i went through teachin my dad to fish too. it all started when my mom took me to a bluegill lake and i saw a huge bass just come in and take a bluegill and then leave. then i was on a quest for bass. so i finally got my dad to take me bass fishing. he'd never been bassfishing and he'd only caught two bass in his life...both by accident. well i taught him knots, tackle selection, what to use and when to use it and all the stuff that he needed. it was a coldfront kinda day, so i figured ok...its coudy, cold, i think ill fish slow. i put on a t-rig worm and within 10 minutes of fishing i caught my first bass ever!!! i caught about five more and my dad still had none but was gettin lots of hits. we were fishing the same worm too. so i looked at his and noticed that the hook point in his was burried in the plastic. so i pushed it all the way through so it was texposed. then couple minutes after that he had a 4lber on!!!! ever since then he always uses worms...and i try to get him to use stuff other than worms....sometimes he does..but he usually uses worms. but i taught him well enough to where he can fish on his own now and ask me for anything if he needs to.