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Del from philly

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About Del from philly

  • Birthday 06/17/1982

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  • Location
    Philly Suburbs, Pa

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. my mistake maltese. those bocas are only 119 for the 15lb one
  2. well not everybody has a friend with a $200 scale! anybody have any suggestions for ones under 100 bucks?
  3. just wondering what everyone uses when ti comes to a gripper/scale. I am about to order the XTOOLS® Grip-N-Weigh® Digital Fish Scale, any opinions? Anybody like the Rapala one? WHAT DOES EVERYBODY USE? i dont wanna damage fish, and i want an accurate reading. I usually catch fish from 1lb to 4lbs, nothing too large. THANKS Hope everyone is having a good summer so far!
  4. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fishtaxidermist.com/gatorbass.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fishtaxidermist.com/unique.htm&h=272&w=500&sz=51&hl=en&start=14&sig2=vPOYMpeCjn9M2k9ZMZgpQQ&um=1&tbnid=FTPjtHMaraYpOM:&tbnh=71&tbnw=130&ei=zGdmSJzmD4Lgeaa8hcMP&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflorida%2Bbass%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1G1GGLQ_ENUS275%26sa%3DN CHECK OUT THESE CRAZY MOUNTS THIS GUUY MAKES me and my girl were cracking up looking at these things
  5. how about that, they got marsh creek at 1, thats my every day fishing spot thats whats up, i dont know about 1, but im sure this list means something NICE POST!
  6. weightless senko, flys right through most anything
  7. its a shame becausae it seems liek the flash brought out the sunfish qualities which makes sence, but before the pic this thing was all grey with thick lines also wasnt circlular like a sunfish, was longer and almost square wih the belly
  8. i dont think its a regular sunfish, iv been fishing for a while, and the jaw just didnt seem the same. it was bigger than most sunfish that size thanks for the comments, keep em coming
  9. Here is a beautiful 3lb even bass from marsh creek in Pa. Caught at 12:30am on a 4" senko, baby bass color This is my best fish on my boat so far (got boat about 2 weeks ago)
  10. My guess is its a crappie/sun fish hybrid, but im not sure. this thing had a belly!
  11. HEY GUYS Just bought a pretty cool 14' jon boat. what makes it cool is the oriignal owner built it up, through a nice deck on it, seats, the whole bit. But im a nervouse wreck cuz im out of my confort zone here, took it out for the first time yesterday. didnt get much fishing done but got used to the boat. what do you guys think? paid just under 2gs for boat, trolling motor, and trailor......actually, dont tell me cuz boats are more expensive in philly than they are where most fo you guys live.. HEre are my questions: (1) BATTERY LIFE it takes two 12 volts, 1 for aux, and 1 for the motor. I bought one 24size for the aux, and one 27size for the motor. About how long will this thing last, is it gonna run out so fast i need a charger right away? (2) 35 LB THRUST IN THE RIVER? do you guys think it would be safe to take this out on the river on a calm day or does it not have enough power. If i didnt ask this question, i would assume NO Thanks,
  12. So far I fish the schuykill river, Marsh Creek, French Creek... Im a shore fisherman so it needs to be able to be fished from the bank... goin on a memorial day trip with a friend and were trying to find a new spot....
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