4. Bass is a bass. The statement is valid, you can't compare a FLMB to a NLMB they are as different as a spotted bass and smallmouth bass.
Someday we will have separate records for each; FLMB are a different specie.
Having had the opportunity to bass fish in nearly every state and country that has bass populations for over a 40 year period, IMO bass are bass where ever you go, that is to say northern LMB behave the same in Arkansas as they do in Arizona. I have caught LMB in lakes north of Lake Of The Woods in Ontario Canada, that the locals didn't know they were in that lake. Once fishing for smallmouth, came across a secondary cove with a weed bed that looked like largemouth water and they were there, spawning in July. That is the furthest north that I have caught a NLMB.
in regards to perfered water temperature, that is dependant on the environment or lake classification where the specific "bass" (FLMB, NLMB, SM or Spotted) is located. Within their natural range you may be able to state a prefered summer or warm water range. The winter range is simply the warmest the bass can find with good DO levels and and prey. The pre-spawn, spawn cycle are definately tied to water temperature. If LMB spawn too early in cool water, less than 60 degrees, the eggs take to long to hatch; about 12 days, for the male bass to protect from eggg eaters, too warm; above 70 degrees, the bass must compete with bluegill (bream) for spawning sites and protect the eggs that only take 2 days to hacth. Both too cool and too warm of water relates to low spawn recruitment. The warm water or summer periods is open to available prey, confort zone/water temperature/sanctuary, prey sources are abundant. The fall transition again tied to cooling water temperatures and climate.
To state the FLMB prefer 75 to 85 degrees doesn't take into account for FLMB transplanted into the northern LMB southern range; California and Texas for prime examples. California reserviors that have a good FLMB population rarely have surface water temperatures that exceed 80 degrees and the bass go deeper during the warm water period to seek the thermocline where the water is closer to 70 degrees. I don't know what Amistad, Falcon, Fork and the other Texas lakes core water temperature are, or where the FLMB prefer to locate during the warm water period. The pre-spawn and spawn are very similar to CA.