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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. glad they dint have them when i went to BPS cuz i was planning on buying one. arent they called "king shad", not "rip shad"?
  2. i saw the nest raider a few weeks back. looks good for clear, heavily pressured lakes where realism is the key, but its too big and too expensive for me....i think if i was gonna go w/ an egg eating salamander pattern i'd just stick a bullet weight in front of a soft plastic salamander.
  3. as roadwarrior said, 11lb 2oz is state record here in md. my scale of fish here in southern maryland: 0-1lb=average fish 2-3=good fish 4-5=big fish 6-7=lunker 7-9=hawg 10+=mother flippin' monster!!!
  4. 6oz. below i believe. HOW YOU DOIN PAUL! glad you like it here (i reccomended that he come here...i met him on a different forum). you wanna meet up w/ a trophy hunter eh? you need to get in touch with Fish Chris. lol ;D
  5. your setup of baits look pretty good man. but might i suggest a big ribbon tail worm? the big tail flaps around and makes all kinds a cool action, and it triggers strikes alot. ive torn em up in farm ponds with a ribbon tail. also, you should try a junebug senko...they work...period.
  6. i was thinkin of usin the tube it came in, but that would be a pain to have to constantly re rig them. but i guess its worth it to protect the rod. i'll see if it will work if i stick it thru the back windo...if not i'll use the toob.
  7. thanks for the suggestions guys. im pretty sure my dads not gonna buy and mount one of those rod holders to the front of his truck though. i was thinkin of just putting it next to the passenger seat and have the tip come out the little slidey window in the center of the rear windshield.
  8. i got both my rods in the same tube...which suprised me cuz i ordered each one on a separate bill. but hopefully they just put yours in separate tubes, or they forgot one and will send it back soon. it will work out
  9. Hey, just got my 7'0" avid in the mail today. my dad has a small pickup truck and i have to squeeze my 6'6" in diagonally. well my 7 footer isnt gonna fit, so how should i transport it?
  10. MY TWO AVIDS CAME TODAY!!!! but im not allowed to see one till christmas (gift from my parents) but the one i bought is AWESOME!!!! the contored handle is so comfortable. i wuv it cant wait to try it out.
  11. x3 for the citica!!! dude you gotta go w/ shimano. i bought a citica as my first "quality" baitcast setup, much like you are buying now, and i LOVED it! it was just so awesome. i bought another one (100 size...my first was 200 size) and im gonna put the 100 on my new crankbait rod.
  12. i recieved an order confirmation but i never got a tracking/shipping confirmation.
  13. cuz they suck:) no but seriously, 119.99 is the MSRP but delos carries them for cheaper AND free shipping. if you ever consider picking a reel up, check delos first cuz they are good w/ prices and shipping (anything over 75 gets free shipping.)
  14. i agree with burley www.deloscustomtackleshack.com 149 w/ free shipping. never been to simmons i'm gonn see what they have now.
  15. gotta go with the citica dawg! 6.2:1 gear ratio = good for worming/jigging....thats what i use mine for : citica (any model) $100 free shipping at www.deloscustomtackleshack.com
  16. so glad i jumped on this. i looked and the more "popular" avid rods (6'6" MF, 7' MF etc.) rods were full price and no free shipping.
  17. thanks david! i knew you'd come in and clear it all up so it'd be ok to use this reel in brackish water?
  18. wow i just bought one of those reels nd didnt even know it was only 7.4oz. thats a pleasant suprise! i forgot it didnt have the HEG like its big cousin the 200 size.
  19. hey whats the DSV on the citica models mean?
  20. not sure if there are any very light in tha price range, but the SOL from daiwa is only 7.4 oz but its $230
  21. yeah i was gonna say $20 is a deal! good luck finding a good one for anything less than that.
  22. YES SIR HE DID! bought me a 7' MF yesterday. cuz i knew the sale wouldnt last long and instinct took over and i jumped on it. cant wait to get the rod. cbfishalot, thats exactly what i fish. when i said jigs i do mean light jigs. i dont usually go over 1/2oz. but i dont fish jigs alot anyway.
  23. you lil booger you : had me scared there for a second. well ya know what, my friend has an avid, and it feels real nice, and when i saw that deal i knew it wouldnt be there for long and i just couldnt pass it up.
  24. i would definitley go w/ the 5/6 for all of the reasons Ghoti stated. but if your going for northerns, depending on how big they are, you MIGHT want a 7 or 8. but for bass a 5/6 will put up a good fun fight and cast flies well.
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