well it all depends on forage and how deep the water is. i always have success on natural colors. this can include shad, silver, vampire (one of my fav colors). if its deep water, i'd try a jointed shad rap. if its shallow use floaters or jerkbaits...i cant seem to get jerkbaits to run deep...so i use them in shallow water. shallow running fat cranks (DT4 or bandits) are killer in shallow water too. if you are new to crank fishing, heres a tip on estimating the depth of lures: look at the bill on the front. if it is big and long then it will most likely run deep. if it is small and short, then it will run shallow. also, look at the angle the bill when the bait is held horizontal. if the bill is almost horizontal, the lure will run very deep, if its at a more steep angle, then its a shallow runner. hope all that helped.