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Everything posted by Olebiker

  1. hey i live in alabama i know all about that one ;D A buddy of mine who grew up in Alabama said that he was in Birmingham the other day. The fellow he was with pointed out that they were passing the cemetery where Bear Bryant was buried. Sid commented, "Here I was right in front of the cemetery where Bear Bryant is buried and I didn't have a suit with me." Now, that's some kind of respect.
  2. I was at the Olive Garden in Tallahassee, the home of the Florida State Seminoles. All of the waiters are FSU students. A fellow walked in with a Gators shirt last Friday evening and sat down to wait for his wife to arrive. Another gentlemen leaned over and asked him, "You do know that these FSU students are going to be alone with your food, don't you?" A friend of mine whose family are the most diehard Texas Longhorns fans in the world recently took a job teaching meteorology at Oklahoma. I asked him what his family would think about that. "I am just telling them that it's missionary work."
  3. I was sorting through my late Father's tackleboxes last night and noticed that he still had several old black and white Sonics. He used to catch crappies on them.
  4. Like many others, I have a couple of them that I have been using for over 20 years. I also have three that I have bought in the last year. I would not feel mistreated if I had to fish the rest of my life with them.
  5. I watched a video the other day of a guy catching fish on a jalapeno pepper with a hook in it.
  6. I have a 40 pound Minn Kota on my 17 foot Bass Tracker. It is quite adequate. The boat originally came with a 27 pound Minn Kota. I am not aware of ever feeling the need for more power.
  7. Well, you knew that Mom always loved us best.
  8. I have caught several on the Senko knockoff by Wave, but none on the real thing.
  9. I went to their web site, www.gamblerboats.com, and looked at pictures. Where does your co-angler put his stuff?
  10. I have a 1984 Tracker Tournament TX with a 50 hp Mercury. It isn't fast and the ride is not plush, but it is an efficient fishing machine. I have fished out of it on lakes as large as Lake Cumberland in Kentucky when it was whitecapping and felt perfectly safe. Before you buy one, though, check out used boats. It's surprising how good a deal you can get on a used glass boat.
  11. I'm kinda cheap when it comes to rods, so I put mine on a 6'6" Lightning Rod. This is probably going to be my Rattletrap/Aruku outfit. That high speed retrieve is going to take some getting used to. I'm still using one old Ambassadeur with a 3.8 to 1 retrieve for worm fishing.
  12. Man, talk about edurance!!!!!!!!! Are we still talking about Angelina Jolie?
  13. i don't know guys, sounds like a pretty good date to me. of course a shower for two could work ...............I guess whats wrong with taking a gal fishing for a hot date? :-? We were at a restaurant one evening and a lady at the next table was telling about how her husband had taken her quail hunting on their first date. SWMBO told her about the time I took her to beagle hound field trial. She married me anyway.
  14. Try the Sam Adams Honey Porter. It has quickly become my favorite.
  15. Does anyone have any experience installing an aftermarket trim and tilt kit. My old Bass Tracker doesn't have one. One dealer told me it would cost $1500+ to put one on. BPS has one for about $600. The motor is a Mercury 50. I just wonder if it is a job an amateur should attempt.
  16. I recently quit using a 5'6" Shakespeare Liberty pistol grip rod that I have had for more than twenty years. It was just too light to handle these Florida bass. I'm only about 5'8" and find that the handles on many new rods are too long for me to cast comfortably.
  17. Have you been in a Bass Pro Shop lately? The place is full of young guys with their girlfriends. It looks like a pretty hot date place to me. Most of the ladies, though, seem to have the same look on their face as I do when SWMBO drags me to Bed, Bath and Beyond.
  18. You wouldn't mind sharing a seat with Reelady??
  19. Well know, just whooooooooooooom might I be sharing that seat with eh? two big butts make for one crowded seat. I hadn't thought of it that way.... I wonder if Marcia Rubin can make it?
  20. I actually had to look that word up....I had absolutely no clue what that meant LOL OK, suspenders. You young folks...
  21. Would anyone like to donate to the Fund to Buy basspro48 Some Galluses? ;D
  22. Olebiker


    So where are you in Southern Indiana? Do you fish Patoka? I learned to fsh in a small pond in St. Meinrad, Indiana.
  23. Ain't necessarily so. I had a 12 foot jon boat that I used to fish little water. The 27 pound thrust motor I had on it was too fast, even at its slowest setting. I couldn't just set it on its low setting and work down a bank with a spinnerbait. I would cast about 45 degrees in front of the boat and by the time I got the bait back to the boat, it was 45 degrees behind the boat.
  24. That Kentucky Lake water is so pretty it makes me homesick. :'(
  25. I have a 40 pound thrust on my 17 foot Bass Tracker and it is plenty.
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