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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. well, my silver XR10 produced these two fishies for me today: not much but it made me happy! that first pic is the first fish i caught on the xrap and my new reel. i seemed to get the hang of it pretty quick! i just jerked it a few times w/ the force of a hard hookset, then just stopped cold turkey. thats when i'd get hit. if no hits then i'd ease it forward a little bit, then start slamming on it again.
  2. yup that lure is a hawaiian wiggler by fred arbogast. it normlly has a rubber skirt around the hook, similar to that of a hula popper. its from the 1940's...i'd hang on to that thing
  3. from my experience...yes! a bullet weight doesnt allow it to fall horizontal, and i think that ruins the purpose of a senko.
  4. the aero and hydrodynamic shape of these baits, combined w/ the weight of them makes them cast a mile, without any weight at all. also, weights make the action go down the crapper
  5. the dude from the article, Bill Siemantle, developed them for Lindy, and theyre called "Tiger Tubes". i have not personally tried these tubes, but based on the article they work very well. here is a link to them on bass pro shops website: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_41815_100007006_100000000_100007000_100-7-6 HOPE THAT HELPED!
  6. i just got one yesterday (when my lucky craft broke ) and im gonna use it tomorrow morning. im headed over to rapala right now to see how to work it.
  7. i once read in a infisherman magazine an article about huge baits for huge bass. of course the main bait was pricey trout swimbaits. but a low cost alternative they mentioned were HUGE tubes. im talkin tubes bigger than your hand. anyway, they were clear-ish w/ alot of flakes. they said that the bass see it as a small school of fleeing baitfish and just attack it. here is a picture of the little thing about tubes:
  8. i didnt even know that fireline was braid i just got some powerpro for my new shimano citica, and it works just fine. i also like the fact that its 50lb test but only 12lb diameter. i got the worst backlash of my life w/ it though, totally my stupid fault too....i hit a tree on the forward thrust of my cast : ;D took me about an hour and a half to take the backlash out. i found that mono is easier to clean up backlashes w/, but on mono, backlashes will leave nasty little kinks in your line, braid wont do that.
  9. ok thats cool that they really work. my motor now really bogs down w/ weeds and gets all tangled up around the prop. i dont think that weeds on the shaft would realy be a problem. i didnt really see any difference in that prop and the one thats on mine now, except the new one was sharper and maybe a bit more curved, but not much.
  10. i do fine worming w/ my spinning rod which is medium power and a fast tip.
  11. definitley get the symetre. i have a pflueger trion ultralite reel, and it crapped out on me, it took me like 2 hours to fix it. i really like shimano gear, i jsut got a new citica, and that thing is so nice. defintley go w/ the symetre.
  12. well guys, i put some 50lb power pro line on it, and thats stuff isnt bad at all. it stays round, and so far i have seen no wear and tear on my rod tip or line guide on the reel. anyway, i finally got a chance to cast it in my yard w/ a plug. it casts so nicely. i can set the breakes so only 2 out of six are on, and i dont even have to thumb the spool and still not get backlash!!! i decided to try and turn one more off, so only one out of six brakes were on, well...i got a minor backlash, but the cast went a looong way. i think i'll stick w/ 2 for a while, and once i get better i may just use 1.
  13. ok thats good. for a lure that expensive, it better have nice customer service like that!
  14. i saw a minn kota brand weedless trolling motor prop at walmart yesterday for 17bucks. i wanted to get it but i dont have enough money, and im not sure if they truly are weedless. so...do they really work and how weedless are they? what makes them weedless anyway?
  15. well if you caught shad, then throw lures that look like shad!i would work my bait against the current...but just me.
  16. i got the same stuff at a pond where i fish. only mine is so thick, that it grows upwards out of the water about 6inches. i just throw texposed soft stick baits in there.
  17. my live pointer broke today (suprisingly not the joints, the lip snapped clean in half) and so i called up lucky craft and told them about it and the lady asked if i had a copy of the reciept, i said i sure do, and she told me i can send it to their office in california and they will send me a new one. i thought that was pretty dang easy! will i still be able to return the next one if it should break?
  18. well guys turns out i decided to go the braid route. i got 50lb power pro. this way i can fish my expensive lures on my baitcaster. also it will be good for throwing snakes and other topwaters on the lilies.
  19. LAB i really like my old lightnin rod, but im broke now that i bought that reel. if i ever get the money, i might get a new rod...but i dont think i would cuz i'd be getting a new rod equivallent to the lightning rod anyways. riskkid, i sure hope so too!
  20. my advice is taking a wacky rigged senko or look alike or even a lunker city fin-s or look alike and just working it around the edges or any pockets or holes or anything. just place it as close as possible, let it fall...maybe give it a few tiny twitches, if it makes it all the way to the bottom, then jerk it all the way to the top, and repeat. i slay them doin that. another method i use is to take a texposed senko or look alike and just cast it parallel to the edges, and work it all the way along the edge. just let it sink, sit for a while, give it a few twitches, a big sweep, let it sit, and repeat.
  21. i dont use mepps but i LOVE LOVE LOVE bluefox. one of my all time favorite baits is the bluefox vibrax minnow spin. absolutely slays all warmwater species (bass, crappie,bluegill...) i do however own one mepps, its the comet minnow...i caught my biggest crappie ever on that.
  22. haha im sure i will like it more!!! now im working on bugging my dad into taking me fishing saturday morning or sunday night...or if im good maybe both ;D!!!!
  23. can i get this yozuri line at dicks? how much money does it cost and which kind should i get? im looking for a line w/ very little memory and good strength.
  24. its a well known fact that BPS owns Browning (or at least i thought it was well known) but im not sure who makes the reels for them. i have heard its pflueger, but im not sure.
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