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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. exactly what i thought. sure the twitchin bar is cool, but on a $60 the twichin bar probably aint the same as on teh viento, and the rest of the reel probably sucks too!
  2. hey all, when i get a job and some money and when i can drive and will be fishing on my own, im gonna need a one man "watercraft". my jon boat is too big and heavy for one person to handle. what are some inexpensive options? what about like one of those inflatable rafts? are those any good? or what about those pontoons like this: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&partNumber=84331&hvarTarget=search&cmCat=SearchResults would those do? can i mount a motor to one of those? anyway, any suggestions on a light, small, managable, inexpensive one man watercraft?
  3. ok i have an insanely leaky old 12ft riveted v-hull jon boat. it leaks thru the middle seam thing and the rivets around it. what should i do? ive tried jb weld and since the boat flexes, the jb weld just pops off....kida actualy made it worse. what should i do? should i sand blast it to prepare the surface and have someone weld all ther rivets/seams? is there any kind of bottom paint that will seal the hull? pweeze help
  4. ive got these in the insulated lug sole http://cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/horizontal-pod.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/pod-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat20431-cat350005_TGP-cat350005&rid=&indexId=cat350005&navAction=push&masterpathid=&navCount=1&parentType=index&parentId=cat350005&id=0000596 and they are good for teh money. they dont breath at all tho...i sweat like a pig in them, but hey, they keep me dry (except for my sweat!!!) theyre plenty durable cuz they have that "hard shell" dont only use them in rivers either! i use mine at ponds where there are vast shallow flats along the shore line that are unfishable cuz theyre like 5" deep. so i just walk on out there to the edge of the drop off and fish.
  5. david that worm doesnt move on its own. the way it was molded was in a coil and when you get them you have to cut all the little pieces that hold in in the coil. then when its in the water you pull it and the resistance straightens but then it curls back up. so its not really moving on its own, you have to work it.
  6. Steve at Designer Lures www.designerlures.com ULTIMATE custom soft plastic lures!!!! these are as custom as you can come up with. you can choose from lots of color, mix colors, layer colors, what ever. add any color flake you want at no charge, multiple colors of flake, whatever. many different flavors at no extra charge either. he can add rattles for a meare $.30. he can make the baits float, sink, or float w/o a hook but sink when you put a hook on. they are hand poured plastics and are very soft. he can add hardener for added durablity. all of that for GREAT prices!!! and not to mention steve is the nicest guy! if you go there tell steve dsaavedra sent ya there are several baits not listed on his site that he has available (site is new) he makes senko style baits called torpedoes. you can go to www.nealstacklebox.com to order or email steve.
  7. first thing that came to my mind was 4lb. glad to see everone else agrees.
  8. hey thanks guys! idk why i dont smile in fishing pictures lol :. fish of those size arent too common. but they arent too rare either. i'd sure like to top 7lbs! cuz if i topped that then i'd have a new PB!!!!
  9. THANKS MAN! thats a pearl/silver glitter YUM dinger (my fav. senko type bait)
  10. this is my biggest fish caught on a senko 18" 3lbs caught in the lily pads:
  11. glad im on par. i was thinkin like johnnydel, i thought i was way small...guess not. around here my scale is: less than 12: small 10-14: average 14-18: common 18-20: big 20+: huge!
  12. happens to me all the time. in shallow water i can see the bubbles rising out of the bottom. its gasses that have formed under the bottom and are rising. if you pay close enough attention, the bubbles will come out of the same spot several times.
  13. ive got one from walmart by brinkman. i love that thingl its got very bright white lites, then an red one in the middle. the red one is so it protects your nightvision. (turn that white one on in the dark and you wount be able to see well for like 30 min afterwards) also red doesnt bring bugs to you.
  14. lets see, cover this from top to bottom: bandit footloose rapala floater bandit 100 bandit 200 rapala shad rap rapala DT10 (or whatever the deepest you plan on going is)
  15. ive never used them but looking at them in the stores they look like crap. they look like that hook would snag up alot. but apparently they work good .
  16. i got a pack. i pull up big ole bluegills (and lil ones too) and crappie and bass....its like a mystery bait!
  17. more from lake jameson (last night)
  18. yeah mines about the same in th 12-14" range and weighing about a pound.
  19. "Pond 3": another view: "lake jameson" "dorchester"
  20. haha thanks val. yeah once i fish this i will give you guys the scoop. im always thinkin of different stuff to use. im not sure i think its just cuz im bored alot and have nothin better to do. alot of times i try to think of something that would work naturally (shad, crawfish, other stuff...) and then try my best to recreate that thing so that it will be to the most realistic extent and have the best acheivable action. i think this ones gonna have great action, but bunny stips flow and the fur is so thick and fluffy that it really breathes well in the water. maybe the added turbulence from the spinning blade will cause the fur to have a constant kicking action.
  21. wow when i first read cliff's post two things came to mind. lipless crank and spinnerbait. im suprised only one person said lipless crank and nobody said spinnerbait!!!! anyway, yeah they are prlly lookin for a bluegill snack, so throw a bluegill imitator. if you cant afford the mattlures swimbaits, then an inexpensive and not too shabby bluegill swimbait is available from Storm for about 2.50. its called the kickin slab. i have one in bluegill color and its very durable and real lookin. the action isnt the greatest but it does ok.
  22. hey everyone, i just made this spinnerbait. i had the head laying around so i sanded all the black paint off it to make it shiny, and then i just tied on a strip of bunny fur for a trailer and then wrapped it for a body. im hoping for a pulsating, flowing, shad profile in the water. what do you all think?
  23. good job. well put.
  24. i think i might have seen in a post around here that you can use a zip tie instead of an oring for wacky rigging senkos....does this work?
  25. i guess cuz a spiner bait is more of a reaction bait, a trailer isnt nesescary, if a bass decides to take the spinner, hes gonna take is trailer or not! but somethin with alot of tail action would be good for a trailer, like a grub or horney toad or something.
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