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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. if its hot out and the fish are sluggish, try texas rigging huge soft plastic worms weightless and crawling them along the bottom in deep water.
  2. i find that bass taste almost as good as stripers. i love them. i had three last year and i wanna keep some next time i go.
  3. well see....i wanna fish big worms for two reasons: 1) its part of a challenge that was organized on another club, and 2) im goin for big slow bass...and big worms are the ticket. i just looked at the worm again and its a culprit, so only a quarter of the worm is the actual bumpy ribbed part for the hook, the next quarter is just a big smooth section, and the other half is all tail. my hook would take up about a quarter of the worm (the whole bumpy part). so what ill do is i'll thread a second hook thru adn keep that worm aside while i fish a single hooked one and see how i do w/ that one. if i need to ill switch to the double rigged one.
  4. im gonna be fishing some big ole 10" worms in a weed choked pond on sunday. so i definitley want to t-rig them. but my question is with a worm that big, and only a 3/0 hook, will i be missing a bunch of fish? should i just let the fish have the worm a little longer before i set the hoook? what should i do? o and these are the biggest hooks i have so i cant switch to a bigger hook. should i rig it w/ two hooks?
  5. well ill just have to try it and find out now wont i?
  6. great job boro. ill be fishin for the big ones on fathersday using some 10" worms.
  7. i just dont see a need to pay that much when i can get a rapala for 6 bucks. now a rapala is an outstanding bait!
  8. o shoot! i didnt even realise that the titie said lucky strike. i say lucky and assumed it was lucky craft. i forget what lucky strike makes...dont they make swimbaits and stuff?
  9. actualy ALOT of soft plastics dont have any scent. like just about the only kind i can think of that do have scent are powerbait. zoom doesnt ahve scent, storm doesnt, culprit doesnt...and so on. yeah it says on the bottle that it has some kind of oil in it i think its like anise oil that gets rid of other scents that repel fish.
  10. why do you say that about cranks...can it rust the hooks or someting? or destroy the finish on them?
  11. if you never lost a 20 dollar lure then no thats a good deal, specially since they probly work great, but the thing is you will eventualy lose it. i realy like the looks of them poles, but if youre bank fishing, what happens if you crank is more than 16' or 20' out there? thats about how long those poles can reach, so what do you do then? whenever im in my boat, i just motor over to the snag and pull the opposite direction that i got snagged and it comes out all the time.
  12. bought some of this scent/attractant: http://pharmacalway.com/brands/baitmate/baitmate.html in the bass formula. it smells like it will work. how well do spray on scents and attractats work? i know i put this stuff on lures and stuff but could i put it on crankbaits and stuff like that???? and would it be bad to spray a little in the water where i fish because it is an attractant after all.
  13. hmmmm....rapala doesnt really make much mid depth lures....theyr really focusing on their xrap series now. i havent got one yet but i want an xrap jointed shad. anyways, for mid depths, i reccoment all the shad raps (jointed, glass, rs), any of the DT series (4, 6, 10) O AND HOW COULD I FORGET! definitley pick up a minnow rap. those things are beast. i love them. they have the depth and wiggle of a shad rap, but the shape of a fat floater. colors i reccoment for those are bleeding pearl or bleeding olive flash.
  14. well it all depends on forage and how deep the water is. i always have success on natural colors. this can include shad, silver, vampire (one of my fav colors). if its deep water, i'd try a jointed shad rap. if its shallow use floaters or jerkbaits...i cant seem to get jerkbaits to run deep...so i use them in shallow water. shallow running fat cranks (DT4 or bandits) are killer in shallow water too. if you are new to crank fishing, heres a tip on estimating the depth of lures: look at the bill on the front. if it is big and long then it will most likely run deep. if it is small and short, then it will run shallow. also, look at the angle the bill when the bait is held horizontal. if the bill is almost horizontal, the lure will run very deep, if its at a more steep angle, then its a shallow runner. hope all that helped.
  15. o and i love bandit cranks. they make some awesome shallow cranks.
  16. well i dont have much money and im certainly not paying 20 soemthin bucks on a lure that could easily be lost. rapalas are under half the cost and i LOVE them! rapalas are my favorite bait...not kidding. so i stick w/ rapalas. i love the floaters for shallow water. also the DT series is really nice cuz of the depth variety they have. i just bought a jointed shad rap and i cant wait to try it out. they way to fish a suspending jerkbait like the husky jerk is to crank it down to depth real fast, then let it sit then jerk it around a bunch, pause, maybe crank in a little bit, and repeat. at least thats how i do it.
  17. whenver im fishin them from my boat ill do it wakcy rigged cuz i can get more of a vertical presentation around cover, but if im from shore ill fish em texposed and twitch them like a jerkbait along the bottom.
  18. im a huge fan of any rapala crank!!!!
  19. o wow arent those some dirty little names for baits!!! who comes up with these!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :
  20. i dont use topwater walkers much but that one looks cool! i was gonna get a frenzy crankbait, but i decided not to, but it looked good also. i'd say its a good run of baits.
  21. well i wont be able to get out there tomorrow but i'd really like to hear reports from yall!!!!!
  22. ok ill fish w/ the coach dog for a little more before i decide to paint it.
  23. those are pretty nice but i'd need something like that real vib that is orange and yellow. also the old guy was using the goldfish udner a bobber, so im gonna try my fly under a bobber and just jiggle it around.
  24. i really like their powerbait stuff because its got good styles and the scent is incredible. love the 7-10" pwer worms.
  25. ive heard that black is the best color for a jitterbug. what are yalls opinions on this? i went to walmart to get a black one but all they had was "coachdog" which is black back, white belley, and black stripes vertically on the sides. should i paint it solid black? i plan to fish this lure in the mornings, evenings, and maybe at night.
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