this is good advice but i'm curious how you came up with "several thousand" dollars needed to keep native fish?
also, native fish (specifically centrarchids) are much LESS needy than tropicals if you ask me. they're really easy to keep. they don't need heated water, they can tolearte a wide range of water conditions, they eat ANYTHING, i get most of the food i feed my natives for free, just dig around and collect worms, bugs, go to a creek and get some macroinvertebrates or small minnows, collecting the food is almost as fun as keeping the fish!
as long as you have a large enough tank, don't over stock it, and have adequate filtration, you're good.
for a bass this means a very large tank and some top notch filtration.
i suggest you try some smaller sunfish like bluegills, pumpkinseeds, warmouth, red ear sunfish, rock bass, or whatever the most common panfish is in your area.