i may be totally wrong here and look like an idiot, but i'm pretty sure they're making a joke about the price of that stuff saying that it is so expensive that it had better be made of mastodon leather, which is non-existent as far as i know.
What are your favorite album covers? i don't care what kind of music they are, i just wanna see some cool album covers!
here are a few of my favorites from my collection:
Lets see some of yours!
i just wrap it over the bait tightly and hold it tight with my left hand while i paint.
i think Big M (or somebody, i don't remember who) uses an embroidery hoop, and puts the mesh loosely in that and then presses the bait into it so it stretches tight over it.
Dan: yeah its pretty sad really...
Robby: you're thinking of the giant snakehead, Chana micropeltes. i don't think the climate is right here, they could probably survive in florida (i think they have actually been found on a few rare occasions in florida).
dan and thai got this @^$# covered already, so i'm not even going to bother restating what they and myself have said in the other threads.
seems us potomac guys seem to be more "in the know" about snakeheads than people elsewhere...
Agents of Oblivion is like Acid Bath but a little more mellow (i like it a lot!), and his solo stuff is more like indie rock than metal at all, still good.
i love everything this guy does. Acid Bath, Agents of Oblivion, and his stuff under his own name. i haven't been able to find any deadboy & the Elephantmen yet. his voice is awesome!
haha i didn't use a marker, that would be cheating! they're hand painted. but i would like to figure out a few stencils so i can spray them on...haven't got around to that yet. i'm not sure how to make a universal stencil that i could use on all baits, or if need to make a whole bunch to fit each bait.
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