First of all, the boat is a BPS 9' Pond Prowler, which I got this summer and have fished over 80 times since. For the longest time I looked into get a Jon boat and was mainly considering the aluminum type.
The pro's of these boats are:
1) Cheap: I spent about $700 for the boat, trolling motor and battery.
2) Stable: I put the chair in the back and fish standing up. I can jump up and down and step on the edge and the boat does not flip (I'm 6'4" and 230 lbs). Two people can fish standing up with no problem. It's got a 4ft beam and a low center of gravity.
3) Easy to get in and out of the water: It takes me about 4 mins to get the boat in the water.
4) Easy to carry around: I keep the boat in the bed of truck all year long, covered with a tarp and chained up. This is very practical for my current situation, since I'm a college student and have nowhere I can store a trailer&boat.
5) Handles waves pretty well: It rocks more than a V-bottom but less than a flat bottom aluminum jon boat.
6) Confortable: Two people can fish out of it very confortably. When sitting in the chair, you sit pretty high up.
It is the best $700 I've ever spent in my life.
Have one too I agree with all he said about the boat. Nice fish wish I could see the sun up north here, seen rain for 3 straight days