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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. great job man! i'll bet you catch all them weird fish cuz seein as thats in a residential area, people probably release aquarium fish and they grow to monsterous proportions in there! i should try doughballs in the residential ponds i fish.
  2. when i use a Spook, should i use a loop knot (rapala) or a direct tie (trilene knot)? thanks...ive never used one and i plan on using it tomorrow morning.
  3. thanks guys! you were both real helpful! i think next time im out i'll pick up a skitterwalk
  4. hey guys. how is the skitterwalk? i know there are others (LC sammy) that are better, so i dont want to sound rude or anything but i dont need to hear reccomendations/comparisons for them. but what i want to know is: are they easy to walk? how is their action? and how do they compare to a zara spook? thanks!
  5. i dont see why most people see inline spinners as not a bass bait. ive caught countless bass on my top secret inline spinner. ok i'll tell ya what it is. its a 3/16oz blue fox vibrax minnow spin in minnow color. this lure is absolutely beast!!!! ive actually caught a fish on all of the colors, but minnow and rainbow trout have been my best producers. the gold is very good also. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_15446_100006002_100000000_100006000_100-6-2
  6. pkschul, try out this combo: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_74456?cmCat=CROSSSELL&cmid=PP_P1_2 it is very nice and will last you several years.
  7. ((((((((COUGH)))))))) ugly
  8. i dont even want a spinning rod. lol. and i didnt see any 7 footers.
  9. the ones in the first link dont have sizes i want and the ones in the second link are way too d*mn expensive!
  10. im glad im not alone. i cant get roostertails to spin for the life of me. thats why i used bluefox
  11. thank you! i dont think i like that rod too much just not what im looking for.
  12. yeah see i dont think a beginner needs top of the line stuff, but i dont think they need the lowest possible stuff either.
  13. i like powerpro alot, and i dont think the stiffness is an issue. like tin2win said, it wears off after a few outings.
  14. yea ive noticed that...and it looses its "crunchyness" so to speak. but i guess im seeing this issue because its the first time i've used braid on a baitcaster, and that never happend on a spinning reel.
  15. the coating from the line turned your cork green??? yikes that bad! the thing is i cant wipe it down, it gets in all the little spots in the "spool bay" or whatever the whole open part is called and i cant get to any of them. wait, the idea just came to me to take the spool out and clean it....duh :-/ i should have thought.
  16. i have one valid reason. some beginners may get a casting setup and get quickly discouraged and give it up. then it would be a big waste of money to pay upwards of 200 dollars for a first timer. like when i first picked up a baitcaster, i was doin alright but i kept getting massive backlashes several times...so bad i couldnt use the reel anymore on the trip. so i just gave up on it for many months. (thankfully it was a combo that i had found at a pond and didnt pay big bucks for...someone left it for the next person cuz there was nobody else there and it was in bad shape when i came across it). anyway, then i got the incentive to pick it back up again and once i learned how to properly use it i really liked it and wanted a newer quality setup. just my thoughts...
  17. got to pick shimano on this one
  18. thanks for the suggestion i really appreciate it and all, but i dont want to "settle" on something that im not sure i totally want just because it was at a good price. i wanna make this right
  19. first off this is such a coincidence that im posting this at this time because i meant to post it a few days ago, but i forgot, so now when i do post it there are a bunch of other posts about braid. lol thats funny. anyway, when im "breaking in" new powerpro, it sprays this gunky green stuff on the inside of my reel (all around where the spool rotates) when i cast. this stuff is the coating from the line. does this happen to other people? does it happen on all braided line? what should i do about it? how can i clean it?
  20. 1. i use braid on all my rigs...but never in clear water (thers none around me :) 2. for 20-30 pound braid i would definitley go with a 30 size reel. 20-30lb braid is usually 6-8lb diameter, so it will handle it well...heck, i use 50lb braid on a 30 size reel. 3. ive never used a leader before for fear of losing fish/bait/sensitivity (braid is very sensitive alone and im not sure about w/ a leader.) one tip you can do to limit the visibility of your braid (or any line) is to take a sharpie (i use brown) and color the first few feet of line in little 1/2" segments spaced 1/2" apart (roughly) believe it or not it does make a diference. 4. Alot of people like suffix and im sure its good, but its too expensive for me right now so i stick with power pro. very good at a very reasonable price.
  21. yeah thats nots a good reel. i'd go with the one muddy suggested. its a nice beginners combo. GET IT WHILE ITS ON SALE!
  22. well for one its 6'8 and i want 7'. i also want split grip and no front grip. now i know the crucial has a front grip but thats a exception :. thats about it. but i think im gonna go with the powell for a good general purpose single hook rod. and maybe later after i get a job and have some money i will pick up a crucial for finesse fishing.
  23. i think im gonna go with the powell. i'll be using the rod for stuff other than weightless plastics (small'medium jigs and stuff too) so i think the powell would be a better choice. rw, thats just not the type of rod im lookin for :-/
  24. thanks a bunch for all the info in this thread!!!!
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