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Everything posted by perch-jerker60

  1. Never really "hated" the ungly stick, I fish the Berk Bionix and an old school lowes......
  2. best tasting fish crap you will every eat. Crappie as in Bream fish??? :-?
  3. Wow, hooked a couple water moccasins before. That frog would do wonders down here in Mississippi!!!
  4. Try using course black pepper, course salt, paprika and ground cumin......I use these spices and pan fry the fillets in alittle olive oil. Pretty good
  5. Yeah Dave, that was from a pretty good days fishing......
  6. LM Taste like chicken to me ;D I have a good spice mixture I use when I cook the fillets....Taste pretty good.
  7. Raul, what line weight are you using? I've had alot of luck using 17lb stren maxx......with no problems casting.
  8. Appreciate the welcome ya'll
  9. Precciate it Raul, I can't really tell the difference with the brakes engaged OR not engaged. Do you have any engaged on your rig?
  10. Hello all, question on the cardiff 300 brakes: is there a standard way to set the brakes? I have all the brakes engaged, with no problems with backlash....any comments or suggestions would be appreciated!!!
  11. Hello all, my name is Dan and I'm from Philadelphia, MS. I do alot of Bass fishing over hear, but I'm originally from New Orleans, La. I have since relocated to Miss after the big hurricane. I've done mostly saltwater fishing my whole life, but I seem to be a better freshwater fisherman ;D...... I fish alot of cranks, worms and a few spinners and I hope to be of use to this forum and I know I can truly learn ALOT from you guys. With that said, I have a newbie question: Where do I post a question about setting up reel brakes on a Shimano?? Thanks and fish on!
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