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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. k thanks guys.
  2. dont worry...i still like to walk
  3. no i dont just want a purdy rod, and i dont have the money to blow on a purdy rod. and how is that steez affordable? ;D what i want is a light, sensative rod, with no foregrip (weight and sensitivity) and a split rear grip (weight) and those combined make for a purdy rod, but i dont want it becuse its pretty.
  4. yea twitchin bar quickly pull in up to 20" of line. this is used for if you want to hop a jig or worm or crawl something on the botom. its supposed to be easy convienent one handed operation.
  5. VIBRATION IS GOOD! you definitley want to feel the vibrations. that lets you know whats going on down there. if you feel strong vibrations then you know everything is going well...if they vibrations start to feel mushy, then you probably picked up a leaf or a piece of grass or something that killed the action. now you can rip you bait hard to rip off the tag-a-long. that triggers strikes sometimes
  6. ive got a Daiwa Procaster 6+1 (casting reel) and its pretty good. not the best of things, but its not bad for the price. a prime example of you get what you pay for. berkley lightnin rods (casting or spinning) are good for under 100. my dad and i work jigs and plastics on oursno prob. ugly stik...not so much. okuma stratus ST-30(spinning reel) i got it for 40 bucks at dicks. it was my first and only bass sized spinning reel. its not bad at all. pretty darn smooth. dont remember how many bearings. this isnt a well known reel...i googled it and came up with nothing. its' never given me any trouble, except for the time i dropped it on cement adn it landed on the bail, so it wouldnt open right and the handle hit the bail. i bent it back in shape and now the reel works just as good as before the fall. AbuGarcia Cardinal 500 on berkley lightning rod (spinning combo) this is what my dad got for about 60 dollars at dicks. seperate they are great products and just as great when combined! good value for the price. never let him down....except when he casts, the two piece for frequently seperates, sending the top half flying into the water...maybe its just a bad rod, or maybe all of them are like that. pflueger trion GX combo (UL spinning) got the rod and reel for 40 or 50 at dicks. hasnt let me down yet. the same thing happened to the reel that happened to my other spinnign reel. bent it back and its just as good now.
  7. The_Conceited_Redneck had a good point. you mentioned that you werent using any brakes at all. well if you arent using them, then take them out! my only thought would be that either the brake weight or the pin that it is on or both are somehow deformed. you should take those two brake weights off and inspect them closely for differences. and do the same for the pins. maybe the hole on those brake weights are slightly too big for the pin so they slide up. did your reel come with replacement brake weights? if it did just swap out all the brake weights and try again.
  8. so on one of my most often fished lakes...in the evenings, i will see about a 3 or 4 foot wide school of shad just start jumping like crazy about 100 feet away. so i will go over there, and when i get there, the shad have moved to the exact same spot that i just came from. its very annoying. what should i do?
  9. HOPEFULLY!!! that pond is dangerously low, the deepest is about 3.5feet...the pond is probably 4 or 5 feet low. so i dont know how well it will hold out over the winter (most likely will freeze over) and i dont know how (or where) the spawn will be because all of the spawning beds are now on land.
  10. great job! i'd like to see that video.
  11. i fhshed the one at Gilbert run park once...the fall fishing derby...it was kinda retarded tho.
  12. nice job. fish on new techniques are always fun. i need to learn dropshot... :-/
  13. dont worry, your not alone. i had the same kinda day today and i was fishing a stocked farm pond!!! i really hate big lakes. thers one big lake round here and i realy despise it. at least until i get some kind of sonar and a nicer boat where i can map the lake out.
  14. yeah about 1/4 of the tail was missing and it was bloody looking. this is a big, old fish so its probably from fanning out many a spawning beds over the years.
  15. ok thanks guys. i think im gonna check out my local dick's and see what they have. i've got $3.41 left on a gift card so hopefully i can find some and knock that gift card out.
  16. i guess i did forget straight shanked hooks. they are pretty uncommon in texas rigs though arent they?
  17. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?id=0011851110700a&navCount=17&podId=0011851&parentId=cat20293&masterpathid=&navAction=jump&cmCat=MainCatcat20166-cat20293&catalogCode=IH&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat20293&hasJS=true i want a snap that wont interfere with the action of any lure (even fine tuned rapalas). would the smalles size of these work? anyone have any experience with these? are they any good? any reccomendations on other snaps?
  18. ima have to get some of these "clips" everyone is talking about. ive seen them and i know what they are and all, but i dont have any. seems like it will be much more convinient than re-tying every time i want to switch baits. do they hinder the action of baits at all? i know that rapalas are easily messed up by added hardware...does it affect them? im guessing the smaller the better with these things huh? anyway back to the topic of the thread....i actually have used a WTD bait before but only for a few casts. i used a direct tie this morning and it worked fine. WTD is not really that hard with a spook. :
  19. on another forum, a member asked about the texas rig...she had never used one and didnt understand how the fish got hooked if the hook point was in the rubber of the worm. i made a post that i thought was pretty informative and worth sharing. so i decided to post it here for any beginners to the texas rig 8-) here it is: there are two basic ways to texas rig: that is the traditional way where the hook point is burried in the rubber. the second(usually called tex-posed) is where the hook point is exposed outside of the rubber, but lays smooth against the rubber. Traditional method: with this it is completely snagless. nothing is exposed out from the rubber. to hook the fish using this method, you need a very stiff rod and a very powerful arm. this combined with a low strech line (such as braided line) will allow you to really pull on that hook to get it to come thru the rubber. a typical hook for this method looks like this: Called an offset worm hook. the offset is that little kink (90° bend) behind the eye of the hook. notice how the hook point is above the eye. Tex-Posed: a play on words since its a Texas Rig but the hook point is exposed in this method, the hook point isnt burried in the plastic, but rather lays ontop of the plastic. this is what i prefer. you can get by with a less stiff rod and a less strong hookset. it usually results in hooking more of the fish that bite. its also very snagless. the most you will usually get is some weeds. i prefer a tex-posed worm over a traditional texas rigged worm. a typical hook for tex-posing looks like this: Called an offset EWG worm hook. you know what offset is, but the EWG stands for extra wide gap. notice how much larger the gap of the hook is. also notice how the hookpoint lies "in line" with the eye of the hook. this is what allows the worm to be tex-posed and have the hook point lie flat (if you tex-posed with the other kind of hook, the hook point would be stickin out at a 45° angle). oh, and this applies to either method: there are things called bullet weights: named so because of their shape. the line goes thru that little hole thru the center. alot of people slide one of these on before they tie on the hook. you thread the line thru the pointed end of the weight (not the flat end). after you slide the weight on the line, tie on the hook like normal and texas rig the worm on the hook like normal (traditional or texposed). the weight will slide freely on the line. some people prefer that, others dont. if you want you can use a toothpick to "peg" down the weight. simply take a wooden toothpick and cram it tightly into the hole of the weight while it is attached to the line. when its tight you just break off the toothpick and the weight will stay in place. the shape of the weight is to that the texas rig stays snagless. not all texas rigs have these weights on them. some are "weightless" which simply means they dont have any of the weights on them. i prefer weightless. well that pretty much covers it....hope that helped you! PS: texas rig is amazing...one of the most used techniques in bass fishing...definitley worth giving a shot.
  20. im the same way my friend 8-)
  21. my dad and i took our neighboor jerry to the farm pond today. well the day wasnt so great. the highlight was definitley when my dad caught his new PB!!! it was 22" long and 4lbs 4oz. he caugh it on a rat-l-trap early when we got there. dad ended up with 4, i ended up with 2, and jerry didnt catch any great day for dad, ok day for me, and bad day for jerry. Dad's PB: My best of the day (19" 3.5lb): (i was releasing that one, not landing it...incase you were wondering why there was no hooks in it )
  22. great point! keep at it man...those vids are cool. wish i had a video camera that i could make some fishin vids from.
  23. great video! looked like alot of fun. tin2win, isnt that your sister at the end?
  24. if you cant see the line, use some kind of mono (so it floats) or if you must use braid, run it up and down an unscented candle to coat it in wax so it floats and just watch for ripples on the water from fish twitching the line.
  25. i really dont like buzzbaits, and spooks do well on this pond (ive seen other people using them there catching 5lbers)
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