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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. WOW! i'm gonna have to put Rush on hold and get this guy's work...he's AMAZING!
  2. Like a Boss is my favorite song of theirs lol. "Chop my b$^@^ off! (like a boss)" ;D ;D
  3. i casted onto some lily pads and as my line was laying onto the water immediately after the cast, it got somehow tangled up with a dragonfly. so i have my trick stick resting on a lily pad, then about 1-2 ft. away from the trick stick, this dragonfly is flying, and taking my line in the air with it lol. i twitched the bait and it killed the dragonfly.
  4. if you're targeting largemouth with a roostertail, go with the biggest one thats available, makes sense to me...
  5. its advertised on BR so much i figure everybody would know about it : but how bout "Fishing Show: Hooked; New Season Looks Awesome - Tonight"
  6. isn't this an old series just starting a new season? i can remember watching an episode of Hooked about Dottie the 25lb bass...
  7. get their album, its great
  8. have fun
  9. yeah i really want to see that one but i don't think i have enough time to watch it tonight.
  10. sitting here by myself, looking at a pretty boring night, think i might watch a movie. i haven't seen either, but i'm undecided, which should i watch, The Deer Hunter or Trainspotting?
  11. i don't think i've ever lost a lure to a fish... usually i lose them to snags. it sucks but it happens.
  12. cool! i love catching pickerel, i don't know why most people don't like them...they fight really hard on a nice long cast.
  13. haha just found this on youtube, its pretty good:
  14. wow, one of my music threads that everybody agrees on! thanks for the suggestions guys.
  15. i'm with you, i don't mind bow fishing at all as long as they keep the fish and don't let it go to waste. it seems ridiculous to release a fish you just shot with an arrow.
  16. thats great!!!
  17. heard "working man" on the radio the other day and made me want to go get some Rush. what are some of their best albums?
  18. excellent. i like the gold Sammy or whatever it is.
  19. sad story man but at least you actually caught it, and it didn't flop off before you have a chance to "officially land it". as for your moral, a clip would be best, but you can sharpen the hook with a grinder or dremel and then just poke it through the bottom jaw (in the skin beneath the jaw bone). this is more secure than trying to hang the fish from the hook.
  20. crap i can't remember the name of my Gerber multi-tool, but i love it, use it almost every day. [edit]just found the packaging, its called RESOLVE[/edit]
  21. LOL @ the title ;D
  22. invest in a scale my man. you'll be glad. awesome fish btw! my PB was 23.5" and 7lbs. so your's is probably in the 6-7lb range if it was proportionately fat.
  23. if this keeps up, we will have to write them a letter telling them how angry we are with them ;D
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