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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. they are molded in that position, but when you twitch it, they straighten out and then go back to that position. and yes they are soft plastic.
  2. i did a google search of plastic worms to see what i'd get and this was a result. www.slinkerlures.com i think this looks like a cool product. i dont think its a scam, because its reasonably priced. based on the video, (press/media) it looks like it floats, and in the story, it says it mimics a snake. it doesnt say how long it is, but it looks to be about 9-10" long. also, on the order page, it says shipping only a buck, but right below it, it says orders 0.00-60.00 have a 4.99 shipping charge. what do you guys think of this one???
  3. lol! now i wanna go chew on one!!!!!
  4. yea yea i know about the rod. its too heavy. but if im careful i can still cast it. i made 1 5/8oz out of lead sinkers and casted that in my yard. it flexes the rod alot, but i can cast it.
  5. i caught a bass and i had it spit up a little minnow in my hand...the minnow was covered in this metallic silvery substance...it was gross...i think it was digestive fluid stuff.
  6. the regular xrap gets down to about 3 feet or so. but you can get the xrap deep models, which get around 8 feet i think.
  7. why do you guys think that tip wrap is only on braid? it happens on any kind of line!
  8. do you guys think that a Shimano Citica will hold up to casting this huge thing?
  9. my experiences exactly.
  10. haha i want one ;D ;D ;D ;D haha now thats what im talking about!!!! that'd be so easy to make too! that looks like two big hunks of foam (or what is tha pink stuff?) and just some scrap lumber and a chair! i've already got a jon boat and motor and battery, but i still want one of those!! ;D ;D ;D
  11. thats disgusting dude! hes got a nice lil gut on him for his size. that looks like a regular worm hook that isnt EWG. i have several from eagle claw.
  12. haha! im the same way! i can see how people see a 3 pound fish as small. round here thats a very nice fish. 4+is a lunker, and anything above 6 is a true hawg.
  13. thats good. i dont really care about the size (well not really....i really really would love for some big fish w/ it, but that wasnt my only intent) i'll take any fish! since there arent realy many huge fish around here, i'll be very pleased with what you guys would call a "smallish fish" in the 2-4 pound range.
  14. how do you guys think it will do w/ the bass?
  15. hey wow...it is a golden shiner! i didnt know those were in that lake! they fight pretty hard on ultra lite gear!!!!! i catch them when i fish for bluegills...i just use a chunck of tan or white rubber from a torn up worm.
  16. is that really a golden shiner!?!?!? it really looked like some type of sucker fish to me. i'll have to look and see some pics of golden shiners.
  17. what kind of fish is this? i am pretty sure its a shorthead redhorse, but i just wanted to check with you guys. the fish is about a foot long.
  18. i bught a shakespeare synergy spinning combo from kmart once, first day after 8 2-3lb bass the thing wouldnt reel anymore. i think the bearings all fell out...cuz it rattled too.
  19. i really like my power pro braid: >good strength to diameter (50lb=12lb diameter) >tough as a mo-fo! ('nuff said) >ultrasensitive! (i can feel the individual blades spinning on a spinnerbait, i couldnt do that w/ mono) >zero stretch (great hooksetting power and pulling power...as needed in thick weeds) >near zero spool memory (great for finesse fishing where there is alot of slack in the line)
  20. i got a rapala x-rap jointed shad today and its huge. 5 1/4 inches and 1 5/8 ounces. hope i can get a big boy on this one ;D
  21. other.....x-rap
  22. i was watching this bass pro shops next generation show this morning where teenagers host the hunting and fishing show. well this one kid was showing about texas rigging and he explained about a senko. first he said they were full of SAND!!! i thought that was the most thing ive heard. he also said that they wiggle in a spiral motion on they way down....i think he should have done some research before airing this episode.
  23. that snapping turtle myth is bullcrap. cuz me and my friend drove his ATV down to our pond, and he hooked into a biiiggg snapping turtle. he got it to the surface and it was thrashing. well we were sitting on the back of the ATV which was parked by the water, so he hands me the rod, and starts driving the ATV away from the water in hopes of dragging it on land. well the turtle let go. im not sure of too many myths, but i have a superstition that me and my dad follow all the time and it has been tru each time! whenver wer're driving to the water, if the gas guage is on E and the fuel light is on, then it is sure to be a good day. i also always wear the same T-shirt when i bass fish...(if i can)...thats not really superstition, i like the color (doesnt get hot) and i like the shirt.
  24. Hey guys, im gonna go get a xrap jointed shad tomorrow. have you guys had any luck w/ this lure?
  25. I think bluegill will do you just as good as pumpkinseed, mainly because crankbaits arent something that the bass will sit and stare at for hours before it decides it looks good. they see it swimming, it looks like natural, they bite. i think you'd be best off to save your money and just fish bluegill colord lures. however, you could go online, find a picture of a pumpkinseed that would best fit your lure, then give it your own custom photofinish. just PM me if you are really truly interested in doing this.
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