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Everything posted by tritz18

  1. A backpack. We wanted to open it hoping there was a stash of money in it but it was way to slimy and smelled terrible.
  2. Oh and I did look at the crankin sticks on BPS and they do look good and they won't break the bank either.
  3. I have a 6'6 MH rod and a reel that works great for fishing plastics so I am thinking of just upgrading for fishing crankbaits. Because I mainly fish crankbaits and plastics with the occasional frog. So I guess the question is what rod and reel would be best for crankbait fishing?
  4. Ok after countless hours of looking at rods and reels I still don't know what I should purchase > . I am fishing crankbaits alot more so I would like a setup geared towards crankbaits but could still occasionally throw other general baits if needed. For a new baitcaster, I would prefer something with a high gear ratio. Been leaning towards the new Curado. It looks good and I have heard positive things about it. As for a rod I have no clue what to get. Any suggestions?
  5. i would change it cause I have had bad experiences with old braid, losing nice fish isn't fun.
  6. getting a new rod and reel, reel will probably be the new curado e. still trying to find the right rod
  7. what a sad story, but the fight must have got your heart thumping. Happened to me once had a big smallmouth on and as soon as it dove under the boat my line snapped. Its very upsetting but its part of fishing.
  8. great fish, good it was released
  9. Hey guys looking for a new rod for medium cranking, small swimbaits, frogs and any other medium to heavy lures. any ideas?
  10. I have been fishing the shallows, with shallow cranks and have been getting decent fish. Look for dieing lily pads and other vegetation to cast near and also other forms of structure.
  11. shallow crankbait
  12. bandits and rapala dt's
  13. Well before this season I was alright with a baitcaster but now I can cast perfectly and longer than any of my friends. Also I have gotten confidence in other lures besides senkos. PB hasn't gone up but I am stil trying before the ice comes in.
  14. shallow cranks
  15. one to two if lucky now with school less time to fish. but going out tommorow morning ;D
  16. not using senkos now used shallow crankbaits and got a few. more than my buddies were getting with senkos. but fish watever u feel confident in doing in the fall
  17. First of all, the boat is a BPS 9' Pond Prowler, which I got this summer and have fished over 80 times since. For the longest time I looked into get a Jon boat and was mainly considering the aluminum type. The pro's of these boats are: 1) Cheap: I spent about $700 for the boat, trolling motor and battery. 2) Stable: I put the chair in the back and fish standing up. I can jump up and down and step on the edge and the boat does not flip (I'm 6'4" and 230 lbs). Two people can fish standing up with no problem. It's got a 4ft beam and a low center of gravity. 3) Easy to get in and out of the water: It takes me about 4 mins to get the boat in the water. 4) Easy to carry around: I keep the boat in the bed of truck all year long, covered with a tarp and chained up. This is very practical for my current situation, since I'm a college student and have nowhere I can store a trailer&boat. 5) Handles waves pretty well: It rocks more than a V-bottom but less than a flat bottom aluminum jon boat. 6) Confortable: Two people can fish out of it very confortably. When sitting in the chair, you sit pretty high up. It is the best $700 I've ever spent in my life. Have one too I agree with all he said about the boat. Nice fish wish I could see the sun up north here, seen rain for 3 straight days
  18. booyah and terminator
  19. my sister got out of new orleans today, good luck to everyone getting out, keep up the updates on how u guys are
  20. let it sit a bunch, the majority of my strikes are when the frog is just sitting there. then pop it and pause. But remember count at least 3 seconds (slow 3 seconds ) after you see the hit to make sure the fish has it, then set the hook. good luck
  21. the oldest thing I use is the 7.5 culprit ribbontail worm
  22. I can't tell u how funny that is, thanks for sharing ;D ;D ;D
  23. he loves the taste of fresh meat.
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