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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. haha i was wondering what your second arm was doing in there lol. i was thinkin, either that thing weighs 40lbs, or he's just really weak! lol j/k
  2. whats the smark? is that another daiwa reel w/ the bar??? and yeah i do like the twitchin bar. my friend has a viento and it does come in handy. no problems with it...yet.
  3. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D thats what i say. sure theyre easy to use and all, but i'd never CONSIDER using them for bass. sure if your just goin panfishing w/ the kids or whatever then yeah theyre a good choice, but WAYYYY too unreliable for bass.
  4. great job! you dont see that tail thing everywhere you go....a nice advantage. but i have to ask...why did you make 6 baits all identical? (with the exception of the tail)
  5. i voted t-rigged. i guess theres no difference between t-rig and texas rig, but i like t-rig better, faster to type
  6. haha yeah prlly 8. that thing has a huge mouth in the second pic!!!
  7. woops ! sorry guys! i accidentally made a copy of the last picture. i fixed it so now the last picture is of my bass. lol! woops! : ;D
  8. sure is lol!!! ;D it seems that that is the one no-fail lure. when nothing else will work, i can go to that and manage a few bass. thanks everyone for the comments i also got a few pics of roadkill during the trip, but im sure you wouldnt want me to post them : :) ;D
  9. great job! judging by the size of that bad boy's mouth i'd say upwards of 8lbs! prlly close to 10!!!
  10. went out this morning with my dad. we had a goooood morning! much better than the previous months fishin. all these bass except for one were caught on wacky rigged yum dingers. my dad caught this 15"er on his FIRST CAST he put it right next to that pine tree there and caught this one: then we moved over to an island thats in this lake and my dad caught this unexpected fish on a wacky worm! ive never heard of perch being caught on wacky worms thats why it is cool. 12" perch: then it got reall slow for a while, so we moved across the lake into a cove and i caught this tiny guy: couple minutes later my dad caught this one (he was being retarded! lol. love that face tho!!! ;D): then the fishing got VERY slow!!! nothing would bite, probably 30-45 minutes went by with out a bite. so we moved over to a bed of lily pads by the shore and i caught this nice 17"er. theres a story to it too lol. my dad casted right after me and his worm fell off. i was looking in the bottom of the boat to see if it was down there. then i felt my rod move to the right so i looked and my line is speeding to the right! so i set the hook fast, fearing a gut hook. well i did get a gut hook. but i managed to get it out and the fish swam away fast. i couldnt get in the pic cuz the entire other side of the fish was solid red with blood, and it was dripping everywhere, so i had to hold it overboard. if you look hard enough, you can see a drop falling in mid air lol 8-) anyway, here it is: on the NEXT CAST i caught this 15"er: then we moved up along the shore some and i caught this litte guy. he shook my worm off...i was upset >: my dad caught this one on a floating rapala along the edge of the lilies: we moved across to the other side by some other lilies and i caught this last one. it also shook my worm off....i hate it when they do that! so all in all a good morning!!!
  11. thanks. we've filled the boat up before and for some reason, it doesnt leak from the inside... :-/
  12. the trebel doesnt even have to be long shank to tie a trailer! do you mean to dress it like on a x-rap or do you mean actually tie the fly right on the trebel?
  13. my friend told me that he heard on the news that google just launched a huge satelite thats supposed to give new pictures every day. i never heard it for myself but that will be awesome if they do. i know that google updates there pictures about twice a year right now. whats a delorme atlas and is it online? or is it actually a book?
  15. right here on bass resource along the top green menu bar, if you select tacklebox, then you can select free fishing log. ive never used it but hey, its there :
  16. BHEC-I: The baby in the family of Bass Hunter boats. Lightweight and economical, with the same strong construction as our larger boats. A perfect choice for the single fisherman. Features include internal foam floatation, 2 H.P. motor rating, 325 lbs. maximum load, weight of 60 lbs. with seats, dimensions of 78" length and 40" width, olive green color and a one (1) year limited warranty that ones a little too small! 6'6" thats like fishing in a bath tub! half my rods wouldnt fit in that thing!!! lol. if i were to get a bass hunter i think i'd get something like the ultamate bass hunter or the ex or the stalker. is a 10' aluminum jon boat really that easy to handle by yourself?
  17. yea today my friend looked at my boat and said "thats a hell of a lot of welding to do. it'd be cheaper to buy a new boat than to weld that thing!" then he reccomended i go out and buy a can of herculiner for 30 bucks and paint that on there nice n' thick. its indestructible and will seal it. so i think thats what i'll do. anyone know if i should sand blast the hull before i paint that on?
  18. i like google earth better. its in color too. you can move freely and see the entire world with it. but yeah, ive found alot of places to fish using it!
  19. yeah ium gonna look into those bass hunter type plastic boats. whats a crawdad? is that like a float tube?
  20. that stuff doesnt crack as the boat flexes?
  21. im diggin the boots!!!!! 8-) LOL! nice fish! ;D
  22. hey thanks i might look into that!
  23. hahahahaha nice!!!! new world record right there!!!!! now all you gotta do is eat it so no one can verify for sure ;D
  24. haha thanks my camera has a "anti red eye" flash thingy...maybe i should try that next time. it flashes like two times, then another two, then once more then takes the pic. i guess all the flahses are to get your eyes accustomed to it. i wonder if it works...
  25. yeah i'll probably have to take it somewhere. how much do you think that would cost? maybe i could get some amish ppl to do it. off topic: just curious, do you all know what amish people are? im asking cuz they are all over the place here, but i havent heard of them anywhere else, so im wondering if its just a local thing.
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