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Skunked in DR

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Everything posted by Skunked in DR

  1. Definite preference for front drag. I'm waiting for the big reveal...
  2. Easily my favourite comedy of all time
  3. That would be the excellent They Live.
  4. Thanks all, I am talking about the older version Metanium.
  5. I'm looking at picking up a Metanium Mg but would like to get some views from people who own or have owned it. What did you like about it, what didn't you like? What did you use yours for? Thanks.
  6. Congratulations!! That's awesome. Fish now, fish lots, soon the exhaustion starts. We're into the last six weeks waiting for our second. FoM that's a great story. My little girl demanded to hold the first fish she caught, she would've kissed it too if her mother hadn't quickly stepped in.
  7. If those are smallies you're talking about. I think I might have to take a trip to washington one day soon.
  8. I hear you, but I'm at work. So I'll just sit around and feel miserable all day.
  9. x2 I have a couple of friends who use a similar set up for pike and light duty musky fishing. It's perfect for throwing big spoons.
  10. How do they compare to Berkley hand pour finesse worms or Zoom trick worms? I'm considering using them on shakey heads and on wacky jigs this summer.
  11. Rage, rage against the missing of the flight. http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2009/02/you_make_me_want_to_shout.cfm?Fsrc=glvrnwl
  12. stupid brokeness! I'm so going to regret missing this deal.
  13. Do it! You know you want to. Give in to the Monkey. And then post a review.
  14. St. Croix Legend Elite 76MHF and Curado D for free. Work colleague switched to fly fishing and sold all his equipment. I got lucky and he found another rod and reel much later which he just dropped in my office with one word, enjoy.
  15. First off, there are absolutely no fish in Ontario. None, not a one, really...it's not worth it. Seeing as you really want fly in. I've never used them so can't vouch for quality, however, colleagues went to Hastie lake and said they've never seen Smallie fishing like it. Blind River is about 7.5 hrs from Buffalo. http://www.lauzonaviation.com/rates.php
  16. 1. Blue Marlin 2. Mako Shark 3. Peacock Bass 4. King Salmon 5. Nile Perch 6. Siluris Glanis (Danube Catfish, Wels Catfish)
  17. For Smallies in Ontario there's no place like Quetico - just bring your canoe. Can also suggest K/O Lodge on the Ottawa River - Smallies, Walleye, Northern Pike and Tiger Musky - not a fly in though. http://www.kolodge.com/home.htm
  18. Shh...don't let the Musky guys know. I'll happily let them throw their 13" Grandmas and Double Cowgirls until their arms fall off.
  19. I have that exact rod and while it is nice and was a big upgrade on what I was using. I now wish I had bought a longer rod.
  20. Brave man!! Got mine a weekend away at a little inn and reservations for dinner. Just what she wanted...
  21. Strikezone Tournament Baits Slammer is the absolute bomb. Kicks the you know what out of Gulp Gobies.
  22. and now i need to clean coffee off my keyboard. ;D
  23. They're good, like anything sometimes the fish love 'em, sometimes they want a different tube. T rigged or on a jig head. Drag it slowly across the bottom.
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