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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. win.
  2. thanks daviscw 8-)
  3. yikes thats a ginormous picture! anybody know how to fix that?
  4. you guys think its right?
  5. thanks guys. you can't really tell from the pics but the colors i used are metallic silver, metallic copper, black, and white. the metallic doesn't really show through in the pics.
  6. what do you guys think of them? i'm about to get a pair.
  7. repainted this a while ago, never got around to taking a pic. i tried something different with painting the eyes. i like how it turned out. my friend looked at this and called it s#^@faced shad ;D.
  8. these look sweet! they are my favorite repaints that you have done so far. you should put a shad spot on them!
  9. the entire walmart franchise stopped carrying Devcon products and switched to Loc Tite. its a shame because they were by far the cheapest source. now i get my devcon 2ton at true value hardware, and i've heard Ace carries it as well. set time is about 20-30 min, working time is more like 5 or 6. even if you are the Flash, 5 min epoxy is no substitute because it dries yellow and is not water proof.
  10. thanks fishindaddy! this is real cool of you!!!
  11. inline spinners in shallow brackish coves = white perch. LOVE fishing for them with ultralight gear. they fight so hard for their size!
  12. dang your first quarter is over already? we just got our interim reports a few days ago (midway through first quarter). does interim count ;D?
  13. my parents were upset that i didn't give two s#^%@ about this, looks who's laughing now.
  14. that is a sweet picture!
  15. and for naming their kid "Falcon"
  16. dang, really? that sucks...he was alright...
  17. 3:08 HOLY S$#&!!!!
  18. love the song, so appropriate lol! ;D
  19. if your topcoat does not have UV protectors/inhibitors, it will yellow in time. the Devcon i've used yellowed. if you do go to the hardware store looking for epoxy, be sure to get devcon two ton, not five minute. the five minute doesn't provide enough working time, does not dry perfectly clear, and is not waterproof.
  20. ha those are good ones!
  21. so many different kinds of clears to use. i don't know of anybody that uses aerosol clear, i don't think they are very durable. a lot of people use epoxy as a clear, moisture cure urethane like Dick Nite's (can be dipped or thinned and sprayed through airbrush). i'm trying out a waterbourne polyurethane that i dip, but it can also be sprayed. a lot of people also use automotive clears which are usually sprayed through a spray gun or airbrush. there is just so much to look into when picking out clears, and don't be afraid to try a bunch and see what works for you.
  22. sweet pictures! are they airbrushed?
  23. took me about 45 seconds to realize these are trout patterns and fish scales and stuff on these.
  24. that minnow trap you have will work fine. its all about location. throw a ripped up slice of white bread in the trap, and put it in shallow water real tight to cover. in my creek i can put my minnow trap in and catch easily over 100 blacknose dace and about 20 or so golden shiners overnight. keep trying and switch your location each time.
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