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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. same here when i broke my new lucky craft :-/
  2. yeah. the YUM Dinger is the same thing as a senko, only under a different company. on that senko thread, there is actually a section on senko alternatives, which a yum dinger is. glad you enjoy the help!
  3. well my advice is to be thankful that your even catching some in the day, that can be hard to do sometimes. big ones can be very hard to come by in the day, cuz they are lethargic. that causeway looks like a great spot. just like people would use it as a road, fish will too. they can use it as quick access to different types of structure or cover and even quick access to different depths. that reallly looks like a great spot you got to yourself. a real untouched place. if youre using powerworms with success, then keep doing it! why ruin a good thing right??? but, you could go out and buy some gammakatsu offset EWG hooks in 3/0 size, and pick up a pack of YUM Dingers why your at it, and rig those tesas style, but on the dingers, theres a little hook slot, so you can put the hook point in there so its exposed, but since its in that slot, its still snag free. just cast out those dingers, let them sit for a long time. then just shake your rod tip, reel in the slack that creates,wait a few more minutes, and repeat. there are so many different ways to fish a YUM Dinger. go here http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1121527643 for the motherload of information on this bait and how to use it! hope im being of help to you! feel free to PM me if you need anything.
  4. ok yeah, thats where i found the numbers on mine. i'll have to lookm that up.
  5. if what i said confused you about threading on the worm and all that, then try this: take a sewing needle, and tie your fishing line to it. then, thread the needle (and line) thruough the worm. when you get about to the middle of the worm, then poke the needle out, and bring the fishing line out. then cut the line off the needle, tie on a hook, and texas rig it as you normally would. hope that helped
  6. there sure is. go out and buy the biggest plastic worms you can find. im talking upwards of 10" long. take one of those, thread the worm on your hook about halfway down, then poke the hook out, and proceed to texas rig it. now cast this into deep water. big bass hang in deep water during the day, preferably deep water near shallow water. the reason for threading the worm on the hook about halfway is so that you get a better hookup percentage.
  7. hey where are you seeing this stamped number? cuz i got a ambassaduer 5500C from my neighboor...he said it was old and he never could figure out how to use it so he gave it to me. on the bottom of the reel seet i see 84-2-86-87...is that it?
  8. hey pal, your getting more and bigger hits in the evening, cuz thats when the big fish feed. they are much more active, and they are feeding, so they will take a lure more readily. in the mid day, your probably catching the small curious fish that have nothing better to do than bite stuff to find out what it is.
  9. HAHA!!!!!!!!!! NICE ONE AVID!
  10. what in my profile made you come to that [correct] conclusion?
  11. yikes...i think i'll pass on this one too!!! :-/
  12. yup i was gonna say, if your drag is so loose, then your handle will turn and the guide will move, but the spool wont turn. to solve that ya gotta tighten it. glad ya got it resolved
  13. haha. ;D yea i think im gonna try fishing that lure tomorrow (I cant resist! i'll be at a farm pond w/ big bass!!!) and if its just too troublesome to use, i'll wait till i can get a new rod to fish w/ it.
  14. maybe i will just fish what i normally do till i can get a new rod. and i think whoever left that rod there didnt forget it by accident. it wasnt in the greatest shape. there was a HORRIBLE birdsnest on the reel, the reel was extremely dirty, it wasnt very smooth operating, the tip of the rod had a small piece split off it, the cork on the handles was in bad shape, and the butt of the rod was broken off. also, some guides were bent. so i think the left it there for some other person to have cuz they were thru with it, kinda like people leave stuff that isnt great, but still works at the dump, so other ppl can get it.
  15. yea i always take my senkos and other worms off my hooks when im not using them cuz they will rust a hook in just a few days.
  16. ughhhh crap. well this thing has no warranty, cuz i'll let you in on a little secret...i found the rod. i found the rod along w/ a daiwa procaster at a pond. so i got it for free, and i dont have any kind of warranty on it. but i CANT get a new rod because i dont have enough money for one. i think i'll try fishing with the lure real gentle and if it just doesnt work out, i'll sell the lure.
  17. yea but when your holding the citica, you dont really notice the weight at all.
  18. see thast what i was thinking. its such a heavy lure, that a lob will send it soaring 60+ feet with ease. no need for a snap cast.
  19. ok. heres my delima. i have a big lure (1 5/8oz) and it exceeds my rod's max rating (5/8oz). i wanna try the lure cuz i think it will do good, but i dont wanna get a new rod JUST FOR ONE LURE. so, how bad is it to exceed the rating by an ounce? what harm can i do to the rod? its not a very high end rod, just a berkley lightning rod.
  21. Much to learn you still have my young padawan. Yoda. WEIRDO
  22. i really like them wacky rigged too. if youre gonna wacky rig them though, either use an Oring, or buy some strike king zeroes...those zeroes are indestructible.
  23. Alot of fish= Yum Dinger in Junebug color Big Fish= 10+ inch robbon tail worms (any kind) also on junebug.
  24. by cats do you mean like a kitty cat or like a ugly nasty catfish? yea those are spawning beds BTW. if they are small and close, then they are from bluegills, if they are larger and farther apart then probably from bass.
  25. well....this seems like it could be a problem ;D but see...i pull in fish that weigh much more than 1 5/8 ounces, so i dont see why the rod would break. i dont think i'd go out and get a rod for one lure. maybe purchasing that lure was a mistake!
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