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Skunked in DR

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Everything posted by Skunked in DR

  1. I always take a net, espeically if we're going to be fishing in the slop, too many pike and muskie around, not to have one. One of my regular fishing partners always fishes frogs with spinning gear. 4000 size Shimano and a 7 ft MH rod. Works for him.
  2. x2. It was visiting my final two schools that convinced me which one I wanted to go to.
  3. Great movie but I prefer The Third Man. Has the final scene Casablance wishes it had.
  4. I know these are supposed to be inshore rods. Was wondering what people's impression of them was. I have an opportunity to pick up a 6'6" MH for a really good price which I'm thinking about using for jerkbaits. Comments from people who have used one would be appreciated.
  5. I use both. Gas for its convenience (sausages, boneless chicken breast, fish fillets). Pure hardwood (maple and oak are my favourites) charcoal for everything else. I'm working on getting a charcoal grill big enough to start doing turkeys. Last comes the smoker. Can't wait to start experimenting
  6. Great report, great pics. That's what it's all about, nice weather, friends and colleagues and lots of nice fish.
  7. It was 6 or 7 for me. My wife and I were on a canoe trip and found a little flat next to a drop off that yielded a good sized SMB every cast until we moved on. Now for the embarassing revelation, my wife outfished me. If this includes rock bass the answer is in the 100s
  8. Yes, however here its a 6 month at best prospect. Still looking for something to fill the winters. As already noted, family and friends come first, then fishing, then a tie between cooking and soccer.
  9. Wow, nice fish. Congrats on a great day out.
  10. Guiness, Creemore Springs, Budvar, Stella and Lucky Lager when I'm cheaping out. to whoever said free.
  11. Thanks Glenn.
  12. In the last couple of days all embedded photos, including avatars, have stopped showing for me. There is just a blank space in the standard BR background in anyone's post where I'm assuming the photo should be. Attached photos still display as normal. So what have I done to my computer?
  13. d**n, where's that popcorn smilie. I'm gonna sit back and watch this for awhile.
  14. 6 years ago when I started to fish again. My wife and wallet might not agree.
  15. All done. Good luck with your course.
  16. I hear you, I'm just waiting out the clock before the long weekend.
  17. spends too much time checking out Board stats.
  18. They look great, and $80 is an amazing price point. However, I've looked all over the interweb and I can't find any specs on them.
  19. not bad. nothing wrong with them, just not my favourite stick bait. I find they have a little less action than I like. Plenty heavy enough.
  20. Early morning - Coffee, water and timbits Afternoon or Evening - just water or gatorade.
  21. 2 in car doors. (Learned that lesson and now transport them in a hard rod case on the roof). 1 on a log. If its too heavy to be a fish, it probably isn't.
  22. If you can, sell rods local. As you've discovered the shipping will kill you.
  23. You specify going out in your boat, in your area of the lake. This implies to me that I wouldn't be able to attend if I were coming in from out of town. Perhaps another price is warranted for those not wanting to or unable to bring a boat. Just my $0.02
  24. For $100 its worth it. And at that price, if you don't like it you should be able to sell it get your money back no problem
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