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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. tcp global is a very reliable seller. go for it.
  2. well thats just crappy design! you could try smashing some lead solder or airgun pellets so they're nice and flat and epoxying them to the bottom of the jighead for some ballast. i don't even see the point of having a rattling head on a beetle spin, they don't wobble so it wouldn't rattle much...
  3. i could never get my pvc very smooth when i sanded it....
  4. www.chicagoairbrushsupply.com has great customer service. i didn't buy my brush from them (i bought from www.coastairbrush.com) but when i dropped my brush and smashed the tip all up, i called up chicago and they helped me out with figuring out which replacement parts i needed to buy (since the item numbers of the replacement parts were wrong in the manual i received). they have great customer service, so i'm going to keep buying my airbrush supplies from them.
  5. i'd go with the iwata, no question. iwata is a very reliable brand, they make a good quality airbrush, and they have a good warranty policy. you won't have to replace your iwata brush unless you break it, it won't break on you. plus you can always buy different sized needles and nozzles if you so desire, but the .3mm that comes standard in the revolution is a pretty good all around tip.
  6. nice job man. looks good! what type of pvc are you using, is it just the trim board you get at lowes/home depot?
  7. the iwata revolution br is a good brush. not too expensive either. that kit looks nice, i like that it comes with 3 different sizes of needles and nozzles, but i don't know anything about the quality of it as i've never used it. definitely stick with a gravity feed brush with a little cup on it though.
  8. haha thanks everybody. i took it out to the lake today and it sure does swim nice. makes a lot of clicking too
  9. threadfin paintjob on one of my standard shad swimbaits.
  10. dude this is shameful... :-[
  11. with your hook how it is now (single hook, facing backwards) i think you are going to have issues with hooking fish. maybe flip it around so it is facing forwards and just make sure its got a good weedguard. or try what big m said.
  12. thanks guys!
  13. i know man, i'm about to pass out!
  14. better than mine, i just have a bedsheet draped over my desk in my bedroom ... :-/
  15. thanks guys! hope it catches some fish
  16. from a few weeks ago: before: finished: sorry about the glare, i've never had such a hard time taking a good picture of a bait before! i might try again tomorrow...
  17. i always use uni-uni when tying two lines together.
  18. grilled rockfish fillets are amazing. grilled largemouth fillets taste really similar, and they're probably my #2. i also like tilapia.
  19. dude that was great! props! but def leppard still sucks.
  20. dude are you kidding me??? you listen to def leppard...?
  21. make sure your paint is fully dry (heat set too, preferably) before you put the painters tape on your bait. also, stick the tape on your t-shirt or jeans a few times to make it less sticky before you put it on your bait too.
  22. nice baits! that first one looks very much like a bait i just got done painting earlier this evening. i'll put up pics when the clearcoat is finished.
  23. bigfruits nailed it. use an ultralight and toss inline spinners and other tiny crankbaits! by far my favorite inline spinner is the blue fox vibrax minnow spin. i have had soooo much success with this little bait, in all sizes! smallest size for huge bluegill, biggest size for little-medium bass. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_15446____SearchResults minnow, silver, and gold are my favorite colors.
  24. okay but i'm wearing the hat
  25. AP calculus >
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