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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. if i remember correctly, that was what all the fuss was about. someone got the package and kept it too long. went out of town or something. this also happened when we sent around a single lure for everyone to fish with, catch some fish, post some pics, and then send it on. i think the guy i sent it to left it at his house and then went off to college or something.
  2. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  3. hahahahaha hilarious. if i posted this i would be so flamed for it ;D
  4. Gummo Julien Donkey-Boy Napoleon Dynamite Buffalo '66 Irreversible (probably not a top 5, but its a movie i watched recently and it had a lasting impact on me, great movie)
  5. i've only got 1 actual cumulative final. 2 of my other classes our "final" is just another unit test. and in engilsh we just had to do a presentation. unfortunately, my only final is in my worst class, calc.
  6. me and the Gentleman shared a nice evening together lol
  7. yeah i was thinking english too. why do you think its from a music video? can you provide any details about it?
  8. yeah thats the site i got it from, where i first saw it. its just a collection of creepy black and white pictures from all different sources.
  9. so any ideas as to where this particular pic came from?
  10. i did some searching and it appears to be a plague doctor mask.
  11. okay i know its a shot in the dark here but could anybody tell me the origins of this photo: i love the picture but i want to know more about it!
  12. punch your monitor as hard as you can and it should be fixed.
  13. hate to say it but i have noooo idea what you guys are talking about with your Utes talk.
  14. i never left BC, your Palin fetish is a little on the disturbing side. just letting you know. ;D Coming from someone who has a naked guy for his avatar? ;D ;D ;D shutup you only share his Palin fetish : I also think she's hot. She seems like she would be fun to hang out with and do outdoor things with.
  15. i never left BC, your Palin fetish is a little on the disturbing side. just letting you know. ;D
  16. my thoughts exactly. i bet NOOOOOOBODY knew how to do this before this news story. but now its out there and all it takes is a little research on scanners and programs to read the data.
  17. hahahaha that was much funnier than i expected from the title! ;D
  18. no, you're a freak.
  19. any model recommendations on the Stihl? i read reviews saying the MS170 (for occasional home use) was not very good, especially on anything bigger than 4-6" diameter. the MS180 looks a little better for occasional home use. they say it can cut more than just limbs, trees up to 12" in diameter. thoughts?
  20. i know you guys are having fun but if you were serious then judging from this picture i'd say they are meant to hold your LifeEssentials which may or may not come with the backpack.
  21. haha i knew everyone would be recommending Stihl. i've always heard they are the best.
  22. Can anyone recommend a good gas-powered chainsaw for having around the house to clear up fallen trees and make some firewood? it won't be getting extensive use, like i said, mainly just cutting up trees that fall around the yard and cutting up fallen trees for firewood and such.
  23. Jones Soda.
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