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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. ive got a Daiwa Procaster 100H. it retails for $69.99 but that was a few years ago. i dont know if theyre still in production, but i really like the reel. got a great feel in my hands. by the way, i found it at a lake! i also have an Abu Garcia 5500C its great and all, but i just dont like round reels. i got that one free too! my neighboor gave it to me. just check around locally at tackle shops and stuff or search ebay...always soemthing good on ebay.
  2. thanks. im looking for weight in ounces, not grams....is there some formula i can use to convert it?
  3. uhhh what are you talking about :-?
  4. i sharpened the hook on my rapala digital scale roughly w/ a metal file, and then smoothed it down and fine sharpened it w/ my dremel. i just poke it thru their lower lip...safe, and secure.
  5. does any one know the weight of a 4" and a 5" senko? thanks alot.
  6. SIMPLE: take off hooks toss hooks drive to walmart buy new NICE hooks (gammy's) return home wipe down lure apply new hooks go fishing!
  7. hey thanks alot reelmech! i didnt give the rod much consideration... i'll have to check into that. ok now you got me goin on this WD 40 thing....can it really dissolve magnets??? well i didnt put any on the side w/ the magnets, i only put it on the side w/ the gears. should i take it out and put in 3-in-1 oil in?
  8. yeah thanks for those tips. i will try that arc/thumbing thing. ive read the thing about the tape before and i planned to do that today. i think that will help w/ "controlling" backlashes :
  9. ok but now were getting off topic....can someone tell me how to use my magnetic brakes?
  10. thanks for the tips. i will practice tomorrow in daylight. so release the spool about 12o'clock??? i read that in the sticky topic on baitcasters. i have the link to reelmech's article. i found it to be good on how to set up, but very brief on casting. there is a pretty good baitcasting "tutorial" here: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Bobby_Ivie just scroll down and click on the "baitcasting reels-definitley worth learning" parts 1, 2, and 3.
  11. ok well i used WD-40 as lube, not to clean out old lube. should i clean this out and use something like 3in1 household oil?
  12. ok. i can do a side arm cast very well w/ heavier stuff, and kinda ok w/ medium stuff....forget about light stuff (should be using them on a baitcaster anyway). no matter what i try casting overhand w/ i get a birdsnest. it really sucks. so how do i make an overhand cast w/ a baitcaster? i've read that the reel shouldnt be upright, it should be sideways? can you give me any info, tips, links regarding how to overhand cast? THANKS ALOT!
  13. thanks dan. i'll loosen it. and you are very correct about that link....i couldnt even understand it!!! :-? i just cleaned it and oiled it and respooled it today, i cleaned it all out w/ rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush and then sprayed wd40 in there.
  14. i found a Daiwa Procaster 100H once at a pond. its in pretty alright condition. anyway, if im using a senko and i loosen the spool tension knob, no matter how loose i get it the worm still doesnt fall fast enough. is this common, as in is it just too light for the reel? or is it a problem as in something wrong w/ my reel. it casts heavier stuff in a cinch. so that got me wondering, maybe its not falling fast enough because my magnetic brake is too tight (its on max=10). how exactly do i use magnetic brake??? PS: im very new to using baitcasters. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ANY INFO!!!
  15. what i do is i take a small aluminum oxide bit and put it in my dremel tool and i sharpen it like that....just dont put your face to close because it produces mucho sparks!
  16. ok. is there a website i can go to to get this stuff? also, that polycarbonate/lexan ive seen doesnt look like you could cut it w/ tinsnips!
  17. ok well yea i know that screweyes fail in balsa but thats ok cuz i use a hardwood to make all my biats....i use basswood.
  18. i just cant seem to NOT catch fish on my shallow wobblers
  19. BPS sells a kit i forget what the worm is called but its one of those big kit in the boxes type deals.
  20. its bigtime too hot here! Check out this pic i snapped the other day: my solution to the heat is to fish at night! much much MUCH cooler and the action is much better.
  21. i am right there with you on this one. i realllllllly like the looks of it, but i dont like the price. i'd have to take extra special precautions as to not loose this lure!
  22. a fat shallow wobbler in a natural color...like tennessee shad.
  23. and that is....... ;D
  24. i might do that. how do i cut it?
  25. yea. painting the top and bottom can be a pain...but its not too bad, specially if you have an airbrush. and i hate makin a thru wire crankbait. now those are a pain. i just epoxy the screw eyes in and they hold fine.
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