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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. nobody is missing anything this person is just sugarcoating it to stand up for his company.
  2. what i think is interesting is that you took a fly pattern (a nymph) and put it on a jig. cant say ive ever seen taht done before... :-? im not saying thats a bad thing either i will say that you tied it upside down tho. on a jig the hookpoint and eye are supposed to be up, and the top of you fly should also be up like the hook point. other than that keep at it!
  3. i actually prefer the looks of photo finishing to painted. i am all about realism, and for example i wouldnt consider making a fire tiger lure...i just dont like the looks of it. and photo finishing is a snap! its real easy and if you could have one painted in the time it takes to find and resize a pic then you must be a crazy fast painter! ;D
  4. i need a good reliable source for lip material with out having to buy pre made lips. what is something i may have around the house that could make a good lip?
  5. hey. i was wondering what happens if you have you lip facing the rear of the bait instead of facing the front. would the bait just glide over the water w/ no action?what if you had it facing rear but put a little curve in the bottom of it that faces forward?
  6. who here puts a photo finish on their lures? i see that alot of people paint them and paint them pretty but they all probably got air brushes and stencils and what not. well i suck at painting and all i have is acrylic paints and paintbrushes, so i like to do photo finishes. here is a pic of my first photo finish:
  7. nice work. how do you get a joint like that?
  8. yeah the ones i was using were the shaw grigsby jerk shads. the were 6" i believe. i guess my 2/0 is just too small. i'll try the corkscrew method. heres a link to the rigging method/video i described:
  9. i got problems rigging these types of baits on my 2/0 gammy EWG's too. it difficult to rig texposed. i saw on a doug hannon video about taking a cork screw and puttin one end on the hook bend and screwing it into the nose of the bait. i havent tried it but it looked like its worth a shot. i'll have to put a weedguard on my hooks before attempting this tho.
  10. i'd definitley fish the shallower one. i really dont like big deep ponds. i find that they are harder to locate and find fish. plus i like fishing ample vegetation
  11. i dont get it.... :-?
  12. ooook thanks! i really like EWG's then. cuz i had some eagle claws that werent EWG's and i had a problem w/ them: they wouldnt remain weedless when texposed. if you look closely at an EWG the hook point lays in a flat line w/ the eye, maybe just a little higher, but on a regular gap'd hook the hook point sticks up, and is hard to texpose with.
  13. another lure on my sh!t list is the jig. i try to fish them as much as i can and i do want to catch fish w/ them but they never produce, and always end up getting covered in bottom slime . ive only caught 3 total fish off a jig.
  14. hey im up for that...senkos are my go to lure!!! i'll shoot ya a PM if you are serious.
  15. SPINNERBAITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEZ I HATE THEM THINGS!!!! I COULDNT GET A BITE OFF ONE IF I WAS USING A MILLION DOLLAR BILL AS A TRAILER i jus cant figure out all the hype about em. other than spinnerbaits, practically anything topwater (excluding jitterbugs...my fav.) i cant get a bite on buzzbaits, hollow bodied frogs, walkers, poppers, nothin. thats good, im glad im not the only one who doesnt like spinnerbaits. :
  16. im usin gammy 2/0 ewg's. whast the ewg mean anyway? is that what that little bend behind the eye is? i suppose i'll just burry the eye further in the worm...i dont think it was in deep enough.
  17. yeah that might work or you could try topwater. night time is my fav. time for topwater. i really like jitterbugs because they have the same sound as a slow rolled buzzbait, but they float so you can pause and twitch them. fish topwater around visible structure.
  18. i while ago i had a bag of 3x zeros. then i went to walmart and there were none. instead there were just plain strike king zeros, but they said elaztech on them. they are just as durable so i picked up two bags at 2.92 each. elaztech also makes the chatterbait brand trailers. i fished these zeros texposed and one problem i found is that the head would slide down the hook with even the slightest jerk. it became annoying so i went to my gycb's. anyone know why this is happening? how can i fix it? superglue?
  19. ive got a couple of the $1 spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. the spinnerbaits are fine but my buzzbait fell apart becore i could even fish it. the o-ring was dry rotted and the skirt came apart. maybe i just got a bad one but if you can find a "nice" one, then buy them...i would!
  20. sam couldnt have put it better. thats about all you need to know for senkos. my go to colors are natural shad, red shad, and water melon. also...(im sure some will disagree) but dont be afraid to buy senko style baits that arent the real GYCB Senko. they work just as great and can be alot cheaper.
  21. ive got two chatterbaits, one is black/blue the other white/red and ive thrown each out a few times w/ absolutely no success...i still havent fished them enough to get a conclusion on them...
  22. hmmm i wouldnt reccoment using a senko for a dragonfly imitation...maybe try some floating worms and just cut them up to shape and add the wings like you said.
  23. yea that club is official and im a member. i dont have a pic of my card, but it look just like the one posted above. and yea they'll send you those books at first, but w/ the very first one you can choose to stay in the book club or choose for them to never send you book again. i chose not to be in teh book thing and ive nver had problems since.
  24. i caught a dinky bass...when i got the hook out i decided to see if it would eat a pebble. so i put one in its gullet and nothing happened. so i poked the pebble and he took the pebble down and my finger w/ it!!! cuz they have these pads just infront of their gullet on the top and bottom that are hard and ahve velcro teeth just like the jaws. i wouldnt say it hurt but it was uncomfortable~~~ :-?
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