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  1. Yep, last post deleted for ya
  2. It is harmless! The people that drink it aren't. I don't understand how you think that it's the alcohols' fault if someone gets hurt. Thats what you've been taught. don't forget kids its harmless, just one here and there is ok, but if you get hooked, well then by all means don't blame the product, its you. Never mind the fact that what would you be if you have never been introduced and convinced its harmless just to try it once. Sorry guys your not gonna convince me, I know when its a poeple problem and i know when something is the root. There would be a heck of alot more loved ones around they was never introduced or convinced that this stuff is harmless. I
  3. I'm glad you know my personal history. Oh wait, you don't. I've had a very close friend die in a DUI from some dude that was beyond drunk. My cousin launched himself through his windshield driving while drunk. My brother almost died in a hospital from drinking excessively. While I was on active duty I saw several people get severely hurt in situations where alcohol is involved. A bottle of liquid can't hurt you. You choosing to drink excessively can. You can die as a result from drinking too much water. Does that mean water is bad and I should hate to think that it exists? A gun cannot hurt somebody. Nor can a bullet. People can hurt people with guns though. Does that mean the inanimate gun is bad? Or is it the jackass that shoots somebody? I can probably go on and on with other similar examples. If you don't like booze, thats fine. I can't blame you. But to blame the drink instead of blaming the person abusing the drink is a bit silly. So all thru that your still fine with booze :-? You really believe the outcome of these tragic things would still be the same if they were sober?
  4. You people that educate others as well as the kids that this stuff is innocent just blows me away, right now you even play it down, oh its an object, the person is at fault. making your comments about its easy to blame the object doesn't fool me one bit, but sadly your comments helps others believe liquor and drugs are harmless.
  5. I was honest enough to tell you all up front, Im prejudice against this stuff. so one beer or not, I've seen and been thru enough to hate it no matter and believe in all my soul that each tragic outcome only happened because of being high or intoxicating
  6. you make a point by comparing a ford truck wreck to alcohol and drug abuse? ;D Are you gonna be one of the guys that convinces my son that one beer won't hurt? Pot is mother nature, go ahead boy smoke it up its the safest drug there is. > you have no clue on this stuff do you, I believe it shows in your response
  7. Self righteousness lol what a joke, its simple you drinkers have just not had anything traumatic happen to you that involves this stuff, if you did you'd be singing a different tune. I for one will never be afraid of stating my thoughts on this stupid crap. Its Stupid and ignorant plain and simple I believe alcohol and drug threads are the worst, they even beat politics by a mile
  8. yes, as it did my dad too! Im very prejudiced against alcohol & all drugs. I've seen nothing good from it, no one has ever built a good life from playing around with this stuff. I myself was an addict of hard liquor and innocent pot. I wised up one day and took the steps and stopped cold! I've seen man beat women, kids abused or forgotten, affairs, stealing, assaults, a investigation of rape and death! All this from the same people that claim to be a casual drinker or a innocent pot smoker. Years of seeing this stuff and then The day I saw my brother dead from suicide off a 4 day krank high was when i became so enraged and prejustice against drugs and alcohol. People that defend this stuff and claim its ok in small amounts are no different in my eye than someone that claims the holocaust never happened. I don't trust users, nor will I ever be a friend with them. They have a love in their life that will drive them to do what ever is convenient at the time of consumption that if it means a human life is destroyed then so be it! I'd gladly and have been a friend with those that want to quit. consuming liquor and or drugs is ignorant. whats a mature adult? one that can deal with feelings and what life has for them. wise up people and be a real man or woman and face your fears and emotions and seek natural highs of life, instead of coward-ling behind a bottle or what ever drug you take. Quit taking lives and destroying others! All alcohol bragging threads should be banned!
  9. NO separated checking account with us, and we discuss our gifts before hand, we will agree on a big purchase for the house and gladly and thankfully accept it if this happens. A new dish washer, stove, washer & dryer-even a blender does not offend or ever has ever offended my mother, my wife, my sister in-laws, heck they have even asked for them! This has gotta be a younger generation or something on this appliance issue? Anyone 40 + in age here that believe a appliance offends the wife for a Christmas gift?? if so, whats missing, content? Is it that you guys just make a heck of allot more money than we and so your use to spending this way? Is it a poor thing verses a rich thing?
  10. Its all ok, but I hate Black Fridays! when people stomp others to death just to get a bargain is sickening IMHO
  11. You're certainly walking the line with your latest topics! Aw, its easy to understand If they fall under the rules and IF we stay on topic the mods have no problem with it, at least thats what they have proven to me. If it isn't rule worthy, or someone train wrecks it for us Irene shows up (im guilty of train wrecking a few in my past, just like others) OK, back on topic ;D
  12. ;D just trying to keep it a simple question, and if we stay on topic hopefully the threads not closed
  13. WikiLeaks? For releasing government sensitive material?
  14. you poor fools : Me and the wife work together when times like this come along during Christmas time, and to get a $1200 hundred dollar set of washer & Dryer is a unbelievable thought for something well needed and at Christmas time :-? I knew there are some couples that keep bank accounts separate and expect huge gifts when celebrations come, but man oh man this blows me away on how many couples and man thoughts of this is how it is ;D After $1200 bucks spent and still expect more????? wow
  15. I asked my wife, and as I thought she would say. "Thats a Christmas Gift"!!!
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