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  1. Yep thats a real one.
  2. LOL, so true ;D
  3. We don't need to rage war, we could concor all countries over seas by just sending over all fast food chains, we'd be in charge ;D
  4. Thanks fellas, I didn't click nothen, so I Plan on turning it over
  5. Hey guys, have any of you recieved this scam in your email before? Taxpayer ID: xxxx.x-0000000001234US Tax Type: INCOME TAX Issue: Unreported/Underreported Income (Fraud Application) Please review your tax statement on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website (click on the link below): review tax statement for taxpayer id: xxxx.x-0000000001234US Internal Revenue Service It is addressed to me by my First name and my last name intial, and in sent to my work email-so I truly believe its scam and I haven't clicked on anything like it ask, was wondering if any of ya came across this??
  6. The gear wears out easy in them, went thru two already : took first one back the same day I got it, then the other one tore up the next day >
  7. My aunt works as a bank teller and she said most of the time those that dress plane or average(T-shirt jeans ) has big bucks in the bank and those that come in all dressed out fine with jewelry and such are flat broke ;D
  8. ;D ;D ;D well it just could be his thing
  9. I knew he was gonna get paid(like they all do :) but Man Alive!
  10. Eli Manning: The NFL's New $15-Million-A-Year Man, agreed to a new six-year, $97 million contract extension. wow is all I can say, what in the heck are they hoping he's gonna do for them at that pay. split waters Take me to the super Bowl Eli ;D
  11. welp I'm leaving work, so here's the answere A hour glass
  12. Two bodys have I, though both joined in one, the stiller I stand the faster I run. What am I?
  13. still a chair ;D my legs would hurt tho
  14. still the second step?
  15. with all the so,so issues lately I thought I would try and kick off a guessing game. So. here's mine If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
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