZERO over 2 pounds 8 ounces. What a difference 24 hours can make. Water temps got a little cooler and a tiny front moved through. Anyway, Fishing has been amazing even in cold 48 degree water where I caught the 4 pound 8 ouncer. I'm only fishing regular ponds on the front range. No Arsenal, no Private water at some lucky persons home lake, just regular places. Who else out there is catching tons of fish? Anyone catching any size like over 5 pounds? Anyone caught multiple 4 or 5 pound LMB anywhere besides the Arsenal or a friends private lake? Talk to me Colorado!!!!
  22. Without getting into complicated rigs, what are some of the best baits and techniques to catch Walleye? My lake which is chalk full of Bass, has a smaller % of Walleye in it but my friend caught a 25 incher last night just fishing with a Senko. These Walleye are kinda rare to catch but what should I be doing to catch them more often? I heard Jigging works well but are there "walleye jigs?" Or can I just use my Skirted bass jigs? What else should I be throwing at them? Do they bite more after dark? I've seen two walleye caught on my lake this year and both were about 20 minutes-45 minutes after it got dark. Any help would be awesome!!!! Thanks!
  23. So here in Colorado we've been getting the weirdest weather, which for Boulder/Denver is the norm. For March April, and now May we've had days up into the 80's, and two days later, it's snowing and 29 degrees outside. Water temps during most of march and April when I was actually on the water were up and down all over the place ranging from 49-60. Questions - Does this confuse the bass? In other words, will bass move in to spawn or build nests when water temps hit 60 for a day or two, then get "tricked" and move back again to deeper water without laying their eggs when the water temp drops drastically? Or do they just wait and wait and wait for sustained water temps of about the magic number of 60 to move in to spawn? Question - Is that sustained water temp "magic number" the same in all cold weather states? Are bass in Illinios triggered to spawn at the same sustained water temps as bass in Colorado, Iowa, and NYC? Question - How long does that "trigger temperature" have to be happening before the bass will feel comfortable spawning? A week? 3 days? Two weeks? Question - Lastly, how long do/can bass hold onto their eggs before they have to get them into the nest? I caught a few egg filled bass in the beginning of March but water temps haven't been out of the 50's yet since then. Are those females I caught i early March STILL holding on to their eggs until water temps get into or around 60 degrees sustained?
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