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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. if theyre in your house they'll be fine. but if theyre outside or in a garage that doesnt have any heating and it gets very cold in there, then i dont know what will happen lol...sorry.
  2. hahaha thats a good one! nice fish kid. that thing is easily 7lbs! i have a 23.5" bass that weighed 7lbs
  3. yeh my guess is that some jackass hooked that bass right thru the jaw bone, and since it dificult to remove hooks from bone, they just decided to grab and pull instead of working the hook out, resulting in -1 lip. alot of the juvie bluegills at the local park here are like that.
  4. thanks guys. i read a little bit about it at the fishing articles thing at the top of this page, and then went out and tried it in my yard. its not as hard as i thought it would be. i think my problem before was that i had my spool tension set for a normal cast. i practically took spool tension off, and turned on all of my weights (as i get better i might keep on less weights) and i did fine! i think it will be eaiser with a longer 7' rod.
  5. im not sure if this is the right place but it seemed like it was. move it it you must. anyway, i really wanna start going exclusivley jigs, and i'll get getting a new rod that will suit jig fishing very well. a 7' MH team all star IM10. anyway, i thought it would be a good thing to know how to flip/pitch. first off: what is flipping/pitching and what is the difference(s) between the two? second: how do i do each? whenver i tried to make a short, under hand or forearm cast i'd get a backlash for no apparent reason. it seems nothing went wrong to cause it. please try to help me out! thanks for any advice!!!!
  6. i wuv my citica:) its good for what ever i decide to use it for, cranks, plastics, jigs, spinners, what ever!!!
  7. i'd say use somethin in the 4-8" range. you could get a hard swimbait like the strike king king kong, or you could get a soft swimbait like one of mattlures. you could also check out huddleston swimbaits. just do a search online for swimbaits, there are a ton.
  8. wacky rig a fluke...works great and has just the action you're looking for as for the new bait, well i say make a creature bait. thats pretty much the only category that you can be "creative" in and make something that isnt already out there. make something with lots of appendages. i mean this thing should have appendages coming off of appendages. something very "crawly" that you could well...crawl...on the bottom and its just so ***** looking that a bass would just have to hit it to find out what it is.
  9. april 27, 2007: i was at a new lake. never been there. i went there cuz ive seen pics of big fish pulled from there. my dad didnt want to take me cuz it was a little far away, he said i wasnt gonna get a big one anyway. well i got there and started thrown a really shallow crank of some very shallow beds. i think they were bluegill beds. anyway, i caught a tiny bass that way. then we went across the lake. i could see lots of turbulence in one shallow spot. it wasnt like multiple fish chasing, it was just one huge swirl. it happened about every minute or so. so i knew there was something big there. i casted my original floating rapala over that same spot for about 5min straight. then i gave up. i told my dad who was fishing a powerworm at the time to fish that spot (thinking that if it wouldnt take my fast lure, maybe it would take his.) he only tried a few casts. i went back there to give it another shot. a few casts later i hooked up with a major hawg!!! that fish just kinda rolled around on the bed for a bit, then came cruising in towards me (scared me big time) then made a big ole u turn straight out to them middle of the lake. it was a tough battle. finally it got wore out and reluctlantly came towards me. i reached down and hauled up this monster. after a few quick measurements and snapshots, i released this 7lb beauty
  10. THANKS! you can PM me if you need instructions on how to do it.
  11. One of my dads biggest: My biggest: A nice photoshopped pic of a nice yella perch:
  12. LOL am I the only one that did a double take on this picture? Where did the bass's tail go?! And better question...is that a pice of tape where his tail was? i thought the same thing but after furhter inspection i determined that was one of those strange largemouths with reddish tails and tha tail was curved towards the camera :
  13. HAHAHA TWO ARM HOLD UP!!!!! nice job devin!
  14. ive got an ambassaduer 5500 and that thing is no comparasion to the citica. if you can set the cast control knob right, then i can only have 1-2 brake weights set and cast a senko 60+ feet with out even having to touch the spool.
  15. i wuv my citica. im glad it didnt have any problems with it
  16. well hey check that out! those do have that little thing where you slide your line thru. they sure dont look like tilapia though... :-?
  17. yeah i just say use it. if you get bit and then break off the hook or it straigtens out, so what, its just one fish, not like you just lost 5grand cuz of that fish. maybe they will be just fine! i say use and it and find out.
  18. Don't forget the Storm Hot' N Tot. All of the above.... Plus of course the Kickin' Minnow swimbaits..... POWER TO THE KICKIN MINNOW!!!!!!!!! i had one of these and it was great. about the best swimming action ive ever seen on any hard or soft bait. only thing is, they rip easily. i caught a big, i mean BIG snapping turtle on it (dont as me how...cuz i was swimming it just under the surface) and that d**n turtle ripped the lure. so if you get some, get like 5+ of them.
  19. hmmm i dont know. i do know that matt lures makes tilapia swimbaits, and they are the only ones ive seen, so maybe he modified one of matts? :-/
  20. i have the citica 200D (didnt want the DSV cuz of the over sized handles and it didnt have certain features that i wanted) and i fish everything on it. about 75% of my fishing is soft plastics, mainly senkos. this reel performs great! i love it so much. really beats the hell out of the procaster that i had been throwing.
  21. yeah thats what i plannned on doing. it would be a big waste of 3hrs driving to go there and have them not carry the rod.
  22. yeah ive pretty much made up my mind on that rod. my dad said he'd take me up to bass pro to buy it so i dont have to pay shipping
  23. whats great about those bps extremes? ive had other reccomendations for that rod.i dont see anything so special, except the sale price. i dont think the falcon is for me. i think the team all star is my best option. im going to the tackle box (local store) tomorrow to look. if i cant fine it i'll have to call BPS and see if they have it, and if they dont i'll be forced to order from the internet and pay for shipping of large items :'(
  24. if thats not the case then i'd inspect the drag on the reel....maybe it crapped out on you
  25. i read an article about using these on a dropshot (or a wiggle rig if youve got it!) in north american fisherman to catch bass from their beds. its sposed to imitate a bluegill and the way they said to fish it was to get it on the edge of the bed and give it a little slack so it slides in the bed, then tighten up a little so it pops back up and repeat that to look like a gill stealing eggs. what do you all think?
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