There should be no issue fishing any artifical lure presentation. Gut hooking bass by professional fisherman is very rare. Yes, the statement was made, however ill stated IMO. The C-rigs used in the Falcon event had big over size soft plastic that even a big bass can't swallow down it's gullet that quickly.
1. You will never achieve 100% survival rates, the goal should be to keep the rate as low as possible. A bass can engulf any lure at any time and damage their gills and that can be fatal.
2. All professional bass tournaments, where money is awarded, should have oxygenator type DO generators with DO level monitors biult in the livewells. The livewells should also have water temperature controlled circulation systems, when the surface water exceeds 75 degrees. One large livewell with a removable partican should be used, not two smaller separate units.
3. Live boats with large 1,500 gallon holding tanks should be on site at every event. Anglers can call the live boat for a pick up, the pro's call if they determine they have a big bass to pick up. Tamper proof tag the bass with the pro's number for TV weighins.
4. Make the over stressed bass or dead bass penalty severe; 2 lbs or twice the weight of the dead or dieng bass. Kill a bass over 10 lbs and you loose the days total catch weight. If a live boat is available, it
should be a no brainer to call for a pick.
5. Paper tournaments should not be determined by bass length, the girth also needs to be included. Use the formula; L X L X G /1200 = weight, is as accurate as the measurement validated.
Just a note; I have caught hundreds of big bass over the years, several 50+ 5 bass limits. I do not use a livewell to hold my bass while fishing. I made up a 10 foot stringer from 300 lb marlin mono leader that has 2 stainlees steel safety lock clips, a stopper to keep the clips from sliding up the mono and a 1 pound sinker on the end. Where I fish we don't have gators to eat something hanging over the side of the boat, so that is not an issue. I simply clip on a big bass and lower over the side, then put it into the live well when moving. I have 2 stringers and can keep 4 big bass in the lake water while fishing for the 5th bass. Load them up into the livewell for short few minute ride back to the marina, if I want to have the weighed. Most of the time I release a big bass right away before leaving the area caught. If the pro's at Falcon had this type of stringer, it would have saved the day for them.