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Everything posted by jeremyt

  1. Fish can be found just about anywhere right now. Went out last Sunday and it was a mad house but that is to be expected for Labor Day weekend. Mornings are my favorite up til noon. Fish topwater early and I have had luck with cranks, shakey head and trigged 10 inch worms. Watch for areas around points they are long and slender and you can go for 15ft to a foot quickly. Other than that no major issues with stumps and floating logs. I love that place but it can be very frustrating at times, seems like its always feast or famon for me but I can always manage to catch one. It has been taking 30+ pounds to win the Wednesday night tournaments with the locals, so there are some really good fish in there but its not as easy to catch them as some make it seem. Lodging wise I would look to stay in Sanford or Apex and drive up ( about 20-25 miles) Good luck
  2. Fishing has been on fire there as of late. Been taking 18-21 pounds to win the Wed nighters. Thats a 3 fish limit though. I have fished it quite a bit this year.
  3. This is sadly true, New Bern is just 45 minutes away from Camp Lejeune and it was all over around here. I cant for the life of me understand this although its probably to maintain votes from the major demographic. Just goes to show where some peoples agendas and lack of morals lie.
  4. Water should be in the bushes. So plastics ( brush hogs and flukes for me) and if you have a good wind spinnerbaits.
  5. I'm not partial to either, but it seemed to me that the guy in the plasti dip video shook the armorall can a lot more and stretched the armorall product a lot more.
  6. I fish a river where targeting a pattern is very difficult. By that I mean you can pick a fish or two up here and there, but generally speaking it's very sporadic at best. My main question to you all is if I catch a fish or two lets say in a 3 hour period on a fire tiger crank bait if I were to switch to a jerk bait should I throw the same color or switch to say a clown or pearl? Thanks in advance.
  7. Our club went around that time last year and we had a miserable weekend, rained on us the whole time. We were having luck though with trick worms and senkos way back up in the cypress trees. We also threw frogs as that place is matted grass and pad heaven on moultrie. Just be careful running those lakes they are covered in stumps that are just waiting to take a lower unit. Good luck.
  8. Just saw this, I love the Chowan although we only fished it twice this year. Fish near Holiday Island with frogs and lizards in the pads. March-Oct. With the frogs play with the cadence until you find what they want. With the lizards, drag them through the pads and let them fall in the holes. There are some monsters in that river. Good luck.
  9. Pics of what I got from deaknh. Once again thank you very much they will be put to use.
  10. deaknh03, Thanks for the loot, you hit the nail on the head awesome gifts man. I plan on using them Friday. The package arrived two days ago but I just got out of the field. I will post pics later. My package will ship tomorrow. Thanks FishinDaddy you organized a great exchange once again. This is only my second year, but I will definately be a repeat on this.
  11. I am looking at one as well, the only addition you need is the lss-2 transducer. Local guy got one as an early Christmas present and was having it installed at the local shop and i got to play around with it some. Pretty much anything you could want to do is just a touch away. I was really impressed with what I saw.
  12. To be honest i havent had too much luck with natural colored cranks. My most productive colors are firetiger ( green, chartreuse, and orange) and parrot ( blue and chartreuse). I usually fish shallow 2-5 ft and move deeper as needed ( generally in the warmer months ). Look at the colors of the forage in the waters you fish, it could be shad, perch, bluegill etc. and go from there. I hope this helps.
  13. The only issue I see with the kindle fire hd is that flash player is no longer supported. My father in law just bought one for my mother in law and they returned it due to that.
  14. You can include NC for the smallie, as the state records is 10.02, but you may also consider that where it was caught was far eastern TN. LOL
  15. Good evening ladies and gents, I have a chance tomorrow to trade my 06 PT 175 TXW for a 1997 Ranger R70 with a merc 125. The Ranger is in amazing condition as I saw today ( new gelcoat and carpet ) and the motor checks out compression wise, I have the option of returning in a week if any issues arise on the water.. The only downside is that I would need to get new electronics on the ranger as it only has a small garmin color screeen on the bow, the dash sounder was removed.. What would you do in my shoes, any and all advice would be appreciated.
  16. I just got finished looking through some of my old BASS magazines, specifically the lunker club section and it got me to thinking. If you were to go out and be guarenteed a 7+ smallie or a 12+ largemouth which would you prefer? My personal thoughts is I would rather catch a big smallmouth. My reasoning is that I have never caught a smallmouth at all, the closest oppurtunities for one are over 5 hours away.
  17. PM sent. Can I request Kent again this year? LOL. just kidding.
  18. Good to go my apologies. Won't happen again.
  19. If you look over my right shoulder you can make out the sea gulls trying to catch the leftovers. I am really going to do my best to get some video next weekend.
  20. Kent, we tried flukes and we just weren't getting bit. Honestly that was the first thing I thought of when I saw them busting. Yeah I had some bass thumb going on and a few scrapes from hooks being drug across my hand when I was attempting to lip them.
  21. 3 inch berkely swim baits, partner caught 2 on an a-rig but they wouldn't touch anything else. You couldn't swim the bait though you had to yo yo them or jig them through the schools and then hang on. We caught somewhere around 20-30 with the largest being somewhere between 6 and 8. Didn't have a scale and I know human eyes are no where near as accurate. Going back as often as possible between now and the 29th as they are closing the lake for ramp revamp.
  22. Here is a photo of the average size.
  23. WOW, where to start. I went to a local lake here in SE NC yesterday and man was it awesome. Started off slow in the morning, but by 1130 it was on. Shad balls running up and down the lake and the bass were just gorging. For an hour and a half straight it looked like anvils being dropped all over the water. We caught fish in spurts throughout the rest of the afternoon but they were absolutely hammering what we were throwing and man will that get your adrenalin going. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed. it. I didn't many pics because the action was fast and furious, but will try and post a couple later. I am going to go back next weekend and try to get some video of this as well. Have fun and stay safe out there.
  24. Thats what happens when your a Raiders fan, your team sucks so bad your spouse goes in to seclusion. LOL just kidding man, on a serious note I think all spouses go through things like that. If I could figure women out I would have been a trillionare by now. Just be supportive and this too shall pass.
  25. I think Hi Salenity was referring to the arm on the craw fish, not your hand . LOL
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