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Jeff C.

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About Jeff C.

  • Birthday 07/02/1960

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I found what I was looking for !!! www.probassquebec.com
  2. I drove by Crystal lake today during the tournament, wow, the lake was almost flat !!! unusual for that lake !!! hope the bite was on . it gets tough there this time of year .
  3. got a little more info.. Chazy River- Canada mid september. Jeff
  4. go here,, http://www.teamlivinthedream.com/2010_Schedule_Results.html my buddies web site has a big listing w/ links to a bunch of our series in Michigan. Jeff
  5. still looking for info... got a last name for what mite the winner -LaGaipa-
  6. UPS, Still looking for more info for ya. the other rumor is ,,, the guy "mite" have been using my hand poured baits? thats why the big interest by me. thanks Jeff
  7. mite be the one ? not sure yet, I heard that the winner mite have had close to 50 pounds !!!! but mite be a rumor. I see they had just under 40, thats big !! wow.
  8. UPS, Wow. I believe it was the 18th & 19th. and called a classic of some type. The winner was Max. Not sure on the last name rite off. I will do some digging and try to get better info. thanks much Jeff
  9. anyone have any info,results, ect. on a 2 day tournament that was supose to be @ champlain in the last week or 2. thanks Jeff
  10. I see the chigger won round #1.. how about some details.. was it close?? did the chigger kick its butt bad ?? 6 fish to 1 ???
  11. I get 90% of all my stuff from Lure Craft. awesome people to deal with.
  12. Looks awesome to me.
  13. you can't just mask um off with tape ??? :-?
  14. www.tackleunderground.com
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