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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. o yea how could i forget about inline spinners! one of my top favorite baits is a spinner: blue fox vibrax minnow spin!!!! that thing will catch all species of fish all day long!
  2. i like this reel and im thinkin about buying one for $100 new on deloscustomtackle. is this a good quality reel and worth buying?
  3. ok so hows the citica 200D?
  4. o and what about the centrifugal brakes on that one....are they any good? i had magnetic brakes and i liked those. they are easy to adjust....how easy are centrifugal brakes to adjust?
  5. ok, so the browning isnt a very good reel? how about that shimano citica? i like the price, and if shipping really is free thats awesome. but which one is the best? i really dont know the difference between them, other than some have certain features others dont, but then in the little description, it doesnt say all the features EACH one has....so which one is the best? i kinda like the 200D..what do you think about that one?
  6. I really like this reel and want to buy it while its on sale: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_91075_100001001_100000000_100001000_100-1-1 what do you guys think of the reel? is it worth the $100? i dont have alot of money cuz i dont have a job cuz im 15! all i have is $106 and i'm tryint to sell my fly reel for $20. anyway is the reel worth it and do you think its a good deal? PS: how long do items ususally stay on sale at BPS?
  7. dave, i trust ya man. but i dont have any reel oil. i guess i'll just have to go out and buy some huh? and that gun oil isnt very viscus at all...its pretty thin!
  8. weedless spoons and standard curl tail (NOT ribbontail) worms.
  9. lol well its not more than i can handle, and i dont think i need to send it to you. the thing is i dont have any "quality reel oil". would gun oil work? probly not huh? and how come WD 40 is good at preventing corrosion on everything but fishing reels? and how come on the WD 40 pen package, it shows them putting it on a baitcaster? and how come you said that i needed corrosion resistance not lubrication, WD 40 is corrosion resistant... im so confused...
  10. www.slickfishlure.com what do ya'll think of that? i think it might work, but the hook system is destined to fail after a few fish, and at $18 each (at least i think its 18 each :-?) they are NOT WORTH IT! once again i just want to see what you guys think of this, i dont plan on buying any!
  11. yes rapala uses premium VMC hooks. theyre practically the best out there. dont worry about the hooks. just like roadwarrior said, dont set the hook. let the fish do it. and they keep the pressure on, cuz they can use the long hard lure (lets not be immature :) to get leverage when they shake and that can cause hooks to come out. so my guess is your jerking the bait away from the fish if you set the hook, just let the fish gobble down on it and when your sure its on, just sweep the rod up and begin the battle of pressure.
  12. haha...darn...i was gonna suggest mattlures. but they are kinda expensive. storm makes some swimbaits of much lesser quality called the "wildeye live series" they look nice but they dont run as great as they look. they are still ok baits. you get them 3 or 4 dollars for the 3 pack. do a search of "wildeye live" in basspro and you'll see what they are. good luck!
  13. thats exactly what i thought. it looks so dumb...and fragile! and if you look at the kits available, why would they give you so many replacement parts, if the thing wasnt gonna bust into pieces.
  14. i think its rediculous!!! ive never seen anything like it before either. the main thing the bass sees is the leaf, hardly see the dragonfly. why would it want to strike at that! they also make one where its a log instead of a leaf!
  15. well the reason i started this thread is cuz i wanted to know if my rod is right for senko fishing. i think it is cuz my rod is rated from 1/4 to 5/8 i think. yea i have a pack of 7" yum dingers .they are very big and heavy! cast a mile too. moby bass, thanks for that info!!!
  16. my buzzbaits run on their side when you burn em in. if you slow it down, they will bring themselves upright again.
  17. haha i dont see any rods rated for lures in the 11/28's range! i think "a little over 1/3" is the suitable weight for a senko.
  18. never seen any infomercials on it but i guarentee theres some for it. www.hover-lure.com check it out. is it a gimmick? sure looks like one. i did a search for "dragonfly lure" and that came up. i think that leaf design sucks. what do you guys think of it? btw i dont plan on buying it, i just want your input
  19. yes 11 grams equals 0.388013 ounces, but its easier to say 1/3oz. than to figure out a fraction for 0.388013.
  20. yea i found that practicin and just getting comfortable really helps the most. plus a nice quality reel is good!
  21. ok well i totally dont understand what you just said, but i found out that 11grams turns out to be close to 1/3oz.
  22. CHATTERBAIT!!!!!!!
  23. ok so WD40 is a good thing then as it prevents corrosion?
  24. i know what youre saying! ive had my #1 worst backlash due to that. but yea im tryin to find the weight of my most fished lure (senko) so i can check to see if my rods too heavy. i might get a new rod. im not sure. but i been practicin alot today and i finally got the hang of an overhand cast. the trick (for me at least) is to hold the reel at a 60° or so angle (handles pointing up) and load the rod back and release at about inbetween 1 and 2'oclock. then follow thru and bring the reel back to level by the end of the cast. that seems to be most comfortable and efficient for me. i can do a sidearm cast very well...those are easy. now i just gotta get used to that and controlling the line so i can loosen my brakes and get some better distance.
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