im actually working in norristown as we speak... : )
i run an insurance agency out here, so if any of you guys ever need some insurance advice, just ask
im 25. italian american from philly burbs, currently berwyn, pa
im not really a skukill guy....i prefer the springton lake resevour in media, pa, but its illegal now......not sure if you guys would hate me if i admitted to fishing their but im certainly not going to lie.....i fish their most of the time...have a great people....its great
but please dont judge me, im sorry, i know this is unfair to the rest of the fishing community who does follow the rules.....the thing is i grew up fishing their (my house was on the lake)
also, in phoenixville area, and ill try marsh creek every so often even though i think the bass fishing is bad, or iv never found any good spots.....not too sure...
havnt gone their in a couple years
I really enjoy fishing from 4-8, its my favorite time.....
as for the Phils, im not gonna hate on them like everybody else......what it comes down to is lacking management, and poor closing pitchers......fundamental mistakes ect
anyway, thanks for the welcome....
Nice to meet everybody
John Del
Oh yeah, flyers, im not much of a fan.....great team but i always played hockey, never really watched it....i find as im getting older im watching more sports....