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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. pickerel are awesome! i love it when i catch the occasional pickerel. i sometimes enjoy the surprise of catching one of them better than catching bass! they sure do fight harder than largemouth thats for sure, i hooked one that was a little bigger than the one in this photo, and i thought for sure i had a new PB bass on (7lbs+) until i got it to the boat. i reached down to grab it, hook came out, and as i tried lifting it by the belly it slipped away.
  2. oh, nice job
  3. beautiful bride, chasm, and the kind are my favorite tracks off this album. i still like their first album more though...
  4. LMAO!!! i love how you named that second picture "badass"
  5. nice painting skills but if you ask me, they're ugly :
  6. what did you use for the stripes? kinda looks like a comb with some teeth taken out? they're so faint i can't really tell. i like that.
  7. anybody hear this yet? i just got it yesterday, i'm just getting around to listening to it now and i'm on about the fourth track and it sounds pretty good!
  8. duuuuuuuude nice one.
  9. really nice paintjob
  10. just checked them out on youtube, this seems like a pretty accurate description. they sound pretty good i could get to like them.
  11. "Ashes of the Wake" and "The Passing" are their only instrumentals.
  12. haha awesome! ;D
  13. Lamb of God's singer, Randy Blythe, is one of, if not the best metal vocalists you will come across.
  14. Ding,Ding,Ding We have a winner. They say the kids are always the problem and really it's the schools and the parents. Most kids are just confused with no help from either the school or parents so they adapt to where they fit in. meep.
  15. hmm if they're planning a major disruption, surely they know consequences will be involved, so why would the "banning of the word" even make them think twice about not going on ahead with it? meep.
  16. Carrie Underwood is hawt. <--- period.
  17. you should not spray different types (lacquer, enamel, acrylic, etc.) of paints on the same bait. they may not be compatible, and you may end up with a mess. if you want to spray one bait in lacquer and another in acrylic thats fine, but stick with one type of paint per bait.
  18. i bought an Iwata revolution BR. quality brush and great for beginner airbrushers (myself). i've seen it selling for 72 bucks just about everywhere, but www.chicagoairbrushsupply.com has great customer service. i bought a Husky AirScout air compressor from Home Depot. it was 100 bucks and can put out 135 psi (though you should only be using 15-30 to paint with), 1.5 gallon storage tank, its perfect for airbrushing, because you get a lot of air before the motor fires up. i use Wildlife Colors paints, but i've seen a lot of people use Createx (and all of its varieties, AutoAir, Wicked Colors, etc), and House of Kolor. search around for the best prices. www.tcpglobal.com sells a lot of painting supplies, worth checking out.
  19. congrats man. ;D
  20. when i was using devcon 2 ton, i never cleared with anything beforehand and i really don't see the need to. devcon is pretty inert and doesn't really react with anything.
  21. seriously just about the best music video i have ever seen; the little interlude from 00:17 to 00:43 was just great:
  22. that must be it then. i coulda sworn i heard this song in a TV commercial not too long ago, idk maybe i'm just trippin' balls....
  23. GAME OVER win.
  24. d**n how could i forget the agonist!?? they're great.
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