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Everything posted by Olebiker

  1. What is the Navionics 3000? I find no reference to it on the Navionics website.
  2. Mojo rods use pretty poor guides that will need replacing too soon. I would jump on any good sale on Low Riders. I very much prefer them to Carrot Sticks. My hands are pretty small but I still find the Carrot Stick grips to be too small.
  3. I do well to keep my balance in a rocking bass boat when I'm sober, so no beer in the boat. Once the fishing is done I will gladly have an Amber Bock. If I don't have to drive I might have two. As to alcohol being legal and pot illegal: I can drink a beer or two without being impaired. You can't smoke one of those left handed cigarettes without losing control of your judgement.
  4. Fluorocarbon is great for fishing jerkbaits. It forces you to let the bait sit still longer than you normally would while you pick out the backlashes. >
  5. Those of us who have lived in towns with White Castles (kinda like Krystals, but way better) all have stories of eating those sliders at three a.m. after finishing off a case of Falls City or other cheap beer.
  6. You are going to love it. My "baby" girl is 32 years old and has babies of her own now. I sit and rock her baby girl to sleep and all of a sudden I am a young man again.
  7. It isn't that simple. Try cranking a DD-22 with a 7:1 and you'll be wishing for a 5:1 really quickly. I only use a 7:1 when fishing lipless crankbaits. I use a 6.4:1 for most everything else except deep crankbaits and big spinnerbaits. I use 5:1 reels for those. Many of you remember that we all caught fish just fine on those 3.8:1 Ambassadeurs.
  8. I just have to remember: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. Great looking goods, neighbor!
  9. While I thouroughly enjoy fishing with my bass club, I would rather fish alone most of the time. If I am fishing with someone else, I would prefer to be in the back of the boat, letting them run the trolling motor.
  10. Sportsman's Warehouse has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Previously, the company had closed 23 stores and laid off 2,000 employees. Don't surprise me none.
  11. Our club, the Tallahassee Bass Anglers, fished it's first points tournament of the year yesterday on Lake Seminole. Our club tournaments are all draw tournaments. We have several new pledges to the club who have to fish as non-boaters until they become full members. The result of this is that we did not have enough boaters when we did the draw the other night. I am new to tournament fshing an have a 25 year old Bass Tracker Tournament TX with a new 50 hp Mercury on it. I agreed to bring my boat. My partner for the day, Don Gainey, also fishes out of a Tracker so it didn't bother him to have to fish out of my boat. I felt a little outclassed launching my old warrior among the Rangers and Tritons and was concerned that the projected windy day would make for tough fishing out of an aluminum boat. The wind was tough and I spent a lot of my time and energy keeping the boat positioned to where Don could fish the sand bars we targeted. I only had one fish to weigh, but Don had a limit and won the tournament fishing out of the back seat of a 25 year old boat using reels that were nearly 20 years old. I had mixed emotions about telling my wife and I got the expected response of "See, you don't need a new boat. Yours is just fine."
  12. I have caught more bass on a buzz bait than all other topwater lures combined, but I really like fishing a Devil's Horse.
  13. Jack! Doesn't the name Jack Deutch just have an air of testosterone about it? When one of my daughters was pregnant with her first child she was really stressing over what to name him. She explained that she wanted a name that noone would be able to make fun of. Her husband told her, "Honey, his last name is going to be Enfinger. He's gonna get teased no matter what his first name is."
  14. Do what I did years ago. I told everyone I could think of that I was looking for a small jonboat and within a few days I got a call from a guy who had one in his back yard that hadn't been used in years. I paid him $200 and fished out of it for 15 years.
  15. March 16, 2009 Friday the 13th proved unlucky for four South Carolina anglers when a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) officer seized their entire catch of 1,268 freshwater fish. The case is believed to be the largest of its kind ever filed in Polk County by the FWC. Veteran FWC officer Jim Adams received an anonymous tip that led him to seize 1,264 shellcrackers, one warmouth, one spotted sunfish and two undersize largemouth bass from the group of out-of-state anglers fishing on Lake Kissimmee. Each angler is allowed 50 panfish per day, with a maximum of two days' bag limit in possession. Possession limit violations are a second-degree misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500 and/or 60 days in jail. Sam C. Shumpert, (DOB 01/01/42), of 1508 McNeil Drive, West Columbia, SC, was charged with possession of 294 fish over the legal possession limit. Daniel Shumpert, (DOB 04/24/43) of 17 Dunbar Rd., West Columbia, SC, was charged with 294 fish over his legal possession limit. Richard L. Richenbaker, (DOB 12/08/62), and his wife, Maura R. Richenbaker, (DOB 11/28/62), 54 Rick Road, St. Matthews, SC, were each charged with 340 fish over the legal possession limit. The four anglers had been fishing out of Grape Hammock Fish Camp on Lake Kissimmee for three days. They told Adams they had been coming to Florida to fish every spring for a number of years and that fishing in South Carolina was never as good as it was here. "The FWC depends upon partnerships forged with conservation-minded sportsmen to ensure the future of our freshwater fisheries," Adams said. "Reports to the Wildlife Alert Hotline of potential violations are a key component of that partnership," Adams said. The FWC donated all of the fish to Natural Encounters in Lakes Wales. The fish will provide a six-month supply of food for the birds that Natural Encounters trains for Disney Productions. Call 888-808-3922 to report fisheries or wildlife law violations. Those reporting violations can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward.
  16. Add me to the list of people who have never caught a fish on a bass jig. The high school kid next door to me slays the bass in our subdivision on Banjo Minnows so I quit making fun of them.
  17. I have a 40 lb Edge on my Bass Tracker. The problem with the Edge trolling motors is that they are five speed motors and the increase in power from "4" to "5" is too great. It is a solid motor and will last for years, though.
  18. Nothing tastes as good as walleye. Crappie is good, but they have to be handled carefully or the flesh gets mushy.
  19. I was coming back from Lake Seminole this afternoon and was passed by a Ferrari. I immediately thought of RLR and also wondered what happened to him.
  20. I love it here in the Florida Panhandle, but it would be perfect if we had smallmouth bass.
  21. You might want to reconsider that World Wide Sportman shirt in favor of a Columbia. The WWS shirts fade very quickly whereas the Columbia shirt will look good for a long time.
  22. Florida: * You can still speak English north of Orlando * God's waiting room (South of Orlando) * Yankees think it's cool to retire to a mobile home here
  23. I was in the Dick's in Wesley Chapel, Florida the other day. They had very little outdoors merchandise at all. It was mostly team sports and clothing.
  24. They may as well close the one here in Tallahassee. Their merchandise selection is ptitful.
  25. Are we talking about a pair of oars or a paddle? You are required to have a paddle.
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