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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. omg thats tough. if i absolutely had to pick i think i would say a 4" junebug yum dinger.
  2. thanks for the suggestions guys. i cant find the avids on sale anywhere. got a link?
  3. yeah thanks for pointing that out to me. i was pretty iffy about that rod, specially considering ive never even heard of that company, and they have several rods out, but the only one ive been able to find for sale is that one rod on that one site. maybe i'd be better off with a team all star IM10.
  4. original floating rapala
  5. if you want a long cast, use something heavy. and since it is heavy, it will sink to whatever depth you want it to go to. some specific lures include: jigs rat-l-traps spinnerbaits soft plastics with lead weights
  6. a trailer hook is a second hook that you slide over the existing hook. because the existing hook is attached to the bait, and kinda tucked under the blades and what not, alot of times the fish will hit the bait and miss the hook. in that case, the trailer hook is what gets them, because it is free from obstruction.
  7. yeah. i wonder how they would be though....im very tempet to buy it because of that warranty. if that "no questions asked" lifetime warranty is really the case, then i think thats excellent!
  8. exactly. g. loomis are too expensive, period. im sure they are very nice and all, but i'll bet the TAS are just as nice and alot less expensive. i cant seem to find the TAS online anywhere except cabelas/bps. i dont wanna order from them because of theyre additional shppping charges on rods.
  9. your problem is that you are letting go of the spool too late. tilt the reel so the handles point up bring the rod back to about 4o'clock, then sharply bring it up and release it at about 1 or 12o'clock.
  10. http://deloscustomtackleshack.com/rods/challenger%20pro%20elite.htm anyone ever head of them? i havent. i went on their website www.challengerrods.com and it is very incomplete, making me think they are a new starting company. anyway, on that rods little description at delos, it seems pretty nice. i especially like that warranty. what do you all think of this rod?
  11. oh and thanks for those other suggestions. those IM10 team all star rods look pretty nice. right in my price range too could you tell me any more about that rod?
  12. i mean like i wanna pay around 100 dollars. no more than 20 over.
  13. my 7lb+ giant (my scale was being funky that day, it was at least 7lbs...i know that)
  14. yea i tried that top water thing and the senko made my skitter pop sink :'(
  15. i really like the v-joint...i'd like to get one sometime.
  16. ok, so i was explaining to my dad the importance of sensativity in rods for bass fishing. well here is his response: "Your supposed to set the hook when its obvious that the fish is on, so why does the rod have to be able to detect a d**n earthquake in Indonesia!?!?!?" that made me laugh soo hard!!! hahahaha just thought i'd share ;D ;D ;D
  17. Where do i go to get an avid on clearance!?!?!?
  18. Probably something like "stilldontlikeyou"s avatar. hey not to get off topic, but anyone know where that dudes from? i was flipping thru channels and i saw that thing and it was on a little kid movie! i thought it was very weird. scared me even! lol. and thats some great advertising skills!!!! very clever dude! ok its sloth from the goonies
  19. hey! the daiwa procaster is a not bad reel for around 60 bucks. but for a quality reel, youre gonna have to pay 100. i know...baitcasters arent cheap, but in the long run you'll be glad you paid extra. i have a procaster and then i have a 120 dollar shimano citica and there is literally no comparasion between the two. i hardly ever use the procaster any more.
  20. How about the Triumph? http://stcroixrods.com/rods/default2.asp?rodname=65&section=spin looks pretty dang good to me, but i figured i'd ask here....so...how is this rod?
  21. hows this rod? http://www.allstarrods.com/as_instinct.html how are the guides on that? does being "single footed" make them weaker? also, doesnt the tip on that rod look weird? it looks like a normal guide, not a tip guide. also, how is all stars warranties? i read on there werbsite that they only cover the rod if its a manufacture defect and its up to them wether or not it is, and its 20bucks just to have them look at it. that doesnt sound like any good warranty to me.
  22. Probably something like "stilldontlikeyou"s avatar. hey not to get off topic, but anyone know where that dudes from? i was flipping thru channels and i saw that thing and it was on a little kid movie! i thought it was very weird. scared me even! lol. and thats some great advertising skills!!!! very clever dude!
  23. thats some awesome customer service there at cabelas!!!! only thing is, there are no cabelas around here that i could take it to to get it replaced. can you send them the rod? as for your clarus, i'd say call them up and tell them what happened and ask if they can cover it.
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