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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. ok...and they never will be prerigged?
  2. i did read somewhere that they spawn in january in temperate areas like here in southern maryland. that gives me one reason to drag my dad out fishing in the winter :D
  3. i agree....sol is orange and looks good on that...but get what is better and will work better, and will suit your needs better... this is like when you were gettin on my case for wanting a pretty rod, but in the end i didnt go w/ the $170 super sexy powell, i went with a sale priced avid for 96 dollars. its like Wendy's man...Do Whats Right.
  4. see i cant realy have anything bulky like a rod holder in the boat, cuz its only 12 ft and i have to share it w/ my dad and its pretty tipsy as it is. i dont really have room for anything other than what i have in it. but i'd really like to make a rod holder for the boat...maybe i will try to make something small...
  5. [move]C I T I C A ! ! ![/move] go to delos to get one for 100 flat w/ free shipping.
  6. yeah tell me about it! it seems apparent that some arent pre-rigged, but are there any that are pre-rigged? will you be making pre rigged ones?
  7. yea that recconmends 3/0. i think im just gonna go ahead and get 4/0.
  8. dude i love pickerel. i'll forgive the one that slashed my thumb.....cuz i totally agree w/ jwo1124 cuz the two that i caught were amazing fighers but the only thing is they thrashed around once landed and are very hard to handle...slimy as hell.
  9. i think im gonna add a rod and reel cover to my xmas list
  10. d**n KID!!!! i want those fish! the 24" looks fatter so that ones probably the bigger one. you should really use your scale.
  11. How do you know shiners don't feel pain? 'Pain' might be the wrong word anyway, but regardless, I don't have any more respect for mice than I do for shiners. Using mice, IMO, would not be any worse than using shiners, although it may seem worse. Kittens? That's just ridiculous. I can't believe someone would do that, but I guess he really really, really likes his muskies, and doesn't care much for cats. i have the same views. certainly shiners feel pain. take a screwdriver and start pressing it behind the gills of a shiner or baby bluegill....notice how they start frantically flapping....i dont think theyre doing it for fun. ever unhooked a fish and you accidently jerk the hook the wrong way and the fish "gags"....ive always thought of that as they showing that i just hurt them. i guess the difference is that shiners are cold, slimy, and hard, but mice are warm fluffy and soft. but still...theyre pretty much equal in terms. with that being said....i would never use a mouse for bait!!!! i'd much rather keep my fingers in tact than try to hook that little bugger just to maybe catch a fish.
  12. i like the gammy glock. but are you sure 5/0? seems kinda big...maybe i should go with 4/0?
  13. this aint the standard storm swimbait w/ the heavy azz head and the bood tail...its much different. its got a jointed plastic body, and a swimming lip. the action on mine was amazing. if i get some BPS gift cards for xmas i will be pickin up several more.
  14. ok thats cool! i'll just have to find a way to make doo temporarily cuz i think im going on sunday. but im taking the boat on sunday, and its an aluminum jon boat in pretty bad condition, so i hope it doesnt scratch my rod all up if i lay it in there. cuz i wrap my reel up in a t-shirt so it doesnt get scratched but now that i have a nice rod, i gotta figure out a way to protect it too...maybe i'll wrap it in a bedsheet.
  15. go to delos, they have all the sizes, even the 100 size.
  16. this dicks deal is great, but im sure it will only last for a short period. take advantage of it if you can and if you dont get a chance, the citicas are on delos at that low price forever...its not a temporary sale.
  17. dsaavedra@md.metrocast.net
  18. i was liking this hook since i can slide the weight up and down the shank for a nose down dive, or a level dive, or a tail first dive.
  19. i love the foot loose. i use it in the farm pond which is almost dry...3ft. maximum depth. just about any other crank i have will run into the bottom and pick up dead leaves...good thing thers no hard cover to snag on in there.
  20. thanks for the suggestions. do the magic shads have that thing where the plastic is more dense at the bottom and less dense at the top like the imakatsu ones? cuz if its like that then i can just use a regular hook (not weighted).
  21. yeah, it's Strike King king shad or ABT rip shad. Its also the closest thing to an effective swimbait for the east coast that BPS carries. at least the one near me. NOT TRUE! next time your at bps, look for the storm kickin minnows. these things rock. they come in 4, 6, and 10 inch sizes. gizzard shad is my favorite color. but if you get some be sure to get several because they will get torn up cuz theyre so delicate (theyre delicate because of the awesome action!) there only like 2 bucks and some change.
  22. yeah just be patient. i ordered mine the 15th and got them yesterday.
  23. i want some 4.5" magic shads. i was thinkin of gettin one of those hooks with the weight on the bend...are those a good choice for this kind of bait? also, what size? i was thinkin 4/0 or 5/0. thanks!
  24. thanks for the suggestions guys. im pretty sure my dads not gonna buy and mount one of those rod holders to the front of his truck though. i was thinkin of just putting it next to the passenger seat and have the tip come out the little slidey window in the center of the rear windshield. I don't know how handy you are, but I would construct an apparatus to solve your dilemna. I'd keep it in the truck's bed, butt toward the cab and tip toward the tailgate. You can use wood, felt, and some simple tools to build something that will hold that rod (and others). You won't even have to take the reels off. Here is a picture of a quiver I built for 3 rods so that they can all be held in one hand. Build yourself a similar deal for the truck's bed. It could easily be removed and placed back in the truck. I bet you probably have some scrap wood around the house that could be used. A square of felt at WalMart is less than $0.30. What I envision is a narrow strip of wood fitted to the width of the truck's bed with the slotted grooves like the one in my rod quiver you see that are lined with the felt. The number of grooves you make is up to you. This wooden strip would be placed somewhere in the truck's bed between the middle to rear two-thirds, such that the wood is propping the rod up and an angle that is just above or at the height of the tailgate. Velcro could be used to secure the rod. Something like this probably won't take but an hour and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you built it yourself. hey thats pretty clever...could you PM me and maybe tell me a little more detailed what i could do? thanks! lbh, i hate them front rod loaders too....i'd be scared to death to use one.
  25. is that really what the lake fork magic shad looks like? is it that thick? does it swim by just reeling it in?
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