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Everything posted by joe_schmoe

  1. See my post regaridn Optima Batteries warranty http://bassresource.com/cgi-bin/bass_fish/YaBB.pl?board=boating_ID;action=display;num=1115147742
  2. Call them and see what they tell you...I was SHOCKED!!!
  3. Yes, I have three of the D31M batteries and I have one that has begun to fail. These batteries are less than one year old... I have to admit the other two that run my trolling motor are GREAT I can fish all night in a tournament and they seem to be as strong in the morning as they did at blast off. There is no noticable drop off in power. It's just this stupid warranty issue that has just come to light when I went to exchange the bad battery. I can not beleive that a $200 battery doesn't haver a nationwide warranty!!! NEVER AGAIN WILL I BUY AN OPTIMA!!!
  4. Interesting development with Optima batteries...They DO NOT have a nation wide warranty which is implied when you purchase the battery!!! I will now forget purchasing any more Optima Batteries and start using AC-Delco again!!! OR look into Trojan Batteries!!! According to Optima Batteries Customer Service Rep the original seller is the one who warrants the battery not just any Optima Battery Dealer...So beware if you go on a fishing trip away from where you bought your Optima Battery and it fails No one but the original dealer has to warranty the battery THIS IS A LOAD OF <edited>!!!
  5. I installed my Lowrance GPS and here are my final numbers using these factors: 1. Me at 290 lbs my partner at 210 lbs. 2. Both livewells full of water 3. Full tank of gas 4. Full load of fishing gear ready to fish a tournament (Plus some) Holeshot under 4 secs to plane 4200 RPM - 55 MPH 4400 RPM - 58 MPH 5000 RPM - 65 MPH 5200 RPM - 71 MPH Running 5600 RPM's she will turn 74.1 MPH this is a 28 Raker prop According to several sites I am getting 7.8% prop slip this is great from what I have read.
  6. I had a 285 Pro Elite with Dual Console and a Johnson 175 Ficht running a 4 blade 24" pitch prop. With a full tank of gas, tourney load and myself at 290 and my partner at 190 we got 60 to 61 MPH with my GPS consistently. The boat handled like a dream rough water was not a problem for this boat and gliding I can't explain how well this boat glided once you got off the gas!!! It would go for ever just gliding through the water Hope this helps!!!
  7. My new boat is finally here!!!
  8. Now that BRP is shipping the 225 HO's, how long should it take (approximately) for them to clear up the back log on this motor. I ordered my boat and motor back on 2/5/05... What does anyone think, should I be waiting (impatiently) for another month going through DT's and all; or are they (BRP) shipping 80 a day as I once read on some discussion board???? Just trying to guess when I can go play!!! Thanks
  9. My dealer offered either Evinrude or Yamaha...And it was only a $1000 difference between the two motors. So it was an easy decision for me...I think you should move if a dealer want give you what a new motor is worth just to swap it out... With the four dealers I talked with on my boat and motor, two sold Mercury's and Evinrudes and two sold Yamaha or Evinrudes so I guess I was fortunate in that view...However I am still waiting on the call from my dealer sayign the boat and motor are in. I guess due to the backlog of motors I have a wait!!! I am guessing aweek or two more...But I am hearing that it's worth the wait!!! ;D I'll let you know...
  10. I am in your boat ;D I have done months worth of research and have found the E-Tec appears to be the motor of choice. I have only found 4 instances of people not liking their E-Tec...Then Bombadier came in and fixed their motors and now there love them. Here are three links which have grown since I first found them about the details of the motor...http://outdoorsbest.zeroforum.com/zerothread?id=302053 Then the second one: http://continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum4/HTML/003041.html Hope this helps!!! Once you have read those threads do a search on each board there are numerous threads regarding the E-tec...Honestly I can't find anyone truly complaining about this motor and I have been keeping up with it (research) for at least 6 to 7 months. That's why I have since ordered a new 225 HO E-Tec for my new bass boat. Again I hope this helps!!!! Good Luck with your decision!!! ;D ;D
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