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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. That is a great knife. I love mine 8-) It's so badass it's scary. I want to get some paracord for it, but I don't know the knots to use. I got the Kydex sheath. seal pups are great knives. they can take a beating.
  2. i like to fish poppers real subtle. fish can't seem to stand it.
  3. airguns can't be clamped down because they have backward and forward recoil, and no matter how hard you try the gun will still move. its best to actually hold them with a very loose grip and let the gun move straight back as much as it wants. if you try to hold it with such a firm grip to counteract the recoil you are sure to move it off target. i have read about shooting the target then moving the crosshairs to line up over the original point of impact though.
  4. yeah its on there right, and the scope is on right too, (with the elevation knob on top and the windage knob on the right). i find it really odd too... really wish i knew what to do here. yeah i'm gonna sell some cats, probably trade them for butcher's modeling glue too ;D
  5. i dunno but i'm going to Nag's Head next week. hopefully i can get some fishing in... i know nothing about surf fishing.
  6. Glenn enjoys himself a nice Spongebob episode from time to time... dude who doesn't?? :-?
  7. try it.
  8. sweet paintjobs even better photography!! what kind of clearcoat are you using?
  9. well it is aiming as low as it goes, and its still not low enough. it has come down some since i lowered it all the way but its still high. when you want to bring the point of impact down you turn the elevation knob in the direction opposite of the direction marked "up" correct? i'm going to feel really stupid if i turned it the wrong way. if the POI did come down some youre probably doing it correctly. wont hurt to try though. i would check the mounts on the scope. check what about the mounts?
  10. well it is aiming as low as it goes, and its still not low enough. it has come down some since i lowered it all the way but its still high. when you want to bring the point of impact down you turn the elevation knob in the direction opposite of the direction marked "up" correct? i'm going to feel really stupid if i turned it the wrong way.
  11. nice i like them. how did you get the texture on the foil? this is something i'd like to try.
  12. oh i guess i should have mentioned... i am using a scope and encountered this problem.
  13. haha i love it!! great story.
  14. all of the above ^ use transparent paints for better effect.
  15. lolololololololol reference win!
  16. i NEVER have any luck sighting in any airgun. its f@#% frustrating!!!!! anyway, just got a new gun, shot it a little over 100 times to break it in, and now i'm trying to get it sighted in. its shot high from the start, and now at about 30 yards its hitting about 10-12" above my point of aim, and its pretty much centered left-right. heres the problem... i have no more adjustment room to move the point of impact down... the knob is cranked down as far as it will go and my shots are still hitting 10" above target. what can i do?
  17. predator bass baits gets my vote:
  18. southern maryland this summer's been.....on par. not catching too many, and not catching s#&% for size i think its because i just can't catch em. i've got pretty burned out on bass fishing this summer...
  19. just checked it out, i only like lamb of god and five finger death punch out of everyone that's playing, don't think i'll be going.
  20. where is it held?
  21. i'm pretty sure The Road was the most depressing movie i've ever seen...
  22. its a great knife. very solid.
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