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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. yeah im sure it works good n' all but im just saying it looks ugly.
  2. how come the spinning gear will wear me out when baitcaster wont? the each have the same gear ratio.
  3. ok thanks. the crappie version of that looks nice, but the bream sucks imo.
  4. alluriblababbba, that is a popper in the front isnt it? sure looks like a cup-face popper in the front there, not a blade...but i donno...that is the closest i could get to what he described.
  5. ok. well the reason i said what i did about snags is because with spinning gear, i can cast right next to it w/o problems, but w/ baitcasting gear, im not so accurate so i might accidently thro in it. im pretty sure i will go w/ spinning gear because i am much better w/ it. thats what makes the most sense to me...how about you guys?
  6. ok i plan on getting one of the mattlures ultimate bluegills soon. i also plan on getting a H or MH rod and some braided line for it. what im wondering tho is should i get a spinning or casting rod and should i spool my spinning reel or casting reel w/ the braid? i have a medium sized spinning reel adn its an excellent all around reel...its an Okuma Stratus ST-30. i can cast w/ both spinning and casting gear, but im MUCH better w/ spinning gear. both my reels have a 5.1-1 gear ratio. my casting reel is an old abu garcia ambassaduer 5500C. i can cast with it but im not the best caster and i cant cast very accuratley and im afraid that i may nest it and then i wont be able to use it for the rest of the day and then i coudlnt use my swimbait anymore. also i might accidently cast into some snags because im using casting gear. so i think it would be alot better and safer for me to use spinning gear w/ this bait, what do you guys think? thanks, dave.
  7. can someone post a link to the bagley cranks? i seen those bluegill imitation in a BPS catalog but i cant seem to find them anywhere else and i dont have the catalog anymore.
  8. Bass actually inhale the bait, not suck it in like a spaghetti noodle. ;D At $7.95, hopefully it's the new biggest thing in fish scents, err "lubricants". Let us know how you like it after you tested it out a bit! Good luck! actually hes got a very good point about using it as lubricant. its reccomended on high quality soft swim baits to keep the plastic fresher and lubricated. and specially on frogs when you have to push the plastic down to set the hook, lube would work nicely there.
  9. yeah im a member of TU. but i dont have an airbrush. i think ill use nailpolish. and also the hooks on jitterbugs dont come off.
  10. raul where can i find those and are they expensive?
  11. how do you custom paint them? i'd like to know cuz im gonna paint mine all black. my idea was gonna be to take like some black nail polish and paint that then coat it in a couple coats of that clear hardner nail polish. how do you do it? maybe ill do black w/ chartruse polka dots for fun ;D...idk if my mom or sister has chart. nailpolish tho... :-/
  12. got to say mine would be a size 9 rapala original floater in bleeding pearl color. one of the most versitile baits ive found ever.
  13. i think thats the single post on this thread taht applies most to my situation. my confidence is in senkos, cranks, and ribbontails. it seems i can draw a major conclusion from all these wonderful replies. i just need to chill and find out what i think will be the best thing to use at the time and just stick to it no matter how much i want to change because i get tired of fishing w/o bites. next time i will just stick to it. ill probly limit myself to those three baits listed above and stick with them, because of all baits i think those are the most effective and would like to master them. that brings up another question :-/ so many cranks to choose from...how do i narrow it down to just a couple!?!? i know one factor would be water depth, another would be probly forage, but what else? confidence colors?
  14. LBH hit it right on the head...one word...GIMMICK. ok maybe two....BIG GIMMICK!
  15. RAPALA JOINTED SHAD RAP IN THE SILVER SHAD COLOR!!!!!!!! i have one of these baits and it is amazing let me tell you. it looks so much like a shad and the swimming action is already great but with that joint in it makes it look like a real swiming baitfish. a good investment to get one of those.
  16. not a clue...but a tip that makes logical sense to me would be that the more you transplant, the better a chance you have of some of them thriving and spreading.
  17. thanks guys...youre all a big help!!! i think next time i might just bring a pack of hooks, a pack of bulletweights, a pack of toothpicks, and a pack of culprit worms. o and some scent too... i definitley understand what you mean about sticking to one lure and just learning it, and the more you fish it the better you get with it and the more fish will result! whenver im fishing in slimy weeds, i always get the weeds caught on my bullet weight, but if i take the weight off and fish the worm weightless, i dont get weeds... but the thing falls painfully slow!!!!! what should i do? which method gives the best action?
  18. all i got to say to that is WOW. but that is probly not a bad idea it will keep me on track and make me spend more time fishing instead of changing/deciding what lure to put on. im glad im not the only one who experiences the crappy situation. surfer, if i was fishing w/ myself, i probly would call it a day, but i was fishing w/ other people who were seriously fishing adn they actually caught 3 fish....and since we all drove together and i cant even drive...i was stuck.
  19. i use storm wildeye live series but i havent caught anything w/ them but i havent really fshed them seriously though. a great bait for the price specially considering that you get 3 of them for about 4 dollars. the action they have in the water isnt the best, but its ok. pick colors to match forage. i'd really like to use mattlures but they are a bit outta my price range!!!!
  20. yeah tahts what happening. maybe i just need to change my attitude about it. but the thing is this happens so often and it bothers me and i just cant "enjoy the nature" because im so pi$$ed off!!!! i know that 10 cast is way too fast to be changing up but the reason i do that is because i dont have confidence in what im fishing! i really wish i didnt do this but its almost like its uncontrollable!!!! its like ive run out of lures that i have confidence in so i just try anything and blindly hope for a bite....ive got to stop doin this!!!!!
  21. ever since ive been on this BB i keep hearing about CONFIDENCE. yes i know that confidence is the key to success and have know this for a while. but CONFIDENCE is emphasized alot here on this bulleten board. now heres a sticky situation i find myself in almost everytime im fishing: i go the lake w/ pocketsfull of CONFIDENCE. then as the time passes and i never even get a single fish my confidence gets depleted. i start tying on new lures after every 10 casts or so cuz i have no confidence in anything! i dont want to leave though because i still want to catch fish very much, but i just dont have the confidence!!!!! :( :( i hate it when tat happens and that happens alot of the times i go fishing. what is the best thing to do when taht happens???
  22. thanks guys. you were all very helpful. and avid, i havent even been here 10 days but i already knew you were gonna be the one giving me hell for caling confidence BS ;D but really, thanks alot cuz you all wer very helpful. whenver i fish them there usually arent alot of surface activity. maybe i'll try them again when i go evening fishing this week.
  23. back to the swimbaits thing....they do not have to be expensive. you can get a 3 pack of storm wildeye live series swimbaits (they are very cool and realistic...very similar to the mattlures) for only about 4 dollars.
  24. IVE GOT IT!!!!! this is the CLOSEST thing to your drawing i could find. only thing is it has skirts and trebel hooks. but maybe the skirt came off of yours and you somehow got a weedless version w/o trebels: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_66628_100005003_100000000_100005000_100-5-3
  25. :-/dont know what the deal is. i try buzzbaits whenever applicable and i cant even seem to get a strike out of them. i dont mean to be rude but please dont give me that confidence yeah i know that confidence has a big part of success but i am confident in them, because ive seen them work i know they work, i just cant get them to work. could you give me any tips?
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