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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. great! i was just gonna ask if powerpro comes in bulk spools. i really like powerpro but i have to use some more different lines before i go buying bulk spools, to make sure its the line i really like.
  2. im not sure but i think i like the daiwa more. i like the wider range of casting abilities (lure weights) that it can cast. the all star has a real narrow casting weight. which do you guys think has better craftsmanship?
  3. rowland im havin some difficulties! : i like em both. i do like the hump grip on the daiwa, ive never used one but it looks comfortable. maybe i should just go with the team allstar.....
  4. i like the looks of yum crawbugs they are the most real looking craws out their besides the huddlebug, but i havent gotten anything on them. i have a set of the pre riged ones and i dont fish em alot. maybe i'll fish them this suday since the fall fishing should be picking up here shortly.
  5. x2 cast, reel, catch!
  6. ok thanks for the input. what was it you didnt like about the daiwa?
  7. that is a big ole bass man!!!! i wish i could get big fish on senkos. i catch lots, but nothing big.
  8. long and skinny im gonna say just under 5
  9. Which rod would you buy and why? thanks everyone.
  10. dude its not that much trouble to take off the sideplate. specially on shimanos because they have that quarter turn key system....at least my citica does. very easy to open. you siply lift a piece up, twist it a quarter turn, and that unlocks it and the sideplate swings open on a hinge. plus like someone said before, you are pretty safe with leaving two or three on and the rest off and you wont have to change it too often. i dont really notice much difference in the braking power in either style, its just one of those thigns that doesnt matter much. the only problem i have with magnetic brakes is that i always end up switching them when i palm the reel, messing up my casts. i do like my VBS but i wouldnt stay away from a reel depending on what brakes it has.
  11. part one shimano citica part two shimano chronarch
  12. i'd like to but i cant find em on sale anywhere!
  13. i looked briefly at falcons, but i dont think i looked at fenwicks. im gonna go check them out now
  14. its all good man, just saying my experiences. now that i think of it, i was using a steel leader w/ a snap at the end cuz there are toothies in that pond, so that probably added some weight. i was using a size 9 original floater, no split ring. that leader probably weighted it down more, but even just a regular snap swivel would mess up the action. rapalas are very sensitive baits....ive had a tiny piece of grass get wrapped around the hook and it completely kills the action.
  15. sassy shads and swimbaits like that dont have very good action. the big flat sides tip the lure over on its side and cause it to go on a plane. now they might work if you put a belley weight on them to keep em upright....but the tail action still aint that great. i like their tournement worms. they look like they have good action...cheap prices tooo!!! $4 and some change for 20 worms!!! thats great if you ask me.
  16. i still dont see whats wrong with those physically, they look finished to me. but i understand what you mean about killing the action. those original banjo minnow look like about the only TV lure that is worth it. i still wouldnt by any tho.
  17. actually it does limit the action. i tried it one day, and it makes floating lures sink. it puts way too much weight on the nose, so it sinks down nose first, very slowly. all that weight in the front doesnt allow the bait to work properly.
  18. that is a big pickerel!!!! im suprised it only weighs 5 pounds tho. MD state record is 7 pounds something ounces so imagine how big that would be! nice pics davis
  19. the allstar has more guides than the daiwa, so its good in that category. ugh im so undecided and torn the daiwa looks better and looks alot more comfortable, but im afraid its not going to be as sensative. i even went as far as to make up a pro and con sheet for both rods. the all star came up with an even number of pros and cons, like 5 each, and the daiwa came up with like 8 pros and 3 cons......
  20. ok thanks raul, you been a big help. so, out of the two rods, which would you buy?
  21. i think they look dumb. but then again, senkos look dumb too, but look what they turned out to be! what are they anyway?
  22. for some reason i always thought those were a topwater bait...i might pick one up and give it a try.
  23. jeeze, i wasnt trying to accomplish anything, i just simply wanted to see some pics of some fish anyone has caught on a senko.....
  24. wow ur the luckiest man alive that they sent you a rod, let alone a KISTLER!!!!! your also pretty lucky to get a useful lure...most of the lures they send me are junky little tiny sample packs of dumb soft plastics.
  25. ok. ive never heard of line slap happening. is line slap a bad thing? is there a way of comparing the sensativity of two different rods from two different manufacures with out actualy using each of them?
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