There is a thread on this topic; see "Bait Fish" on this page.
The TVA lakes are "High-land" class power generation reservoirs with three bass species; northen strain largemouth, smallmouth and northen spotted bass. LMB tend to stay shallower than the smallmouth or spots, however all the adult size bass tend to stay deeper than 3 to 5 feet unless spawning, actively feeding.
We have 6 basic seasonal periods; fall, winter , pre spawn, spawn, post spawn and summer. Water temperatures are the governing factors, the basic are; fall = 70 to 60, winter = 58 to 40, pre-spawn = 55 to 60, spawn = 62 bto 65, post spawn = 67 to 70, summer = 70 to 80. The water temperatures are at the depth the bass holding, not the surface and transitions occur where you see missing temperatures and may vary for diffirent species. So water temperature is very important to bass, along with DO (dissolved oxygen), shelter and food. The primary food source in your lakes are thread fin shad, silver sides, chubs, bream, crappie, shiners, crayfish, frogs, salamanders and worms.
Bass do not hibernate and can not survive in water temperature lower than 40 degrees. The prefered temperature is between 65 to 75 degrees if availble and the DO levels are good and food is availble. During the cold water period the bass will seek the warmest avialble water and that is usually deep water during the winter period. In deep clear water high land reserviors bass can and will go down to 80 feet or more if the DO levels are good. Bass have swim bladders so they can only change about 30 feet in upward depth before the bladder expands and pushes the stomach out the mouth and must return back down into deeper water.
You need to read up on the basic bass habits to learn where they locate during the variuos seasonal periods. The general rule is "find the bait and the bass will be close by" applies the year around.