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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. my digital rapala 15# scale is wacky like that too. i really want one of those lock n' weigh type scales. i def. cannot get a boga because i only have 10 dollars and i dont think my parents would pay 100+ dollars for a scale for me. so im lookin at the rapala lock n' weigh which is around 20 dollars. im not sure of the incriments on that scale though....hopefull it is by quarter pounds.
  2. yeah im in the nafc and when you first sign up, they will send you the book. they say if you dont want to be in the book club, then dont pay for the first book and state that you dont want to be in it. thats what i did and i never had another book offer again. i suggest you just stay away from the book club as its trouble. my friend from NAFC is selling all of his books because he doesnt fish anymore. hes using the money from his fishing stuff to buy paintball stuff. anyway, here is a list of the books he's selling and you can contact him on this website (the link is to the nafc bb) http://forums.fishingclub.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/22010418011/m/19010619041
  3. i went through teachin my dad to fish too. it all started when my mom took me to a bluegill lake and i saw a huge bass just come in and take a bluegill and then leave. then i was on a quest for bass. so i finally got my dad to take me bass fishing. he'd never been bassfishing and he'd only caught two bass in his life...both by accident. well i taught him knots, tackle selection, what to use and when to use it and all the stuff that he needed. it was a coldfront kinda day, so i figured ok...its coudy, cold, i think ill fish slow. i put on a t-rig worm and within 10 minutes of fishing i caught my first bass ever!!! i caught about five more and my dad still had none but was gettin lots of hits. we were fishing the same worm too. so i looked at his and noticed that the hook point in his was burried in the plastic. so i pushed it all the way through so it was texposed. then couple minutes after that he had a 4lber on!!!! ever since then he always uses worms...and i try to get him to use stuff other than worms....sometimes he does..but he usually uses worms. but i taught him well enough to where he can fish on his own now and ask me for anything if he needs to.
  4. i'd be fishing a wacky rigged senko vertically along the drop
  5. yup that is by lucky craft. i did a search and found this website: http://www.ichibantackle.com/showproductdetail.asp?productid=1320&name=REAL%20VIB%2060&manufacturename=LUCKY%20CRAFT it isnt really to catch fisherman because that goldfish isnt the only color. some of those colors look nice! i really like that aluminum gill!!!!
  6. how come theres no reels on them rods!?!?
  7. im a big fan of the soft stickbaits. i like to take a shad colored one and wacky rigg it and then drop it down around structure and twitch it a little bit. the bait goes wild and the fish go even more wild over it!
  8. alright aivd, thanks for the info. i looked on the DNR page and couldnt find that. under fishing regulations all i could manage to find was sizelimits. and t-rig...NO THANKS!!!! lol...lucky crafts are wayyyyy too expensive and this lake is full of thick thick weeds...perfect for loosing lures :-/ i think ill stick to my flies :
  9. ok. but i wasnt even sure if i was gonna use them in the first place. so i never thought of it "ok" and do you know where i could find out if it is legal in maryland? cuz i'd really like to know. if it is not legal then i wont use them and ill just use that fly under a bobber.
  10. well im not sure if it is illegal...i just always thought it would be.....anyone know where i can go to find out if its illegal?
  11. thanks. theres a local tackle shop that sells almost exclusivley zoom lures. ill check there soon. til then i made my own lures! i used a woodburner to melt the bits of worms together to make my own mega worms...check it out:
  12. well see....this pond has a weed PROBLEM!!!!! the weeds are crazy in there. it'd be nice to have them cut back. but i wouldnt be releasing any leftovers into the pond cuz i am aware of the damage they can do. i'd probly either fish till im out of bait, or i'd take my leftovers and put them in a holding tank at home. and even if it turns out that i dont use them....i make a certain kind of lure (i am into fly tying) that looks JUST LIKE A GOLDFISH!!! only problem is that i cant realy fly cast it well.....i suppose i could put it under a bobber and do like a float and fly rig...cuz the old guy was using the goldfish under a bobber when he was there. here is a pic of the lure i made:
  13. yeah it is illegal but it doesnt really matter because this pond is very unpublicised( <---is that a word?) so i would definitley not get caught.
  14. anyone know of anywhere online where i can buy some huge ole' monster ribbontail worms for a very low price? im lookin for some like in the 10+" range.
  15. what exactly is a KVD wild shiner? sounds like a great bass lure....anyone have a pic?
  16. anytime theres predators and weeds in the same place!!! if there are toothy critters in there ya might want to add a steel leader to it. also be sure to put a snap swivel ahead of the spoon cuz they will twist your line all up. :
  17. JITTERBUG FOR SURE!!!! ive tried fishing topwater for a while now and never could get a hit. i just got a jitterbug and tied it on today and i had alot of hits and even hooked one but it was too small and the hook was too big so it came off easily.
  18. What are yall's opinions on using live goldfish as bait for bass? i know they work cuz some dude next to me was catching bass and cats using live goldfish for bait. i really wanna try it. what do you all think?
  19. sounds like ya need a boat, or a new lake :-? :-[
  20. ;D ;D ;D SMART!!!! ;D ;D ;D
  21. i think i may have two of them....i tiny one and a medium sized one. ive never even tied one on...maybe i will next time im fishin shallow rocky water.
  22. i was at dicks yesterday looking for the xrap jointed shad, and they didnt have it. they did have the xrap shads though...but i was looking for jointed. so i got a jointed shad rap instead.
  23. i love the tiki sticks. they are much cheaper than the yamamoto kind. and they have a neat scent on them. i think they call it monolopo or soemthing. my walmart sells the waveworm tiki sticks and they sell kinami, which is a company started by gary yamamotos's son. the kinami flash is the same thing as the senko and tiki stick. but i do alot of wacky rigging and the number one stick worm for that is the strike king 3x zero. those things never tear and are so skwishy and wiggly they are PERFECT for wacky riggin. i like shad colotrs or red or white.
  24. The surface of the little grabber things... the pinchers if you will, they are textured, almost sharp. If you put in on your hand, it hurts, not going peta or anything, just feels like they could do damage to a fish. oooo yeah i know what you mean now. i kinda like the fact that they are textured. i feel it gives a better grip on the fish. plus they dont even have nerves in their lips/mouth so it doesnt matter. but do you know if they are very accurate?
  25. what do you mean its like a meat tenderizer.....r u saying it sucks or its heavy or what? and i wont be using it in salt ever. so it should hold up in fresh water.
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