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Del from philly

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Everything posted by Del from philly

  1. 5" senko GY mad melon/watermelon/ 6.5" tail GY watermelon w/ black Kreature weightless
  2. after reading these posts, IV REALIZED A FEW THINGS i am doing very wrong.....LOL a. i probably cooked them terribly, with the cool oil soaking into the meat, rather than hot enough to cook it right..... b. i dont clean them right....so they are too bony c. the fish come from murky water, which may7 be why they dont taste as good as they could d. I scale them, when i should have skinned them wow, thagts a lot to learn from one post
  3. Roger i dont know, using live bait is a different animal...... the funnest part of freshwater fishing is the lure, the illusion, and the art......the trickery..... using live bait takes all this away....
  4. i just wanted to put it out their that this setup is great! I just got a Shimano Sedona 1500, with a shimano stimula 1 piece rod, and its my first combo that cost over 30 bucks...... I gotta say, anyone who is out their that is using 24.99 combos should really go out and lok at this fine rod and reel for 59.99-69.99 It might sound like amatear hour, but this was the first rod iv used with the feature that keeps the head from spinning back....forget what its called but its great... this thing is as smooth as silk too.....at least compared to other reels iv used the rod, the first one piece iv ever had is equally as great..... another thing is this rod is perfect for using 8lb test, btu still using a relatively light reel/rod... I recomend this rod to anyone ouit their who is getting more into fishing, and is ready to throw their shakespear out the freakin window.....great rod
  5. Im starting to feel like im not alone..... some days its strikes every first cast at a new spot....other days, like yesterday, it feels like your playing yoyo with your lure..... I like your original thought on confidence....sometimes i wonder whether it really comes down to confidence.....some times it seems like it does i do gotta say, it seems that just when i start to relax, and not really worry or doubt, and just fish, i seem to get strikes.....but when i sit their thinking about it the whole time i wont get bit..... the thing i do after a solid 3 hours of no fish, i tye on a relitively large spinner and fish for smaller younger bass.....also, their is always a chance that one of the big guys sees it and reflex strikes... even catching a small 9" bass makes you feel better then driving home with no good thoughts.....
  6. Iv had a bunch of off days with senko.....it happens sometimes.... try wacky rig, it seems a little redundant at the beggining, but it will get hits more then most of rig styles..... also try going to a smaller 4" and fishing it slower...... if your already slow, go a little faster.... I always attribute the slow days of senko with overfishing, or using them too often.... if they arent hitting it, try a different lure, and then go back..... never sit their all day using a senko and not catching anythiong.....mix it up..... Try using a 7.5 inch Yamamoto regular worm and cut about an inch off the top, then cut the sides so it is sqared off.....makes a really fat head....... iv killed it using the altered worm....more so than the senko....
  7. this is so true.....the impregnated salt make3s them break and flake up easy...... the heads get more messed up than other other worm i have used.....
  8. THANKS GUYS SORRY TO BE THE NEW GUY THAT IS ASKING QUESTIONS THAT HAVE BEEN ANSWERED TIME AND TIME AGAIN.... i foudn the thread you were talking about....sorry Thanks for your patience....and advice
  9. Iv been using Yamamota for soft plastics....thats all i use.... i just got some Kreatures, but havnt fished them yet, im excited, but anyway..... How do you guys compare Yamamoto vs others????such as tiki, ect? are they worth the money? or am i just as good with someother senko-like worms??? Short question- is Yamamoto plastics overrated??? THANKS
  10. iv never used them at all.....never but i bought some Garlic bass attractant(cheap stuff made by eagle claw) just to take a shot...still havnt used it yet.....smells horrible iv always heard that it does not help attract at all....but it only masks human scents... iv heard to use it as a handlotion, rather than pouring it on your lure....is the best way to go also, id say putting it into the water is a straight up wwaste of money....dont you guys aggree....
  11. thanks sam gotta check it out
  12. Largemouth are a very bony fish......and everytime iv cooked them they came out pretty greasy/oily... not the best for eating, but it seems more like an aquired taste...... not my favorite freshwater fish as far as eating is concerned, but yellow Perch are good eating, and even sunfish/blue gills can taste pretty good....cook em right over an open flame fire
  13. im actually working in norristown as we speak... : ) i run an insurance agency out here, so if any of you guys ever need some insurance advice, just ask im 25. italian american from philly burbs, currently berwyn, pa im not really a skukill guy....i prefer the springton lake resevour in media, pa, but its illegal now......not sure if you guys would hate me if i admitted to fishing their but im certainly not going to lie.....i fish their most of the time...have a great time...no people....its great but please dont judge me, im sorry, i know this is unfair to the rest of the fishing community who does follow the rules.....the thing is i grew up fishing their (my house was on the lake) also, in phoenixville area, and ill try marsh creek every so often even though i think the bass fishing is bad, or iv never found any good spots.....not too sure... havnt gone their in a couple years I really enjoy fishing from 4-8, its my favorite time..... as for the Phils, im not gonna hate on them like everybody else......what it comes down to is lacking management, and poor closing pitchers......fundamental mistakes ect anyway, thanks for the welcome.... Nice to meet everybody John Del Oh yeah, flyers, im not much of a fan.....great team but i always played hockey, never really watched it....i find as im getting older im watching more sports....
  14. How is everybody doing? I just wanted to quicklly introduce myself to the forum, My name is John, I live in the Philadelphia, Pa area... I am mostly a largemouth guy, but iv caught a couple Smallmouth this season and i gotta say, they fight like hell!!! Anyway, hopefully i will be an asset to the forum, and I was hoping i could learn a thing or two from some of you guys.... I fish mostly Yamamoto soft plastics, senkos, twist tail, ect..but lately have got a couple with larger spinner baits, and jigs.... Thanks, and nice to meet everybody (online) John J. Del
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