Have any of you ever experienced problems with Bass Pro Shops online store? I guess I just need to vent, but unless they change their outrageous shipping charges and incredibly slow shipping methods, I will never order from them again. I am planning a fishing trip to Minnesota in about ten days. I ordered several lures and whatnot about a week ago and still haven't received my package. I placed a second order on Friday night, and still haven't received a confirmation e-mail. I called customer service yesterday, and the girl told me that my first package was in Georgia; she said I should receive by Wednesday. She went on to tell me that my second order wouldn't reach me until June 22nd. "Okay," I said, "I will be in Minnesota by then; can I change the shipping address?" "No!" was the reply.
I used to order a lot of stuff from Bass Pro Shops when I was younger; I couldn't wait to get my catalog every year. And I assumed, because of my experiences with other online stores (Amazon.com, Cabelas.com, etc.) that BassPro.com would be a safe bet to get my stuff to me on time. Heck, I've ordered tons of stuff from Amazon and I always order over $25 worth of stuff or more, which qualifies for super saver shipping (FREE shipping via regular mail). Although their site tells you that it could take up to 10 days to receive merchandise, it has never taken over 3 days to reach my front door. It has never taken over three days for Cabela's merchandise to get to me via regular mail.
I started to order a spool of Fireline with a $25 BassPro giftcard I received (knowing that I would have to make up the rest with my credit card. The line costs $28.49; shipping would be $6.95. The total would be $35.44. Then it will take 7-10 days to get to me! I'm sorry, but that's RIDICULOUS!
The only reason that I ordered from BassPro to begin with was the name and past reputation, not to mention that they carried crazy crawlers. A friend of mine ordered some of the same stuff from another online (independent) vendor a couple of days after I did, and received his stuff in three days-regular mail. And he paid a flat $5 shipping fee. Altogether, I paid nearly $16 shipping (both orders combined) from BassPro and may not get it in time for my trip. :'(
The girl in customer service at Bass Pro did say that she would "try" to get my second order shipped via complimentary 3 day shipping. We'll see!
It really does pay to shop around - even online.
What have your experiences been with Bass Pro Shops online store...and others?