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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. how high's the water mama? i said its four feet high and risin'.
  2. kinda looks like an assassin bug just off the top of my head
  3. this is well written
  4. what a great value
  5. redwing. gonna run you more than 40-60 though
  6. curse you... i came here to say something to the same effect
  7. that's pretty cool but its so unnecessary. it would be way more efficient to just have a person tie the flies without using stupid robotic arms to do it
  8. what the hell is the point of the swivel then... why not just tie onto a hook and put your floating plastic on. seems dumb to me i don't buy it.
  9. **** got real at 2:40 me gusta
  10. the only havoc bait i like the looks of
  11. unless it got fixed, then no, it doesn't automatically resize. i remember when i first got on the new forums my avatar took up half of my entire post.
  12. ಠ_ಠ could have just asked them.....
  13. i think there would be a total of 120 possible combinations.
  14. no that was me
  15. i've noticed an apparent decline i participation too. higher site traffic != high participation. i am logged into bass resource whenever i am on the internets (i have it as an app tab), but i don't actively use the forums nearly as much.
  16. AHAHAHAHAH I NEVER NOTICED THAT!!! so great.... :D
  17. i don't think the new forum changes your cuss words like the old one. **** used to translate into nuts on the old board, it made for some funny posts when people didn't realize that those filters were in place
  18. www.shrinkpictures.com
  19. we like sports and we don't care who knows
  20. was talking to one of my friends last night and found out he has been wearing the same jeans since September and plans to go a whole year
  21. daily. everything else gets changed daily, socks, undies, shirt. jeans... bi-monthly...or so
  22. oh s**t it wasn't until you quoted it that i realized what the joke was!!! :lol: :lol:
  23. psshhhhh that's what you think
  24. da f**k is BEMDAS ಠ_ಠ answer is clearly 2.
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