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Everything posted by clancymf

  1. Standout, I have read all the posts and its seems you have a good product. I would suggest that you try to make your web page a little more reader friendly. No offense, but your website looks little a 15 year olds myspace page. I would lose the repeating jpeg background, the mix matching fonts/sizes and try to do something cleaner and easier to understand what is being purchased. I tried to figure out what the others are buying but am completely lost. I asked a colleague to help and he was just as lost as I was. Could you provide a direct link to the teardrop rig? Thanks, Mick
  2. I am still waiting to catch my first (in VA, caught a few months ago in SC). I have been to a few lakes and been skunked everytime. But I am going to keep on trying and reading this site till I get the hang of it.
  3. Thanks a ton for all the info. I'm be sure to check them out and hopefully save a few bucks.
  4. All, I was wondering if there are any good online or discount retailers that would carry either overstocked goods or outdated models for tackle and equipment. I am new to fishing and dont need to spend a ton on the latest and greatest if I can get last years lastest and greatest at 1/3 of the price. All the sites that I seem to find on my own have gear and tackle priced about the same as that as the local store which defeats the reason for buying online. All help is appreciated. Thanks, Mick
  5. Will do. Thanks guys for all your help!
  6. I am in the market for a jon boat to put in the back of my pickup. I am a big boy (300+) and my fishing buddy is about 225. Therefore, should I really worry about the max weight requirements on the jon boats since they are usually no bigger than 480 pounds? I just went fishing with my brother in law in a little 12 foot boat but it was an old v-hull jon boat and we did just fine. Any help would be most appreciated.
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