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Everything posted by jeremyt

  1. Welcome Aboard I am on the coast of NC.
  2. That is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen.
  3. To me that was a good game, just not as good as my Wolfpack beating up on SDSU. That's what I love about March Madness, any given game. I wouldn't be suprised if a lower ranked team doesnt win it all, didn't all of the top seeded teams lose their conferences?
  4. I'll have to respectfully disagree eastern NC BBQ is the best.
  5. If someone "Breaks " the man rule while I am conducting business, I generally try to make them uncomfortable as well. Generally the comment "hey man nice watch" works fine.
  6. I guess it depends on your sense of humor. I have never seen anything on the net to make me spew liquid, but I have had Mt. Dew come out of my nose in high school.
  7. Lack of patience, my dad had no patience with much of anything when I was growing up. I always said to myself that I would show my kids patience, but its a lot harder than I thought.
  8. I am not a big fan, they opened one here in Jacksonville a few years back. You had to have a reservation 2 weeks out. If you tried to wait it out you could be there for 4+ hours. People were crazy. Just not worth it to me. Not that the food is horrible but just not worth the trouble.
  9. Welcome aboard, I grew up not far from you in Coats NC, I still go back there and fish quite a bit.
  10. It can get hairy in the summer, my family and I have been camping there every summer for the past 12 years. We stay on the NC side a few miles from the border. I have never had too much luck, but it's usually 95 degrees plus. My club also has a fall tournament there every year. I like Gaston much more for bass, but it's generally a relaxing week with the family.
  11. Couldn't get a real good look at it, but from the length and girth I would say it's probably a chain pickerel.
  12. Bass fishing has been declining a lot there from my accounts and word of mouth. From what I hear the fish have a disease, and the numbers are declining. A big fish there is in the 3-4 pound class. Tourney bags are in the 12-14 range where a few years ago they were in the upper teens to lower 20s. I will be fishing there a few times this year myself.
  13. My 6 year old comes to me this morning and says he wants to have a lemonade stand. I am thinking to myself that it's a little cool out for it, but hey what's the worst that can happen. ( be out 5-10 bucks in supplies). So I help him drag his table and chair out, he helps make the lemonade and he's in business. Well he is out there for 3 hours and makes $22 bucks in donations. Now here is the part that tore me up. He comes up and gives me the money and says "daddy I want to give this to the family who's house burnt". A few weeks ago a family in the area lost their house and 3 children in a fire. I know the $22 isn't a lot but the thought that he had made me awful proud.
  14. It is a bad situation, I will refrain from calling him an idiot though. I am sure he feels it.
  15. Perfectly legal here in NC , and there are a few in my boat.
  16. I have fished the little river, but not Lake Michie. I still think you are wrong on Falls having more 10# catches than Harris, but hey if I am wrong I am wrong ( not trying to start a peeing contest). I will look into fishing Lake Mchie here soon . I know Lake Wheeler has had quite a few 10# catches in recent years, but in my mind Harris is still the best chance for it.
  17. Which other reservoirs are you talking about?
  18. Not saying the other lakes don't hold them, but tell me which lake there has had more DD catches than Harris.
  19. I would suggest trying some Vibram 5 toe shoes, they are designed to make you run on the balls of your feet ( they way your body is designed to run ). I have been in the Corps for 14 years and running took its toll on me. I went from a 18 min 3 mile as a 18-24 yo to 26 min when I hit 30. I was really skeptical of these shoes to start with as one I didn't think they would make that much of a difference and two I would laugh at the Marines I saw wearing them. I got a pair as a Christmas gift and within 2 months I have dropped my run time back down to a 23 min 3 mile. If you do get them don't go out and try to run 2+ miles in them to begin with. You have to get your feet and legs adjusted to them or you will be as sore as you have ever been. They make you run with the balls of your feet striking first and not your heels. If you can't get past the look of them New Balance has just (within the past few months ) came out with a shoe that has a really low incline between the toe and heel that are supposed to be great for running and help your form. Other than that just keep at it, don't over train and realize that you will have good days and bad days. Good Luck
  20. We are just in the 3rd month of the year and so far a whole lot of records are being broken. So far we have the new world record black crappie out of Mississippi, Arkansas just broke their state record LM. A new state record spotted bass was caught on Lake Norman in NC. The fish being caught on Pickwick is phenominal with the talks of TN state record. What other records could be broken this year? I know I am staying tuned.
  21. Thats bad, but brings back memories for me. I remember watching their tv show when I was a kid.
  22. That crappie thought he was a big shot, nice to get out and get a tug though.
  23. I have been in once a week since I dropped it off to check it out. They keep saying we are getting to it. I know communication is a two way street and that I probably should have asked more up front. I guess I was thinking of it the same way I would my auto guy. If I drop it off with him and its gonna take a while to repair I can understand, but in the same token he will atleast have it troubleshot within a few days. I have had it there almost 3 weeks now and they haven't touched it. I guess now I have no one to be mad at but myself, but it is frustrating.
  24. Yeah, but the topwater bite there in the summer can be amazing, If you are in statesville, then you are making a haul to fish Harris. I figured you would be more of a Norman, Highrock fisherman. Did you hear about the state record spot caught on Norman here recently?
  25. Harris is definately a love/hate lake. Probably the best lake in NC where you can catch a 10# plus, but can also frustrate you more than you will know. It has been years since I have been there, and even then I was in highschool and we fished for crappie. Glad you were able to get out and catch some and sorry no one could give you any useful info.
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