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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. i lol'dddddddddddddddddddddddddd ;D
  2. i went with U2 but really they all suck
  3. saw Old Crow Medicine Show in the Maymont park in Richmond over the summer. absolutely amazing show.
  4. they don't make any difference to me. if a bait has two of them though i'll take the front one off and swap it with the rear hook of a crank with regular hooks
  5. i think it's just inferring you know how much a bushel of wheat weighs.
  6. i do believe its www.chegg.com
  7. my friend caught his PB on a wacky rigged senko with a 1/8oz bullet weight....
  8. i just watched this for the first time 3 nights ago. it was pretty scary. it didn't have any lasting effect on me but it was a good scary movie for sure. the alternate ending on the dvd really made it, i watched the theatrical ending afterward and it was so terrible it almost ruined the movie.
  9. those look awesome. so that's real fish skin on those baits?
  10. oh i figured you guys would be done with those jokes this time around
  11. why do these threads ALWAYS come up.....
  12. haha my friend just bought that at the store on a whim. watched it and he said it sucked so hard it was awesome
  13. idk if Cannibal Holocaust is a horror film but its good the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is great too. both Hostel movies are goood
  14. why not? thats what i use and i have noooooooo problems whatsoever. i never could understand why people feel the need to use a different hook for wacky rigging.
  15. i stopped watching after the second episode. is it still running?
  16. 3ghz is not an amount of space its a speed. and 504mb of RAM also has nothing to do with storage. how much SPACE is on your hard drive (mb, gb, tb, etc)?
  17. i wouldn't buy a kit. i'd get 4 (or 8) ounce bottles of colors you know you'll use a lot like white, black, silver (base coat colors) and get 2 (or 4) ounce bottles of colors you'll use for details. i only put 2-3 drops of paint in the cup unless i'm painting the entire bait that color. so 2oz lasts much longer than you'd expect
  18. also: killin' cats, sellin' cats, smokin' black&mild's, sniffin' glue, breakin' into homes, ridin' bikes
  19. i like pandora and www.last.fm
  20. benny benassi is my favorite DJ. i have yet to find anyone similar. if you know of someone, speak up
  21. i would like the second to last one the most if it had the lighting effect of the first one and there wasn't a blade of grass in the way of the lens (though i'm sure this was intended)
  22. oh, i didn't have my speakers plugged in until he was almost at the top and i realized there might be some audio i was missing. that's crazy he was free climbing that whole time!!!!!!!!!!! my arms would be so weak and wobbly i wouldn't be able to keep a grip on anything i'd be so nervous!!!
  23. is it just me or does he not appear to have safety gear attached to the tower most of the time (except on breaks)???
  24. two best parts: when she turns and looks at the camera after the STD comment, and "you have completely lost your s***" ;D i love that line, i'm using it from now on
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