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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. this is good advice but i'm curious how you came up with "several thousand" dollars needed to keep native fish? also, native fish (specifically centrarchids) are much LESS needy than tropicals if you ask me. they're really easy to keep. they don't need heated water, they can tolearte a wide range of water conditions, they eat ANYTHING, i get most of the food i feed my natives for free, just dig around and collect worms, bugs, go to a creek and get some macroinvertebrates or small minnows, collecting the food is almost as fun as keeping the fish! as long as you have a large enough tank, don't over stock it, and have adequate filtration, you're good. for a bass this means a very large tank and some top notch filtration. i suggest you try some smaller sunfish like bluegills, pumpkinseeds, warmouth, red ear sunfish, rock bass, or whatever the most common panfish is in your area.
  2. whats a diatom filter? i've never heard of one. if its something that removes diatoms, i need one! i have diatoms like mad in my tank, and i've really stopped trying to wipe them away because they just come back. i'm waiting for them to use all the available silicon in my tank and die off on their own.
  3. that pic is golden ;D
  4. that was awesome. that is definitley my new favorite commercial. i want to go there and buy stuff now. i'm not kidding! highlights of the commercial: 0:24 -- fakest hand shake ever! 0:30 -- you're definitley not reading a card as you say your lines : 0:06, 0:49, 1:10 -- need no explanation! ;D 1:19 -- "expanic people too" eh?
  5. fingernail polish will work but it will eventually come off.
  6. we went back to jameson lake and man this lake as been good to us (my dad especially). the last time we went out was to this lake (on easter) and my dad caught his 5lb 8oz. PB. we went out again last night and he caught his second PB, 4lb 0oz. the evening started out kinda slow, but not too slow, we each caught bass about 30 min apart. i had 2 and my dad had 2. i caught this real pretty bass on a pumpkinseed hookup worm. then we moved up the shore a little bit and found a real nice spot. we were getting hit dragging our plastics over the emerging lily pads. i caught 1 bass and 1 pickerel here, and my dad caught 2 bass, one of which was the 4lber. the 4lber fought just like the 5.5 from last time, it went straight under the boat and fought hard and long. finally got it in the boat and weighed it and took pictures. 4.0lb 20" swimming away then we turned the corner and started fishing the bank on our way back to the ramp. i caught a bass at one spot, can't remember where, and then we went further up toward a log tha thad fallen in the water, and i hooked a fish on my 4" camo ***. i thought it was a bass for the entire fight, and i was suprised when i pulled it in the boat to see that it was a nice warmouth! this was exciting because i really like these fish and i've only caught one before, and its good to know that they're in this lake. this was my favorite catch of the day. a little while after that it was getting to be pretty dark and the bugs were getting crazy, so we decided to call it a night. i had just casted when my dad said we better leave, i said ok let me finish this retrieve, so he casted out too, and then right after that i hooked a little bass and got it in the boat and released it, then as soon as i released mine he caught a bass. so we ended the night with bass on our last casts.
  7. do you have the link to this video? i looked on youtbe and all i could come up with was videos of pretty girls in swimming pools
  8. awesome. i hate all things earth friendly, eco friendly, eco anything, green, hybrid, and the like. i am so sick of hearing about like this.
  9. hmm, i'm pretty confused. when i go to that site, the whole site is flickering, very difficult to view the pictures that way. and what does myrtle beach have to do with anything?
  10. funny!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D when i read "Seen this done to newbie mechanics in the shop" i was expecting it to be about the trick where one of the older guys asks the newbie to get him a left handed screwdriver.
  11. awesome fish! did you weigh it?
  12. i would try thoroughly soaking the area in laquer thinner, or acetone (not fingernail polish remover, just straight acetone).
  13. looks classy! 8-)
  14. i prefer a bicycle minus handlebars
  15. good idea, i might have to try this sometime...
  16. you seem uncannily overjoyed about a mcdonalds hamburger...calms down ;D
  17. i feel MUCH worse for the snakehead in the video than the bass. the tank is way to small for that snakehead (can barely turn around or chase food) the tank is way underfiltered (only one HOB filter!? seriously!?) when the snakehead made its initial thrashes, did you notice the sediments it stirred up from the gravel? thats what poo looks like after it breaks down in the tank. looks like that gravel has never been vacuumed. the tank is also oxygen deprived. there is no aeration at all, and the snakead can be seen gulping air several times during the video. there is also no cover at all in the tank and the snakehead must feel stressed in such an environment. i DON'T feel bad that they put a 10" bass in there because the bass WILL get eaten, no doubt in my mind about that. its not like the bass went to waste. it was used to feed a pet. i see no wrong in that. also most of those rumors about snakeheads staying out of water for days, walking across land, asexual reproduction (seriously!? :-?) and destroying fisheries are false. they are well established in the potomac river and haven't affected the native fish populations. snakeheads get too much hype :-/
  18. a coping saw with a fine blade has worked great for me!
  19. who else, beisdes AJ, doesn't own a reel!? ;D
  20. wouldn't have known if you didn't say
  21. looks sweet dude! i bet it swims nice and catches you some fish. i'm curious why you weighted the hooks...did you put in internal belly weights also? oh yeah and...nice bloodjob
  22. oh. bummer. i was wondering why i only got 3 questions ;D by the way Thad, this was an ingenious way to get people to take your survey
  23. 7" red shad Hookup or 5" green pump./chart. lam.Trick Stick
  24. but that song really is the definition of perfect
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