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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. yea i might do that if i get more money and if therse stuff that i want/need.
  2. Minnow Rap in bleeding pearl caught me this bass: X-rap in silver caught me these bass: anyway, the minnow rap bass was caught just cranking it in in a farm pond. no problem w/ weeds or snags cuz its a plain bottom, dug out, farm pond. anyway, that was the only time i fished it, so that was the only fish i caught on it. biggest of the day though if youre getting troubles w/ weeds, two simple solutions MOST EFFECTIVE SOLUTION move spots, go somewhere with out weeds. OTHER SOLUTION reel slower, i was reeling this thing very slow because if it went to the bottom the lip would dig into the dead tree leaves on the bottom and cause problems. the slower you reel the more shallow it dives. yea they tumble on the cast but so do most cranks. w/ the xrap, i like to cast it, let it sit, maybe crank it down to depth, then give it small series of hard freaking jerks. then wait...up to 10seconds. then twitch it forward...wait a few seconds...then jerk it some more. kind of make it random.
  3. yea thats how i broke my lucky craft live pointer. i was so pi--ed/sad at the same time! :-/ they sent me a new one though. i really would like one of these lures, but its not the price that bothers me, its the shipping. the shipping charge at TW is almost as much as the freaking lure!!!!! i'll have to search around for some better prices.
  4. raul got it straight. it all depends. there is no "set way". for me, i use baitcasting in heavy cover but mainly, i use baitcaster when im fishing anything heavy enough to cast on it. for finess or other light tackle fishing i use spinning.
  5. i really like the looks of this small, inexpensive swimbait (it IS a swimbait, despite what you say, i found it filed under swimbait category ). its in my budget, its small enough to fish on regular gear, and if you watch the video, its got some crazy go nuts action. i'd get it in ghost minnow or chartruse shad. i think it would be a success lure, what do you guys think? http://www.***.com/descpageSWIMRIVER-R2SVM.html#
  6. im with Muddy on this one. when i started w/ baitcasters, i was like I don't understand why is the handle on the right side, but now after using them, i couldnt imagine doing it differently. the fact that i have to switch hands feels comfortoble to me, everything about baitcasters is comfortable. now if i use a spinning reel, handle MUST be on the left, i cant for the life of me fish one where the handles on the right. just something you get used to and accept.
  7. i'da kept it as a memory! that musta been hella cool to snap a rod on a hookset in a MONSTER bass!!!!!! plus, i dont know how well that epoxy would hold to tough fishing or even a 5lber.
  8. i dont remember but no doubt my first fish was a stunted bluegill caught down at the local park. or maybe it was a white perch at the pier in my old neighboorhood where i was raised. dang...i wish i knew, i'll have to ask my dad tonight.
  9. my biggest fish is a 38" carp that i caught on a breadball off a dock at my grandparents old house on a canal. that thing almost pulled me off the dock! my mom and grandma were holding me on the dock!!! unfortunatley, i have no picture of it. i did get a picture, but its horrible, because it was so heavy i couldnt hold the net, and the fish was still in the net, on the ground beside me...so you cant see the fish. HOWEVER the fish im most proud of is this MONSTER 7lb largemouth that i caught in spring '07 during the spawn:
  10. thats the key, let THEM have fun doing what THEY want to do.
  11. o woops! i didnt see where you said save THEN buy one... :
  12. you can take one of those and then take a horney toad and jam that thing thru its head from the bottom up and then snug the hook points up against its sides.
  13. that okuma wouldnt be saving me money, i barely have 30 dollars to spend on a rod!
  14. thanks for the link. the water here is stained so i wonder how that would do! where are the best places to fish one of these? over deep water?
  15. yea its kinda hard to explain how to pick a backlash out, as they are all unique, but they all stated whats pretty much true for all backlashes... the line loops around it self (dont ask me how...i wish i knew!) and what i like to do is click down the thumbar (freespool) and pull off line from the front, if it gets hung up, i'll keep pulling and push the spool forward w/ my thumb. if that doesnt work, then i'll look at where its hung up and if its a loop, i'll grab the loop and pull straight out on it, once the loop comes undone, keep pulling line off the reel.
  16. ok maybe i'd get the 7' H rod.
  17. yeah u guys are right. if i do get a rod, maybe i'll get the 7' Heavy. it casts up to 4oz. and im not too serious into swimbaiting, i just thought it'd be neat to try a few. and to answer your question of are there big fish in maryland, there are fish up to 5lb. that are not too rare, but anything over 5 is a genuine lunker and is a trophy fish. i caught a 7lber during the spawn last year, i was thinkin of runnin the king kong over the bed (if i get the lure). i'd be plenty satisfied catching 2-3 pounders on it, cuz to me, thats a very nice fish!
  18. what do you guys think of this rod as an inexpensive "swimbait" rod. i'd match it up w/ 25lb mono and a abugarcia ambassadeur 5500C. i'd get he 6'6" MH rod. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_20662_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6
  19. hahaha i listen to advice, only if i think its good! actually, i think i am gonna get a new rod. its rated for 1/2 - 2oz. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_20662_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6
  20. yes i will be getting a rod rated for 1/2 - 2oz. thast not gonna be a problem. here is the rod i would get (6'6" MH) http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_20662_100002006_100000000_100002000_100-2-6 but im wondering how the bait will work.
  21. definitley go weightless. if the weeds and stuff will support it, use a stop and go retreive, if it will fall when you stop, then just reel it back at a pace where it will stay up top the whole time.
  22. how does this lure preform? would the 8" version be a bit overkill for bass? also, how much does the 8"er weigh? i live in southern maryland and the fish here dont get too huge. thanks for any info you can give me!
  23. ive found that because of the hook placement on those floating hollow-bodied frogs (bronzeye) that they dont get very good hookups. you could try a soft plastic frog, and rig it texas style. the frogs that are perfect for this are zoom horney toads.
  24. i had an idea for a snake imitation. take a jointed rapala, and replace the rear trebel hook with a worm hook. then take the tail of a worm (or whole worm, depending on size) and put it on there, then just reel the thing in slow and the tail whipping action should make the whole thign swim like a snake! havent tried it yet but it could work.
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